★ General OC Lore ★

1 year, 6 months ago
6 months, 8 days ago
5 471

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

This is just really basic OC lore that applies to all my OCs and like..... some universal clarifications lol? Not important if you don't care about my writing or character lore and junk, but I know Sid and Giz and Max at least like to read it so if not for my subs, for you three :>

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1. "The Council"

The Council is sort of an AU that my OCs have. If you have ever seen Space Jam or Looney Tunes Back In Action, then you might be familiar with the concept, but essentially this council AU is where my OCs are aware of their status as OCs and have a hierarchy related to it. For example, my sonas would have the most power, and older OCs like Russel would have more power. This helps me keep connections with OCs that would otherwise not interact story-wise. Again, for example, Regi is aware that he is actually a toy and will interact with the knowledge that he is a physical product and not something of the mind.

It varies from character to character but is just a nice little guideline to set in place for people to be aware of. Characters will usually have a Full Tab to explain a detailed AU.