Volkov's Story

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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Part 1 - In Which Volkov Arrives on Kreludor

“I'm sure you understand why I'm here, Ambassador.”

“Yes, yes,” the Ambassador said hurriedly. “Some things are better said face to face.”

Volkov nodded in agreement. “And of course, I have no intention of stepping on any toes. I am here to assist you. Honestly, I have no interest in politics except from a general standpoint.”

Ambassador Dovini  looked relieved. Truth be told, he <i>had</i> been a bit worried that King Skarl might have sent Artour Volkov to Kreludor in order to replace him. Dovini had been struggling with his diplomatic duties of late, but through no particular fault of his own. There was simply a dance one had to learn in order to negotiate with the Kreludites and he was having a bit of trouble getting the steps down. It would be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of before having to deliver any official words to the Kreludor Assembly.

“It's good to have a fellow countryman here,” the Ambassador said.

“Well, if you don't have any <i>immediate</i> need of me...”

“Oh! Of course, you must be exhausted from your trip up here! Let me show you to the guest quarters of the Meridellian Consulate.”

Volkov looked around the room that has been prepared for him. The staff had chosen a cozy, modest room with a large bay window overlooking a small garden. It was absolutely perfect for this Skeith, who traveled alone and preferred relative solitude. He knew there were spacious suites decorated with lavish trimmings in the East Wing, but those rooms made him slightly uncomfortable. He was surprised and appreciative that the consulate staff had remembered his preferences.

Presently, he heard a knock at his door.

“Yes, it's open!” he called out.

Ambassador Dovini peeked into the room. “I trust all is to your liking?” he inquired.

Volkov nodded in pleasure.

“I have a few meetings this afternoon, but nothing I shall require you for. Dinner is at six in the private dining room, the smaller one off the kitchen, if you please. I'll meet you down there?”

Volkov nodded again.

“I'm sure you want to get settled. If you need anything, just ring for Andry. He pretty much runs all the day-to-day household affairs. He should already know you've arrived.”

“Thank you. I'm sure I'll be fine.”

Dovini lingered a moment longer before nodding to himself and exiting the room.

With a soft sigh of relief, Volkov turned to look at his suitcases. Nothing that couldn't wait just awhile longer, he thought to himself. And with that, he nosed himself under the covers of the king-sized bed for a delicious nap.