Interview with Siena

1 year, 6 months ago

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Interviewer: Good morning Siena, I just need you to state your name for the record please.

Siena: Oh! I'm Siena Tinkerspark!

I: Excellent, we are just going to get to know you a little more if that's okay.

S: Of course! Take it away!

I: Are you a morning person or more of a night owl?

S: There wasn’t much surface light underground…but now being on the surface I would have to say I am definitely a night owl. Being in the dark reminds me of being home.

I: What’s the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them?

S: I probably notice their eyes? No..maybe their smile? Hmm…can I get back to you on that?

I: You see a huge spider in your room. What do you do?

S: Oh that’s easy. You murder it or it will eat your whole family slowly…Why do you look suddenly uncomfortable?

I: If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change?

S: I would prevent the accident…yeah. Definitely that.

I: Tell me about your first kiss.

S: My first kiss was definitely sweet. You are going to love it. It was between me and my childhood friend Zen. We were really small and had gone on an adventure to find starleaf, an herb that lives underground and that is good for radiant burns. Mom needed some for a patient so we went looking in the grove. Finally found one and remember those spiders? WELL we had to kill one if we wanted the starleaf. It was just a baby but it was bigger than Zen for sure. We harvested it’s venom for my mom too! We had our first kiss that night under the glow of the fireflies! It was nice. I haven’t seen Zen in a long time…the Moonclasp family moved away to a surface settlement. Oh well, it’s a nice memory! -smiles fondly-

I: Do you give people second chances?

S: I am usually a two chances kind of person. One chance to screw up, one chance to change, and if it doesn’t work out then BAM! Out of my life…or sometimes worse if they are the bad person…-shrugs- What can I say, it’s just how I run.

I: Are you a cat person or a dog person?

S: Does wisps count? I am definitely a spirit person. Animals make great dinner though!

I: Do you think you’re attractive?

S: Depends on the type of attraction. I mean I think I am what surface people call “cute” more so than “sexy” you know? Being small is quite tough and a lot of people tend to underestimate you as a viable partner.

I: What’s your worst habit?

S: Oh that’s easy. Probably getting into delicately dangerous situations for medicinal plants. Oh man, did it used to make my family angry. I was taking right after my mother with that one! She got into some wicked trouble navigating the groves. But with my wisps I get a little lucky, I guess you could say.

I: When was the last time you cried?

S: I haven’t cried since…well I don’t want to talk about it. My family takes pride in not crying, not because it shows weakness, but because it gets you nowhere, my dad used to say, SO we don’t cry often…it has to be REALLY bad for us to cry it out like that.

I: Are you a good liar?

S: I am what they call “true to a fault”. Take that as you will.

I: What’s your biggest pet peeve?

S: It definitely has to be when people refuse healing because they think they are tougher than anyone else and that they are the leader so they can’t “look weak”. Just take the healing Mongrow. Jeez.

I: Have you ever had your heart broken?

S: There are plenty of times I have been heartbroken. I am not going to discuss it, not because I am reluctant…it’s just that it pains me to think about them...and I don’t want to be sad for our interview if that’s okay…-looks down at hands solemnly-

I: Are you more likely to use your fists or your words in an argument?

S: I will always live by this standard “If you can’t reason with them then knock some sense into them.” So essentially reason first, take action later if they can’t be reasoned with. It’s the only way!

I: What’s something you’re naturally good at?

S: I’m naturally good at hiding, ouuuuuu!!! AND I am naturally good at knowing every plant that grows underground. Also maneuvering cave systems. I pride myself in seeing in the dark. -smiles triumphantly-

I: What’s something you had to work hard to be good at?

S: Mixing potions is definitely it. I had to work REALLY hard to learn and even then I am not perfect with more complicated things. Health potions? Easy. Love potions? You’ve got the wrong girl, you know? Just so many things can go wrong with those kinds.

I: Can you tell when someone is flirting with you?

S: Probably not, I am what they call “inept” when it comes to signals like that. I prefer upfront expressions of emotions. -smiles sweetly-

I: Do you think money can buy happiness?

S: No amount of money can buy my happiness and no amount of money can buy my morality and I will be sure to live by that notion!

I: Do you believe in destiny?

S: I believe we are all destined for multiple fated outcomes that were predetermined at birth, but I do think that you can change the course to fit whichever outcome we get too. If that makes any sort of sense? I hope it does.

I: Are you a good cook?

S: I may be a good brewer of potions and have an EXCELLENT and EXTENSIVE knowledge of things that grow in the wilderness but I am not good at preparing anything substantial for a meal. I usually leave that to those I would be traveling with OR I will prepare the easiest meal for myself.

I: What do you think happens after you die?

S: Ah yes, the aged old question. I believe we all go to an honest afterlife where we reflect and decide whether you want to live with the gods or you want to retry to make another person’s life better. I also believe you get to revisit the old lives’ memories when you die, but that’s a personal belief. My dad would rather fight a mindflayer again than hear me babble on about the afterlife. -laughs-

I: Did you have to grow up fast?

S: We all have to grow up at some point. Unfortunately it was our responsibility as elder siblings to look after the youngins. Big family and all, everyone has to do their part. My part is fighting my way to my mother’s ingredients…or well was…

I: Who do you look up to?

S: Definitely Petra! She’s my older sister. She left some time ago to pursue her dreams of traveling the surface in search of a way to the cosmos and its secrets. I don’t know if she was ever successful…it’s been a long time since I heard from her. I bet the family still receives her messages from her circle she joined. It’s mom’s old circle…it’s of the stars they say. I guess it’s fitting.

I: When you go to a tavern, what do you order?

S: I usually order a nice calming Lucraberry and Weepingsickle tea. It’s really good for nerves. If they don’t have it, I will give them the ingredients and have them brew it to my specifications if they are kind. If not just whatever tea they have on the menu I guess. As for food it’s probably Elderthistle salad with some venison if they have it. Unless I get extra risky and try the specials…but I haven’t been that dangerous at taverns.

I: What do you like most about yourself?

S: I think the thing I like the most about myself is my hair. My mom helped me do it underground with Glowfruit which makes the pink and Deepinked which is a type of fungi to make the black tips! We brew it into a special potion and it’s stayed like this ever since! Even grows like this too! My hair grows pink and then the tips fade to black.

I: What do you like least about yourself?

S: I think the least liked part of my body is my eyes…they aren’t like everyone else’s on the surface…all inky and soleless. Everyone else has GORGEOUS eyes in various different colours…even though it’s my least favourite I don’t think I would change them! My eyes are special to me!

I: Do you want kids someday?

S: Oh no, definitely not…not an option for me thanks. It’s too hard living with the settling down life idea. Doesn’t sit easy with me.

I: Are you a planner, or more spontaneous?

S: I can be a bit of both, I like to plan ahead when I can but everyone can benefit from a little spontaneity no?

I: Can you keep a secret?

S: Remember when I told you I always tell the truth? Well I do. Even when it comes to hiding secrets, I get around it with the truth and help the other person on the journey to figuring it out without revealing it myself.

I: Do you like being the center of attention?

S: I am the captain of “fade to the background”. I would rather not be the center of attention and would much rather it be someone else in the party I travel with.

I: If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

S: Probably send a message and gift to everyone in my family back home and to Petra in her circle. Wishing them luck on their future endeavours and that they will be okay without me, that I love them a lot and wish I could see their faces one more time but this is for the better. Then I would make one more potion and leave it with my party and not tell them what it does. That would be my last day.

I: Do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?

S: Oh I am not a party or fancy girl. I like to just show up in my regular get up and run with it. But if I have to get fancy I will struggle all the way through the process and after it.

I: Where do you feel safe?

S: I usually feel the most safe underground, even with the dangers beneath…sometimes it’s just the safest place for a gnome like me.

I: Do you love or hate being alone?

S: I am not used to being alone, I have a huge family and it’s always been all of us or nothing. The silence is unsettling being alone.

I: What’s the last nightmare you remember having?

S: Oh a nightmare…probably of the reason I left. I’m not comfortable getting into it with a stranger…sorry.

I: Do you admit to mistakes when you make them?

S: Of course! You always take responsibility for your actions! Renkin told me, he is my older brother, ready to take over my mom’s position, GREAT with potions. You’d love him.

I: Do you want to grow up to be like your parents?

S: I love my parents, but I think I am meant to have a different path than them…personally going on the road was the right decision.

I: How do you deal with being sick? Are you stoic, or super whiny?

S: I’m usually stoic about it, anything can be treated if you know your stuff!

I: What did your parents expect from you when you were born?

S: A lot was expected of me, I was meant to be a great apothecary like my mom, or at least the assistant to Renkin. But ever since that day…they look at me differently now. Now they expect the worst of me…

I: Do you have a strong sense of style?

S: No, definitely not.

I: Would you rather camp outdoors or stay the night in an inn?

S: Personally, I would rather camp outdoors, something about being under the stars just reminds me of Petra and my mom which reminds me of home.

I: Is there a food that most people hate that you absolutely love?

S: PROBABLY Owlbear. It’s an acquired taste, that and a specific type of poisonous mushroom. Those are my favourites!

I: Are you more of a hoarder or a minimalist?

S: I’m definitely a hoarder type. It’s shameful, I know…

I: Are you superstitious?

S: I wouldn’t say I am superstitious but I believe in adapting to the customs around me, so I will adapt it into my routine if I’m around it enough.

I: Are you the kind of person who remembers people’s birthdays and pets’ names and stuff?

S: I have never really had a good memory with small details. I can remember a name fairly well just not small minute details like pet names and stuff.

I: What do you do to feel better when you’re sad?

S: Definitely brewing up a potion I have never tried before then finding a test subject willing to take it on! But never try that on the road. Almost gets people killed, you know.

I: Is it hard for you to trust someone?

S: Not all the time, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but there are some sketchy people out there that you know you just shouldn’t trust you know?

I: Are you susceptible to peer pressure?

S: Welllllllll that’s a call out. I definitely like to adapt to the world around me because being on the surface is hard work…I try really hard to find my own path but I do like to blend in with the crowd.

I: If you decided to stop adventuring and settle down, what kind of job would you take?

S: I would definitely open an apothecary in a cave opening of an underground settlement that way I can connect with both sides of life.

I: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

S: I wanted to be nothing more than an apothecary like my mom, then in the circle like Petra…that will never happen…but dreams can stay as dreams right?

I: That's it, excellent job.

S: Thanks! Let me know if you have anymore questions, I will be happy to help!