[WoR] Red Flag Hunt - Tracking 3 [Solo]

1 year, 7 months ago

[WoR] Red Flag Hunt - Tracking 3 [Solo] 704 Words +7 Personal +3 Special Event Bonus +2 Total - 12

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Prompt: Draw or Write about your Reosean tracking the Bounty creature. Do they examine tracks on the floor, or use their own hunting instincts? Or perhaps have they received a device that ''supposedly'' helps tracking wild animals? The world is yours! You have as much freedom in this prompt as you want.

Individual Submission by Mechanic-Drone


Mayhem 15219 | Ragna 15390 | Catalyst 6453

Rain dropped slowly from the sky, the dark clouds above laying ominous over the desert, seeming to threaten an imminent downpour. A group of three sat atop a large dune, giving them a clear view of the barren landscape ahead. 

“Best finish this tracking quickly, the weather isn’t going to hold and flying in it won’t go too well for me.” A large blue tyrian spoke as he gazed up at the sky, one or two small drops of rain hitting his cheek and causing him to close his eyes. 

One of the females, a black and green runner nodded at the statement in response, “Guess you’ll be grounded like the rest of us. Sounds rough.” Her tone was cool but sarcasm draped her last sentence.

The last of the group, a dark puller with crystal growth chuckled at the comment, “Oh boy imagine not being able to fly. Definitely means we can’t keep track of this thing if we get a little wet.” 

Both females chuckled lightly while the male let out an annoyed snort, “Mayhem, Ragna, I’m serious. I know you two don’t have wings but they are very useful for tracking things. If I’m grounded with you two it means we may lose track of our target and it’ll get away without us learning a damn thing.” 

Mayhem, the runner of the group, scoffed, “Even if flying is helpful we don’t need to rely so heavily on it. Ragna and I can continue on alone if you can’t handle not flying.” 

Ragna nodded at the statement, “I know flying is useful for you Catalyst but we still need to track this thing even if it rains. We can’t lose the trail now.” She spoke a bit more seriously now. The strange crystalline zataro they were after held a special place in her mind, thoughts on it’s strange new growths sparking an interest in her own crystals. 

Catalyst huffed in slight annoyance, “We’ve been tracking this thing for days now, only thing of interest we have found has been tracks and the occasional tuft of hair. Unless we literally run into the thing I’m not sure what else you two suppose we are gonna find.”

Mayhem seemed unaffected by Catalyst’s comment but Ragna huffed defiantly, “Come on Catalyst, we really need to keep going to figure this thing out. So many reos are counting on us here, we can't afford to stop now.” Her voice was filled with determination but the thought of coming face to face with the beast made it shake ever so slightly. 

Before Catalyst could respond Mayhem spoke, “Go ahead and take to the skies Catalyst, if it means getting information before the storm hits it may be worthwhile for you to risk it now and you can back out when the storm starts to pick up.”

Ragna looked surprised at Mayhem’s comment, she was just on board with Ragna and her idea to keep him grounded but she had a good point. Even if he can only fly for a bit before leaving due to the clouds overhead and potential downpour, that can probably get a lot more information in that short amount of time before all hell breaks loose. 

Catalyst nodded before rising into the sky, the beating from his wings stirring the sandy ground beneath him. In an instant the tyrian was flying away, the speed was impressive but left the two females of the group alone in silence, only the wind breaking the deafening lack of sound.

“Think he’ll find anything worthwhile?” Ragna spoke softly, the wind carrying her words with ease to Mayhem. 

“We can only hope I suppose, but we should keep looking ourselves. Maybe we’ll luck out and find something close by that Catalyst misses.” Mayhem’s voice was tactical, not showing any emtion as she began walking in the direction their companion had just soared off towards. 

Nodding Ragna followed close behind, sniffing the air and allowing her eyes to scan for anything that could be of use. Every rock, crack, grain of sand could hold some useful information if they were lucky enough and missing something so important could be detrimental not only to the overall mission, but to the group’s morale. 

[706 Words]