Being a journal of the events of this incarnation

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
5 1154

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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June (Relaxing) Y17

Well it seems that I have been reincarnated once again. I woke up under a  small overhang overlooking a steep, rocky mountainside. From the  peach-coloured mists that flow in and out like the tide, I gather that  I'm currently high in the mountains of Shenkuu.

This time around I've been brought back as a Mynci. Although the  prehensile tail seems like it will be quite useful (and fun!) once I get  the hang of it, it is frustrating being back in a baby's body. At times  I grasp at objects and find I've missed them entirely, my tiny hand  lunging just to the left or just to the right of the thing I was meaning  to grab. I suppose fine motor functions will come in time. I must  remember to be patient. But it has taken me an embarrassing length of  time to put even this much down in my journal. Thank the Faeries I have  been born with the knowledge of language and writing.

Perhaps in this life I will discover why I am always born with these fuzzy memories and abilities...