Feather trial

1 year, 6 months ago

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It was a cool evening at Lilika overlook, the sun had just set and now twilight is upon the mountains. Myse was looking over the outlook where you could see the treetops of the mountainous Valley, lost in thought. They didn't know what to do to earn their Feathers, her older brother got them for fighting a mean old fish and bringing it to the village for dinner. She wasn't a fighter, in fact she hated conflict. She's a kiamara of peace, she's shy and quiet like a mouse and is soft spoken. She's a gentle soul, so she's lost on how to earn her feathers. 

She decided to take a relaxing walk in the valley forest, she always loved it there, sometimes taking her sketchbook to draw some of the flora and fauna. 

She reached the valley forest, birds tweeted and butterflies fluttered above her. She loved it here, and she could always find her thoughts here.

She had a discovery when she realised you didn't have to show your brawn to earn a feather, you could do many things like helping a kiamara or searching for answers. 

She was always happy in Lilika overlook but she has never properly explored the rest of Solaria. Sure, she's been to Pandrea, Crestport and Manabane, but what about the rest? 

She completely forgot about her feather trial when she got home and started to pack. Her mothers, Lynara and Zephyr had picked flowers from their new flower garden extension. "Hey sweetie, are you going somewhere?" Zephyr smiled. 

"I'm going to travel around Solaria." Myse softly said, nervous that her parents would disagree. 

"Don't forget to take these." Lynara handed her some freshly picked flowers.

"And don't forget to bring these as well." Zephyr raced to the kitchen and handed Myse a satchel of dried berries that are so delicious. 

"T-thank you." Myse was overwhelmed with the love that her parents showered her. She was glad to have such amazing mums and a cool brother who was showing off his skills to the other villagers. 

When she looked closely at the flowers, she noticed a feather. She managed to earn a feather by finding herself. Before she was lost on what to do with her life, but now she's going to travel and explore Solaria, perhaps bringing treasures back home. Lilika overlook will always be her home no matter what.