Lost property

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
4 1823

Entry 3
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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Cenvi and her three companions were back in Newport. She was travelling with Sarini, a microkia, friendship Orb who was mimicking a libram; the wings of fate and Ollie, the owl. She loved her companions dearly as the friendship Orb floated around them and Ollie was sitting on Sarini's shoulder, still deep asleep due to being nocturnal and all. 

It was starting to get dark, the horizon colored in different shades of purple and dark blue. The group had decided to come back to Newport to help Kenwood out with more deliveries from the hundreds of unlabelled crates. 

They had arrived at the warehouse where the crates waited for them. "Which one should we pick?" Ollie was now awake, alert with his big eyes and his cool glasses. Ollie flew over to a small crate while the friendship Orb fluttered over to a medium sized crate. Sarini was looking over at a large crate, "How about this one?" She asked with big eyes at Cenvi. 

Cenvi looked at the trio and their chosen crates, she had no idea which one to choose. Sarini chose last time, and so did Ollie..... She decided to go with the crate chosen by the friendship Orb, the medium sized crates. 

"Let's go with the medium sized crate." Cenvi declared, Sarini with a pout on her face and Ollie not seeming to mind that his crate wasn't chosen. The friendship Orb fluttered up and down, seemingly in excitement that their mystery crate had been picked. 

With Ollie and the friendship Orb not having any paws, "Sarini, would you like to help me open this crate, please?" Cenvi asked politely.

"Hmm..... I'm honoured you would ask me but Na." A moth fluttered around Sarini as Sarini began to chase it around the dimming warehouse. Cenvi knew she lost her microkia to the moth for now so she tried her best to pry it open, with no avail. "Hey, Ollie and friendship Orb, would you two be willing to look around the warehouse with me to find something to help pry this crate open?" Cenvi knew she'd have higher chances of those two helping her while Sarini was still playing with the moth, chasing it over crates and somehow making the messy warehouse more messier. 

Ollie and the friendship Orb promptly got to work, quickly the duo managed to find a crowbar, Ollie carrying it with his talons. "Thank you so much, Sarini! Come back, you don't wanna miss this." 

Cenvi caught the attention of the playing microkia, her eyes sparking as she saw the crate being opened. "And this is more fun than my moth friend, because?" She snarkily said with disdain in her voice from her interruption of her play. Cenvi knew the little micokia was moody, extremely. She could be happy one second and snarky the next. 

Cenvi managed to open the crate with the crowbar, the medium sized crate filled with bait. "I wonder who this belongs to." Cenvi asked. "Obviously, Gma and her store." Sarini grumbled. 

"I was going to let Ollie and the friendship Orb have a chance to figure it out." Cenvi responded, sighing. 

The group walked their way to Pandrea, crossing many different terrains. Why choose this mode of transport? Because nothing is better than an adventure and enjoying the scenery. 

"Do we have to walk all the way to Pandrea? Can't we use a mount or carriage or at least something?" Sarini complained loudly. "Ollie and the friendship Orb don't seem to mind." Cenvi responded.

"That's because Ollie sleeps most of the day and flies at night. And the friendship Orb doesn't have legs, it just floats there copying a libram who couldn't even make it here." Sarini was unhappy with the decision to walk from Newport to Pandrea.

"Look, Sarini. I'm sorry we didn't choose your crate but we've walked to pandrea last time? And you were fine with it then. What's wrong?" Cenvi asked the little microkia with kindness in her voice.

"It's just that... the bigger crate could've had something cooler than just bait... again..." Sarini pouted, she kicked a rock and shortly regretted it as she stubbed her toe. To cenvi's surprise, Sarini didn't cry out, only silently hopping on one leg. 

"Bait can be cool though? Come look at this." Cenvi grabbed some Salted pinana chips and laid them out on the ground. "Let's step back and wait for a bit." 

The group kept their distance as they waited, nothing happened for a while until a Corakeet appeared, grabbing some chippies and promptly flying away. "Aren't they supposed to stay?" Sarini asked with wonder in her eyes. She had never seen a corakeet before.

"Not always, some just eat the bait and fly away, just like that. Sometimes they come back or sometimes they stay. It's all up to fate to decide, not us." Cenvi humbly replied to the wondering microkia. 

The group eventually arrived at Pandrea, taking their time to travel there. They gave the bait to G'ma and happily stayed in Pandrea for a while.