Feather Trial

1 year, 6 months ago

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Manalar, a rift jumper, scoured the wrathion woods for those Rift creatures. He had trained in Verulia to gain better hunter skills. He had basic learning in his homeworld but here in Solaria, the skill level and awesome weapons make it way cooler. 

He had a curved wooden bow with twined tree branches and green gems, he loved his bow and would never part with it. He'd even bring it to the bathroom. 

He wanted to test his new skills out, against the words of the other hunters. They said, never go alone into the woods unless you're extremely experienced, which Manalar wasn't. He was still a beginner hunter, never having fought any of those calamity creatures nor anything that dangerous before. 

He wanted to prove his worth to the other hunters, they were always boasting about how they kept the creatures at bay and Malanar wanted to be a part of it.

That's why he decided to go into the woods alone in the middle of the day, surely it won't be scary during the day. The red dark sky said otherwise. The trees were blood red, at the start of the forest they were green but the deeper he ventured, the more red it got.

The sound of crunching leaves echoed behind him, he swivelled around with his bow and arrows ready to launch at the potential threat. It was a creature from the calamity, big and dark. Honestly it was hard to see as it watched him from the depths of the woods. 

He fired his arrow at the beast as it rushed towards him. It scratched his shoulder with long black claws while he grabbed his trusty dagger for close combat. He stabbed the creature, bellowing in pain as it continued to attack the Mara. 

He was scratched again and again, and he threw in a few more defensive attacks. The creature had enough and ran back to the depths of the Wrathion woodlands.

Sore, injured and excited, Manalar headed back to the village. The trees returned to their natural colour and a soft breeze buffeted his fur. 

He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, a feather? Awesome! He could boast to the other hunters about how he fought that creature and show off his new Feather.