[AL] Loading New Room

5 years, 3 months ago
2807 4

Faisy surfs the anonymous client MRMR for people to talk to about the news. Old and new faces alike pop up.

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12:06 PYRLDAN 15th 500,915 - ANONYMOUS PRIVATE ROOM 610.48

@thoughtfulinnocence is online.

Pinging @washingrivers.....

TI: I know you're awake!
TI: Come on, it's noontime in Rio.

@washingrivers is online.

WR: i'm here. 

TI: It took you long enough! How are you?

WR: i'm fine. stopped up by my boss. i can't stay long, i have to get back to work soon. 

TI: What sort of work?

WR: you wouldn't be interested. filing stuff for things going down the river, mostly from quamecia & sleiiameni. mostly normal stuff like uh
WR: like... just mostly food i think, going to tablia & gellm. it's important work but it's boring
WR: important cause all those people are depending on their food & stuff. especially tablia

TI: Right, they don't grow any of their own food, yes?

WR: yeah. so quamecia & their subsidiaries produce all the food in return for stuff like discounts to tablia casinos & whatever. & some other stuff
WR: but i can't tell you all that ;P

TI: Haha!

WR: hah, yeah. anyways did you need something? this sounded urgent.

TI: Ummm you have access to a television at work right?

WR: yes, are you talking about the Morion news broadcast?

TI: The press conference! Yes!

WR: yep, i saw it & my boss/coworkers watched too. it's crazsy to think about huh?
WR: *crazy

TI: It fills my head with a lot of thoughts, to say the least. Did you know what a Gladar was?

WR: no, did you?

TI: Not at all. This changes everything. Not only for Easiia but for me, personally, and everyone else. There's so many paths laid in front of us. It makes me dizzy.

WR: what're some of those paths?

TI: I think about the sickness. This could be the answer to that, you know. It's a magic-based disease and it eats up your magic. That's why he's been out of commission so long
TI: To fix it you need a surplus of pure Magninium. More than what the person had originally. So for mortals it's a relatively quick cure... for a lesser god not so much.
TI: That's why Ruve's been sick so long. We were trying to extract small samples from the other lesser gods and the plants but it was taking forever and it's hard to store it without contaminating the samples.
TI: But if what the Gladar said was true, then he has more than enough magic to fix him.

WR: i didn't think you'd be excited about that, considering
WR: well you know

TI: I'm not. But I realize it and so does everyone else in Easiia. And they all want their beloved leader back. One of the more... ah, unpleasant lesser gods was talking about it
TI: Saying he'd be so happy to have Ruve back. But I'm not ready to give up my throne yet. I've toiled too long for this

WR: mmhmm

TI: I've worked too hard. I've put in the long hours, you know that. Why should I bend to his will again?

WR: so what's your plan? i can't see how you'd avoid it

TI: When the Gladar visits I'll be careful. I have to avoid letting the other lesser gods talk to him and mention Ruve's sickness.
TI: If I can keep everyone at a distance then I should be able to gently spin the conversation so that it never comes up

WR: surely someone would eventually talk to him about the sickness, right?

TI: Yes, of course. I only need to hold him off long enough until Ruve can be disposed of, though.

WR: hold on what?
WR: you're going to kill ruve? :O

TI: No. I don't plan to, at least, although truthfully I must say I'm prepared to oblige if need be. I suppose 'depose' would have been a better choice.
TI: I just need him out of the picture permanently, but I can't risk martyring him.

WR: how could you convince the populace to trust you?

TI: That's been my plan since day one of me gaining power in Easiia. I suppose news never reached Rio... ah well, it's to be expected.
TI: The fact of the matter is simple, my friend: happy people do not rebel. Happy people fall into line, whether they like it or not. All I have to do is maintain happiness and link it to myself.
TI: Funding bridges, schools, museums, generating beauty and jobs in this city. Lowers unemployment. Lower military funding. (For the time being, of course).

WR: lowering military seems like it'd be a controversial thing.

TI: Not if you phrase it the way I have. Focus on the security of our city. We'd probably be one of the first to go the second Inras turns his gaze southwards, granted, but the people don't need to know that.
TI: Maintain good relations with our neighbors and it makes them feel better. Of course you have the traditionalists, but what's to be done about them? Nothing.

WR: i have a traditionalist coworker. i hate them... always bitching about the war & stuff. it's like they don't even realize how long it's been since the southern half went to battle.

TI: I suppose with Cycla and Inras nearing to each other by day it comes up in people's minds more often. :) I don't think the south is at risk until Inras and Cycla finish their own pitfights.
TI: No point wasting resources charging on the south when they both have the other superpower to contend with. But the second one of them falls, we may be prey.

WR: i feel like it'll be a while before that happens.

TI: I agree. So no point in not taking matters into the hand and lowering the fear of military for now. I've been keeping watchful eyes on most media outlets and discussion boards.

WR: how's public opinion of you?

TI: Good so far. Of course most people still think it's a temporary thing until Ruve gets better. Little do they know....

WR: haha yeah :)

TI: I appreciate you listening to me rambling, Rivers. We've come a long way.

WR: i don't mind it. & it's nice to hear about drama in other cities sometimes. gets boring here a lot!

TI: Haha, I suppose. I feel like we should be thankful for the peace, but it does get quite boring.

WR: yeah. i'm happy i don't have to fight but i guess it's just hard to wrap our minds around it still. yknow?

TI: I do. I always appreciate that we seem to be on the save 'wavelength' about things. :)

WR: great minds think alike

TI: True, true.
TI: It would be nice to meet you in person one day, Rivers.

WR: hmmm

TI: You could visit Easiia. You already know who I am, it wouldn't be a big deal to invite an 'ambassador' from Rio.

WR: i'll think about it. it'd be weird for me to suddenly ask my boss about leaving
WR: especially when i haven't talk about it before
WR: talked*
WR: i could try starting to bring it up a little but really i'm still kinda shy! 9_9 hah

TI: There's no need to be! I don't hold any ill will towards you. You're the nicest person I talk to regularly, in all honesty.

WR: awww don't make me blush faisy. >u< i guess we'll see. 

TI: I look forward to it, at least. :)

WR: we'll see! anyways i gotta go, have more files to sort and stuff. have a good day faisy!!

TI: You as well.

@washingrivers is offline.



13:21 PYRLDAN 15th 500,915 - ANONYMOUS PRIVATE ROOM 610.51

@thoughtfulinnocence is online.

@shorelinesword is online.

SS: Oh. It's you.

TI: Yes. 

SS: Let me guess, you're running around to all your cronies to ask about the Gladar?

TI: I'm touched you consider yourself my "crony". 

SS: Don't push your luck, Innocence. 

TI: I'll try not to. What did you think of the broadcast?

SS: It was interesting.
SS: Sort of.
SS: I didn't like the Gladar very much, but eh. I guess it's nice to have some big guy looking out for us.
SS: better than the Harmonics ever did

TI: Hm, I suppose that's true.

SS: What about you?

TI: I'm of a similar opinion. Although I don't hate the Gladar as much as you do, I think. 

SS: I don't hate him!

TI: Yes, well, dislike. I don't dislike him. I think he's fine and is perfect for the 'verse.
TI: If nothing else, he seems easy to manipulate.

SS: Hey now! What are you planning!

TI: Nothing! :) Nothing bad at least. He's going to visit every city so we'll both see him regardless. 

SS: Yeah you're uh... Farwoods right?

TI: Mmhmm! 

SS: Dumb of you to tell me where you live. Now I know if something goes wrong I can tell Leav. 

TI: Good thing nothing will go wrong, right?

SS: Eh, I don't trust that, coming from you.
SS: ANyways is that all you wanted to talk about?
SS: lol sorry for the typo 

TI: Yeah, I didn't have much else. Just browsing MRMR rooms looking for people to chat with about the press conference.
TI: The site's been a little inactive so it's hard to find rooms.

SS: Ah, yeah. Guess people are busy with their real jobs. 

TI: It's my day off!

SS: Yeah, sure.
SS: Cya, Innocence. Maybe we'll bump into each other again?

TI: Perhaps.

SS: Yeah, yeah. Good luck finding people to talk to.



13:51 PYRLDAN 15th 500,915 - ANONYMOUS PRIVATE ROOM 610.56

@thoughtfulinnocence is online.

@fabfelix is online.

TI: Oh!

FF: Hello!

TI: You know this is anonymous right? You don't have to use your actual name as your screenname.

FF: Oh, yeah I know, I'm not the actual Felix hehe!!

TI: Oh, okay. Sorry for the confusion.

FF: It's okay! So how are you?

TI: I'm well, you? Just heard about the news from Morion haha.

FF: I'm doing great! I'm from near Morion \u/ Not Morion itself though. But I've visited a few times!

TI: Oh that's neat! What did you think of the whole Gladar business!

FF: It's funny. I didn't like Zevan's anyways, they have bad food *bleh*

TI: Is that the fast food chain the Gladar worked at?

FF: Yes! So everyone's been talking about it haaaa.
FF: Apparently the CEO tried offering him a position on the board of directors after the news dropped

TI: Did he accept?

FF: NOPE!! and I wouldn't either! XD It's super shitty to do that to someone after you fired them just cause you fired them for a dumb reason!

TI: Interesting. Thanks for the tidbit.

FF: No prob! Hey where are you from? 

TI: South-central region. Think near the forest.

FF: Oh wow I've never been there before! Is the forest nice?

TI: It is, but I don't visit often, unfortunately.
TI: Ah, dear, it's 2 pm. I've got to get going!

FF: Oh okay! Nice talking to you Mx. South-Central :)

TI: You as well.



14:03 PYRLDAN 15th 500,915 - ANONYMOUS PRIVATE ROOM 610.54

@thoughtfulinnocence is online.

Pinging @washingrivers.....

TI: Pleaseeeeee

@washingrivers is online.

TI: Good, you're here!

WR: i sure am
WR: make this quick though i'm still supposed to be working, faisy :')

TI: Did you know the Gladar turned down a position on Zevan's board of directors? 

WR: no, why is that important?

TI: It's not very important, but I think it's interesting. It tells me a lot about him. His morals, his values.
TI: Or he could just be very petty, which is telling anyways

WR: faisy i'd love to stick around & chat but i have to get back to work :( i'm really sorry
WR: we can talk more about this tonight?

TI: Are you sure you can't stick around a little more? I'm tired of bumping into random people. 

WR: how many rooms have you gone through since i got offline?

TI: Two.

WR: that's not even a lot!

TI: It grates on my nerves though!

WR: i have to woooooork if we don't get these shipments down by tomorrow tablia will LITERALLY STARVE.
WR: do you want to be at fault for tablia city starving??

TI: You can just send the invoice down to Easiia haha!

WR: omh. nooo my boss would be so confused!
WR: anyways ok save all your conspiracy theories & plans for tonight. i promise i'll get on around 8

TI: Okay. I'll see you then.

WR: don't waste your entire life on mrmr okay? go out & do something fun!
WR: don't feed into your horrible online addiction to anonymous chatting!

TI: I do not have an addiction!

WR: >:0
WR: Lies! anyways okok i'm going now bye faisy

TI: Goodbye

@washingrivers is offline.



14:14 PYRLDAN 15th 500,915 - ANONYMOUS PRIVATE ROOM 610.61

@thoughtfulinnocence is online.

@mowom is online.

TI: Oh that's... sure a name.

MM: you're one to talk mx. pretentious

TI: My screenname isn't pretentious.

MM: sure
MM: wtf kinda shit is "thoughtful innocence"
MM: you're probably neither of those things

TI: If you're just going to berate me then I'm leaving.

MM: i mean i don't really care

TI: Where are you from anyways? So I know to avoid people from your region. :\

MM: hellv isle 

TI: Oh of course.

MM: hbu

TI: South-central.

MM: north or south of river

TI: South.

MM: oh you're a forest person no wonder you're pretentious

TI: This is going nowhere.

MM: what did you get on mrmr for actual discussion?

TI: Yes.

MM: ok then pretentious boy what didy ou want to talk about

TI: The recent Morion City news broadcast. About the Gladar.

MM: what

TI: Oh please don't tell me-
TI: You didn't watch it?

MM: no i don't watch anything like that. boring

TI: Oh my Harmonics.

MM: now don't get your panties in a twist buddy. it's just not interesting ok

TI: I'm not wasting my time with you. Goodbye.



14:35 PYRLDAN 15th 500,915 - ANONYMOUS PRIVATE ROOM 610.67

@thoughtfulinnocence is online.

@ice is online.

TI: Haha how'd you get that screenname?

I: Skillz

TI: Fair enough. Assuming you're from the northeast?

I: yup

TI: Interesting. What's it like up there? Are you Cycla, Milkia, or Icecap?

I: Cycla

TI: Holy shit, I didn't know your lesser god even let you guys get online haha!

I:  Haha

TI: What's the city like?

I: Cold

TI: Fair enough. I hail from the South-Central region. Below the river.

I: Oh neat

TI: Yeah! Hey, did you hear about that broadcast from Morion City? Are you folk allowed to watch those?

I: Yes

TI: What'd you think of it?

I: Interesting

TI: You know I was sure Cycla had some sort of monitoring system on his people. Restricted internet, perhaps?
TI: Granted I never had much evidence for it, but I figured that since I never met anyone from Cycla on MRMR it was either because they all hated it, collectively, or weren't allowed.
TI: But I suppose you've proven me wrong!

TI: ...Are you still there?

TI: Hello?

I: Yes sorry

TI: Oh good! I wouldn't want to lose you yet! I'm very curious about your city.

I: where are you from?

TI: Below the river!

I: city

TI: Sorry, I'm not comfortable giving that out.

I: Please

TI: ...Okay. I'm from Farwoods.

I: Hmm

TI: Is it true that Cycla and Icecap have an open borders policy with each other? Have you ever visited Icecap?

I: why is your IP pinging from Easiia

TI: I use a VPN.

I: Mm

TI: You're not allowed to track people's addresses you know. That's reportable.

I: Ok

TI: ...Anyways can you answer my question?

I: Yes

TI: To both halves?

I: Uh huh

TI: That's fascinating. What's Icecap like?

I: Cold

TI: Any insights to share about either city? Have you met Cycla or Orva?

I: Yes, Orva

TI: What's he like?

I: You're asking a lot of questions

TI: Sorry, it is rude of me. Would you like to discuss something else?

I: Let's talk about Easiia

TI: I already told you, I'm not from Easiia City. I live in Farwoods.

I: You're clearly lying.

TI: How?

I: Let me guess
I: Just one guess

TI: Guess what?

I: Faisy

TI: What?

I: You're Faisy

TI: No I'm not.

I: From Easiia City~

TI: I'm not Faisy. I don't know where you're going with this or what you think you'll accomplish.

I: We'll find out

@ice is offline.

TI: ...Fucking bizarre

TI: oh Harmonics. There's still five hours before Rivers gets online again.
TI: Back on the hunt I go.