
5 years, 3 months ago
5 years, 3 months ago
10 4448

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 3 months ago

one-shots, differing happenings after the fall. unordered.

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It’s been a long time since they’ve gone hunting, but the predatory ease settles into their bones like it had never left. Lucifer is humming some tuneless melody, fingers stroking the dips behind Diniel’s ears. The griffin at her side rests easy, eyes covered by a shroud of golden silks. She gives a little tiny coo when Lucifer’s fingers reach to the silk, carefully pulling it free.

She is still relaxed even with the silks gone, but there is a sudden awareness in the way she rests against the Empress, muscles subtly shifting beneath purple-black fur. Lucifer’s humming grows louder and her fingers slip down to the golden “collar” circling Diniel’s throat. She does not undo the lock on it yet, but rises and begins to walk. Diniel slinks alongside her, padded paws muffling any noise they might make.

Around them the world shimmers and warps, and soon enough they are gone from Perdition and standing in a copse of trees. Snows covers the ground, throwing up sparks of dazzling light in the dying light of evening. Lucifer’s fingers catch the little lock of Diniel’s collar, and it falls free to rest against the snow before disappearing in a spark of light. Diniel shakes herself, pleased that it is gone.

Beside her Lucifer has already gone through her changes. She sits with a taloned paw lifted, absently spreading them apart to watch the glimmer of scales in the light. When she stands her tail fans out, sunlight glimmering against the show of gold and red. It lights up the little area they’re standing in, and she’d probably continue to fan her tail feathers if not for the careful little bump from her hunting partner.

Her tail folds and she dips her head down, nuzzles against Diniel, who in turns rubs up against her side, purring low and deep in her chest. They sit like this for some time, Lucifer’s head tucked down against the warm side of Diniel, and Diniel nuzzling absently into the bedazzled feathers of her Empress.

They resemble Day and Night in some chaste embrace.

It’s with great reluctance that Diniel pulls away first, paws scattering snow in a show of play before she straightens up and stands to her full height. Lucifer stands at her side, but makes no attempt to take the lead in this, she is here only to chase. Diniel is the one who will do the flanking and attack first when the time comes.

Standing shoulder to shoulder they set off, leaving no pawprints or other signs that they had been here.

The hunt is on.