Lacrimosa's 3rd Class Rep Speech

5 years, 4 months ago

They're back again...more excitable than ever, or is this really just how they are.

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Their turn came up and Lacrimosa skips on up to the stage, grinning big as they jump into place. Very excited about this it seems. They put their hands on the podium in front of them. "Hellloooo! I'm Lacrimosa, your friendly neighborhood tapir!" Their grin finally dies down to just a smile to not seem too overwhelming. "I'm sure you could tell by my posters because I was on them but I! Am running for 3rd year class represss-see-ssentative." They stumble a little on the word but they manage to get it out sounding like the actual word rather than their usual mess ups. "I have been here...a long time! So lots of you know me probably even if we've only met once because I like meeting people!" They stand up straight, moving their hands to their hips.

"I am...Good to talk to! I will listen to anything you older folks want added to the school and whatnot because chances are...I want it too!" Smiles. "And you new kids- You too!! You can also tell me stuff you want too if you can't find your class represeee-sentative. I am very reliable!!" Or they at least like to pride themself in that. "Also! I am good with making stuff and maybe good at ideas? I have...several!!! Ideas for our upcoming dances AND festivals." They lean forward, putting a hand to the side of their mouth as if they were whispering. "I won't say much but I got some fun ideas for dance themes." They wink, you can't see their eye but you can see their mouth move to one of those winking grins.

Lacri stands up straight once again, moving their arms to their sides again. "I don't have many of my own ideas outside of that to bring to the school but I will!!! Take your ideas to council and try my darn best to get it for you!" Their grin breaks out again. "Please! Vote for me because I am cool and I am your friend, I will help out our students!" And then they just...skip off the stage.

Author's Notes

spring 2017