
1 year, 6 months ago

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Rustling leaves gave away the Beardog's position on the wooded trail. Normally, he would do his best to be stealthy. But in recent days his injuries had only worsened, and all he could think about for the moment was finding somewhere to hide. He stumbled through the undergrowth, unaware of the sheer drop on the other side of the bushes.

He lost consciousness before he hit the ground.


He was being carried. Two bodies moved beneath him, supporting his weight as they took him to some unknown destination. He attempted to lift his head, but the exhaustion wouldn't allow it. Shortly after, he was gently deposited onto some soft grass. Voices surrounded him, concerned and intrigued. The beardog listened as best he could in this half-conscious state. They discussed his state, who he was...what he might be called? That struck the beardog as odd. His kind didn't usually use names for each other.

He didn't dwell on the thought for too long. His body and mind were exhausted, and it wasn't long before he fell asleep.


When he awoke again, he was surprised at how much better he felt. He could actually open his eyes this time. He found that he was covered in poultices and loosely wrapped bandages. It wasn't great, but it did the job. He pushed himself up to his feet and stepped out of the den he'd been laid in.

"Oh hey; he's up!" someone called out. "Go get the doctor."

He was looked over again while the other beardogs stared. It was rather embarrassing, especially when one beardog pushed through the crowd and walked right up to him. The beardog braced himself, ready for a fight.

"Glad to see you're ok," the other beardog said with a smile. "I'm Orion. And you?"

The beardog watched Orion carefully.

"I'm just me," he replied. "No need for silly identifiers."

To his surprise, Orion chuckled.

"Well we have to call you something," Orion pointed out. "I can only say 'hey, you' so many times before it becomes disrespectful."

"You're acting like I'm going to stick around," the beardog shot back, narrowing his eyes. He'd much rather be back out in the wilderness by himself.

Orion raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think you're getting very far in that state," he pointed out. "The good doctor here spent quite a lot of the night trying to keep you alive. It'd be a shame to waste all that effort."

That almost sounded like a threat. The beardog raised his hackles, only to be overcome by a hacking fit of coughing. He struggled to keep his balance, but raised his head to meet Orion's eye.

"Fine. Have it your way."

They gave him the name "Tape". Over time, he came to tolerate it.