11/19 || The End..?

1 year, 6 months ago

Explicit Violence

Praise be to you, in the Seer we trust.

I hope this conclusion does them well. 11/19. To new days ahead.

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"Is this really it, Seer?" "Only time will tell , But I am afraid I am out of that ." "...So this is really it." "All good things come to an end , Knight . I am not sure of your ending , But this is mine ." "Could we not have had even a little bit more time? Any time to say goodbye?" "I'm afraid this is how it must be ."

Red slowly pooled onto the cold stone floor from afar, a dark cave out in the Outskirts. Two familiar figures sat solemnly. The cavern rumbled, chips and stalactites from the ceiling crumbling to the ground. One had lodged itself in the torso of the smaller figure beforehand, but he didn't seem to outwardly express any pain. There was no need to.

"Even now, I guess I'm.. glad. I was supposed to get my ending so long ago. I was never supposed to be here." "And that is where you're incorrect , Belial . You were called here for a reason . Everyone was ." "But- I don't get it. It was supposed to be my time." "The Void saw redemption in you . It , We , Knew there was more to you . . Trapped ."

The kin reached his wing down, reaching beneath the man's chin and lifting it. Two green eyes glistened in the light of which reflected off the ethereal being's feathers.

"It was not your time yet , And perhaps it still isn't . You brought change to this realm and to the inhabitants within . Perhaps some would not listen , But others did . You were heard ."

The ex-councillor did not respond, and for a moment they sat in calming silence. The man lacked the disembodied eye, the parasite which had latched onto him from the beginning. He was freed from its grasp. The Seer spoke once more.

"When the shift occurred , I viewed you as a monster . You were not a human to me , You horrified me . I feared you as you were the first . . You are the first to change your fate . You were supposed to become an incarnation of remorse , And then you did not . You were supposed to be slain by the Butcher , And then you did not . You were supposed to mangle your face by your own hands , And then you did not . You have evaded death so many times and you don't even know it . Your hope steered you through impossible odds ."

"Perhaps that is what I will call them, then. Hope." "Tammy Hope Knight . It does have a good ring to it , I must admit . How do you know they do not already have a middle name ?" "Ha. It's just as you said. If they do, I guess I'll just change it. I hope they are safe. I wish for my hope to rest well, it's all I want."

. . . Silence.

"Please, Glade, tell me my daughter will rest in peace." "We cannot be sure . We cannot be sure about your fate either , Belial . Perhaps you will live on ." "If I do, I want it to be by my daughter's side." "You will see ."

A loud rumble echoed through the cave, off the stone walls. It shook with an incredible force. This was it. The Seer could not serve further, he had done the best he could. With a final glance shared between the two, a shared feeling of acceptance between their eyes, The Seer lunged forward and shielded the man with his wings as the ceiling caved in. This was their final bow.

11/19. Praise be to you, in the Seer we trust.