Accident Prone (P.E. Uniform)

1 year, 7 months ago

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-Out on the field-

Vargas: “Alright students! Let’s start with warm ups! I want each of you to do ten sets of sit ups, push ups, and five laps!”

-The majority of students groaned at the thought of doing pull ups-

Vargas: “Don’t give me that attitude! You can do anything you set your mind to! Now get going!”

-He blew his whistle and everyone started to do their warmups, except…-

Hesiod: Sit ups?! Push ups?! LAPS?!?! I’M GOING TO PERISH!!!

Hesiod: “Erm… Mr.Vargas?”

Vargas: “Hm? You got a question Ekanos?”

-Hesiod looked at the ground embarrassed-

Hesiod: “Uh, yes… I was just wondering… Er, pondering if one could… mayhaps… not do the warm ups?”

Vargas: “Do you know how important warm ups are, boy?! If you don’t do them you might sprain an ankle!”

Hesiod: “Well yes I know that…”

Hesiod: As if it would help me anyways…

Hesiod: “But-”

Vargas: “There is no but! If you understand then go do it!”

-Vargas then walked off to go help some other student-

Hesiod: “W-WAIT!!”

Hesiod: And he’s departed. Fantastic.

-Hesiod walks back to his spot and sighs-

Hesiod: I suppose this means I must suffer through arduous exercise once again…

-Hesiod lays down in position for a sit up and takes a deep breath-

Hesiod: Hopefully my peers are occupied with other points of interest…

-He struggles a bit but completes the sit ups with no big mistakes or injuries-

Hesiod: So far so good…

-He then does the pushup very slowly, but without and slip ups-

Hesiod: No broken noses, I’d say this is quite the streak I have going now!

-And then he gets up and remembers the laps-

Hesiod: "Shit."

-Black screen fade in to the nurses office-

Deuce: “I am so sorry! I didn’t notice you were behind me and-”

Hesiod: “It’s alright, it wasn’t the worst outcome and I’m joyous for that.”

Deuce: “Really? But your arm is…”

Hesiod: “It’s fine, really.”

Deuce: “...Do you want some water?”

Hesiod: “...That would be nice thank you.