Green is a Passive Colour

1 year, 6 months ago

"Genesius?" Azriels soft rumble of a voice pulls the fox from his book, yellow eyes dragging from the text to peer past the pages. Not quite annoyed but not quite invested in conversation yet.

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"Genesius?" Azriels soft rumble of a voice pulls the fox from his book, yellow eyes dragging from the text to peer past the pages. Not quite annoyed but not quite invested in conversation yet. 

Azriel looks troubled, a small frown pulling the corners of his muzzle down and his eyebrows are drawn together. The kind of look that showed the two were going to have some form of serious discussion. Genesius groans at this, slipping a bookmark between worn yellowed pages and setting the book on the edge of the windowsill he lounged next to. Straightening up, he shuffles, pressing himself deeper into the pillows while patting the empty space near his feet in a quiet invitation.

Silently, the wolverine steps forwards and rests on the very edge of the cushioned window nook, eyes downcast and hands clasped together. Whatever irked Azriel clearly weighed heavy upon his shoulders. It sends worms through Genesius' gut, as he displays a showy cocky smile. Was he being dumped? Was Azriel sick? Did one of their partners get hurt? The possibilities were endless, mere buzzing noise in the back of his head as he forced himself to be present. His lover needs him, not his paranoia.

"Yes love?" Is all but purred, to hide any vocal cues to his nerves or the fears that plagued him. It just wasn't like him to look so weak, so he eagerly hides it.

"Do you think I'm scary?"

The paranoid thoughts halt in a suddenly crushing blankness. Amusement slowly trickles in, and he barks out a few uncontrolled laughs before suppressing them after seeing the wounded look on his face. Unable to hide the smile, he moves forwards, gently pulling Azriel's hands away from his lap to make room for his own body. Gray eyes watch him curiously, and he makes a show of clambering onto his lap, straddling him at the waist lazily while shifting Azriel's hands up to rest at the junction of his shoulder and his neck. Entirely calm, he twists his head to the side, ears cocked In a mimicry of a questioning puppy.

"Not at all." He answers simply, leaning into the beastly claws knowing they would not pierce him. Their eyes meet, and slowly the tension in Azriel's brow fades and a softer look overcomes his eyes. 

"You're just a big teddy bear. I have far more bite than you do~" Genesius continues in a teasing tone, knowing full well how much of a nuisance he could be. Azriel nods with him, it wasn't exactly a secret that the fox caused problems for the fun of it, and was certainly the most snappy of the five of them. He certainly argued the most, earnestly or lightheartedly with strangers and lovers alike. 

Azriel turns his gaze down once more, tracing his own claws resting on Genesius' throat "I don't like that strangers think I'm scary. Especially the children. They take one look at my size, my teeth, and my claws, and they steer clear of me like I'm some kind of monster." 

"You are nothing of the sort." Genesius immediately soothes, reaching his hand up to cup Azriel's cheek. "You are nothing short of a hero." He speaks in a quiet whisper, a tone very rare for him.  Recalling his favorite books, he easily quotes a passage that seemed relevant to the situation. "The worst of fates is to be seen as your skin, and not your soul." 

Azriel nods once more in agreement and sighs, eyes shutting as he simply leans into the soft hold. It inspires the thought Genesius should act softer more often, he quite liked watching his partner melt so earnestly into the offered comfort. Too bad the look would ruin his reputation and he didn't have the mental capacity to suddenly be the emotional support boyfriend. 

Genesius swiftly speaks up jokingly to ruin the rare sincere moment "Want me to paint your nails? I think green is a very passive and approachable color. Hard to be scared of a man with pastel nails and a graphic tee." 

"We can try it." Azriel responds sincerely, inspiring a dozen ridiculous ideas into the fox's mind. He holds back the giggles this time, if Azriel wanted green nails he would get them. Down the road he could get increasingly ridiculous colors and patterns. It was only a matter of time. 

Author's Notes

I'm half asleep idk if this is any good at all I just needed some spontaneous fluff writing