In Depth Information

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
1 1867

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Going more into depth about any information about Ivan, including a far more detailed factfile / information hub. Also this can contain a Q & A sort of thing about him if anyone's interested.

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In Depth Fact File

Name: Ivan Lector
Goes by: Ivan
Species: Humanoid
            -Exact species is unknown

Age: 32
Birthday: 8th December
Gender: Male [ftm]
Pronouns: He / They / Ender / Ghost
            -Gho is also experimenting with it as a pronoun
            -Tends to prefer Ghost / They / He / Ender

Orientation: Homoromantic, Asexual
            -Though not exactly sure where he sits on the spectrum
Relationship: Single
-Currently they have no want or need to search out a partner

Abilities: Sorcerer
-Ivan is capable of actual magic abilities

Hair Colour: Dark Grey with some white streaks
Eye Colour: Reddish Brown
            -He lost his right eye due to a magical accident, he’s blind in it
Blood Colour: Red
Specific Features:
-Bat Ears
-Dog Tail
-‘Water Shaker’ Chest container and eye

Playlist: Youtube Playlist

Ivan is very friendly but he gets self-conscious and paranoid about himself often and easily. He likes the things he understands and knows, if you find something that you both like he’ll get very happy to talk about it all. Gho likes silly puns and jokes, thinking that if he doesn’t always take himself seriously, he won’t feel as much pressure by the world to be what it wants. They have a very small social battery, so become drained quickly and easily, but will push ghostself further to ensure that if a teen has come to themselves for help, that he won’t leave them until they are helped.

Character Notes:
Ivan is considered an outcast of sorts from his village, accepted and acknowledged as far different from them, but not hated in anyway, just slightly misunderstood. Though only the children seem to understand that he truly is a sorcerer and not that he's just setting up tricks or optical illusions. He finds it hard to reach out to others and make connections, preferring to stick to his house and awkward puns.
Gho tends to find themselves as the, go to person, for any of the town’s teens. Be it they need someone to talk to seriously or they just need a laugh, for some reason they like to flock to him. Something about him just helps them to relax and work out what's going on with themselves.

Ivan really likes to dress formally and slightly over the top, though sometimes he simplifies it down to just a button up shirt. Ender does like to keep its shirt open to show off the tank in enders chest, though with enders normally outfit they keep the tank and a lot of their skin covered up. Usually their outfits are simple colours without patterns, though sometimes they do really like to wear lots of pattern, it’s just not their main staples in their wardrobe.
They also really like to where cute little chibi ghost designs, either on their necklace or to help pin their neck piece in place.

Design Notes:
-His white streaks developed at 20, he’s not sure if it’s due to ghosts magic use or not.
-Has a tattoo just below his left shoulder
-Eyebrow piercing in his left eyebrow, he sort of regrets having it done. He also has a set of ear piercings.
-Their nails are false, makes it easier to remove them if needed to for a spell.

Ivan is slightly embarrassed to admit, but he’s not too sure about his origins or what elements he accesses for his magic. He’s pretty sure ghost magics are involved somewhere, they know passions can seep into where their magic draws from, it’s well documented.
The fact it was born with some levels of magic also doesn’t help with trying to work out the magical type, considering that born magic can be its own thing completely. The strangest part about their birth magic, is neither of their parents nor grandparents were magical beings, and it doesn’t normally skip that many generations even if it was recessive.
It doesn’t affect nor has it caused his ears and tail, they are a different genetic cause and reasoning. It’s given them some levels of ‘bat abilities’ due to their ears, but this is not of magical origin.

            -Cuddly Toys

            -Heavy Rain
            -Hot Weather

 Name: Tim
 Species; Amorphous Blob, mainly Cat shaped
 Gender: Male
-He found Tim under his bed one day, the creature decided that he liked Ivan, and thus was staying, Ivan would call him ghosts pet, but Tim refers to himself with that title. Tim is very sentient and probably stronger than Ivan when it comes to powers.

There are many rumours and different origins for Ivan, especially as to how the sorcerer has come to settle in the town. Living on the outskirts in what is quite a cute and small house, though he somehow manages to make it seem spookier than it is.
Even if you ask him, he'll wave his hands around and give some mundane story, but if you compare it to the one someone else was told by ghost it will be different. No one knows if ender's doing this maliciously or if gho himself cannot remember how he came to live here.
He moved there in around his early-20s, if he’s honest the exact time as also been lost in the around 7 years that they’ve lived there, maybe they think it might claim that it’s been 10 years, it would be easier for ghost after all, especially when there’s some nosier people who want to know exactly everything and why that ender came to live there, along the same lines it also likes to sometimes claim that they’ve been their his whole life.
He has settled in quite well, though ghosts desperate for the other adults of the town to realise he's not joking about being a sorcerer, he genuinely is and look, that's real magic and a real ghost. They just think he's very dedicated to his bit, and keep laughing it all off or explaining about how it could be faked. Ghost does guess that maybe his insistence of stupid 'spooky' puns isn't really helping the cause. It's not going to stop them from doing them though.

Magical Background:
Ivan was born with his magic, but it’s something that he’s pushed further and developed more as he’s grown, studying to expand it further and make it easier on his system to do so.
He's not so open about the incident that caused his blind eye, though it is very clearly magical due to the blue-green shimmery liquid it’s become. It is also clear that this was not done deliberately, Ivan often lamenting his old perfect vision from when he was younger, but it’s also not from recent times as they’re clearly capable of navigating the world with a weak depth perception.
What was done magically, and not an accident was his chest capsule. They don’t like to go into how or why they did this exactly, it’s been frowned upon by a lot of the other magical humanoids he’s met. It is considered a self-experimentation. Ivan has got what he thinks is a perfectly valid reason behind having done this, considering it his own unique form of top surgery. The liquid inside of it, isn’t necessarily water, and they’ve never deliberately tried to crack into it to find out what it exactly is, so they like to call it water for ease.
Now he tends to use his magic more for pretty tricks but also general use, using it to grab items he needs, or entertain people with pretty swirls in the air while it can also be useful.

-His tail wags and sways, emoting like a dogs.
-Having bat ears, he can hear really well, mostly uses it to know when visitors are about to turn up.
-The three magic wisps around his tail disappear if ender overuses ghosts magic. They also disappear or float away when they sleep.
-Along this line, the wisps aren't stuck to his tail in anyway, it's just their preferred area, sometimes they drift up to his face for affection.
-His chest is like a water shaker, the little ghosts float and shift around in there, the water has a slight shimmer to it.

Other Design Notes:
The designs / reasons behind some of these are slightly ooc, as the media mentioned don’t necessarily exist in Ivan’s core universe.
His tattoo is also magical at its core, done by another magic user who focused on the aesthetic magic and what can be enchanted into tattoo ink.
Tattoo Design:
Ivan wants to have more done, he’s just trying to work out what designs it is that they want to go with.
His current design is just below his shoulder, it’s based off of the Fenton Portal from Danny Phantom.

To be fair Ivan also views this as sort of a tattoo as they’ve permanently stuck it down on the back of the tank.
This sticker design is inspired by the deceased content creator Technoblade.

When he was younger Ivan had his hair shorter and often dyed red. Strangely however, when they developed the white streaks never held the dye quite as well, so would fade faster then the rest. He stopped dyeing it long before he started to grow it back out because he realised how badly it was damaging his natural colour.
He was also slightly less confident in how he looked, hiding his tail when around others when he could, and his cloths wouldn’t be as out there and as fancy as he often prefers to where now adays.

It also took Ivan quite some time from his late teens to mid 20’s to really come in terms with the fact that he’s asexual. Something inside ender just really didn’t want to accept it and even now they don’t really know why it upset and annoyed them so much. Though it came to realise that gho liked men quite quickly, though it’s pretty sure it’s taste in men is still completely wonky. It hasn’t really dated anyone, there were a few people in the early days, but there’s been no real need for him to try, though they would like a partner if they’re honest.
When he finally came to doing the magic that caused his chest capsule, he knew what he was doing and how other people would view ghost because of it. Ender didn’t care though, it’s what ender wanted and nothing was really going to stop ghost from doing it, they couldn’t have top surgery medically, so they’d do it magically in ghosts own way. They did have a couple more experienced sorcerers and a magical creature watch over them after to make sure nothing went wrong, but didn’t have them there at the time so that each of them could have plausible deniability if ghost got into any trouble from this magic change. None of them necessarily encouraged ghost to do this, but none of them really tried to stop or persuade them otherwise after they realised how much gho wanted it.