Home, sweet home

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 525

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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"Where do I live, you ask? Well I live in a beautiful house in Lilika overlook." Lynara was talking to a mutual at the tavern in Newport.

"I could tell you everything about it. It's small but big enough for my family. The inside is made out of wood and stone, right from the stony mountains themself. I can't express how amazing the sunsets are in Lilika overlook, especially viewing them from your own home. I live with my partner, Zephyr, my three sons; Lucarys, Tythos and Lorrin and my sole daughter, Myse. I love my family so much that the living room is decorated with family photos and single photos. I just love to see them, even if they're away on adventures. I have a fireplace in the living room as well, since it gets pretty cold sometimes... well most times." She took a sip of her nicely brewed tea and continued with her ramble.

"Then there's the master bedroom, it has a loft in it that we use for drawing and writing. The reason we have that is because it's a bit cramped with all the furniture, having the loft makes more space for the wardrobe and dresser. I love to have flowers spread throughout the house in pretty vases. Then there's Lucarys room which is filled with spears and leather and fur armour. He's a warrior and loves to protect his village." She took a deep breath in, "and then there's Lorrins room, the roof was made to be higher to adjust for his bigger size so he doesn't bump his head. In fact, we had the entire roof raised, just so he doesn't have to bump his head every time he enters a new room. He shares the room with Tythos, also having a loft but instead of a study area, it's another sleeping area so they can have their own 'separate' rooms." She giggled glad that she made the right decision in raising the roof of the entire house. "Raising the roof also made more space for the loft."

"Then there's Myse, her room is simple. She loves to print flowers and then frame them. She makes pretty nifty artwork from them." 

"And now to the best part!" Lynara said with glee. "My fabulous garden. I gather fruit, vegetables and berries every day to give to the other villagers. It's my prize, my soul and my love other than my family. I have them split up into different sections with little wooden signs stating what type of plant they are and a big one telling you what garden you're in. I have a range of flowers that look like a rainbow. I have a small orchid of fruit trees ranging from applins to oranges and starfruit. My vegetables include carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, lettuce and tomatoes. My berries are raspberries, lamberries, strawberries, blueberries and grapes. Why grapes? Because I didn't have much space left. It doesn't bother me though, after all they are pretty tasty!" 

"Nothing beats living in Lilika overlook. I was raised and born there. The sunrise and sunsets are spectacular."

Lynara finished telling the Mara about her home.