1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 326

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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Zephyr wandered through the streets of her mountainous village, Lilika overlook, when she noticed a few kiamaras laughing and snickering at a shopkeeper who is trying to trade some plushies. Zephyr overheard them, 'Ha! What Mara still plays with toys, especially at that age.' Zephyr noticed it was an older Mara, who haven't heard what the others were saying.

Zephyr couldn't stand the chaos of the younger maras snickering, she should go say something but she didn't want to bring more chaos into an already chaotic world. Sure, she can be sarcastic at times and a bit grumpy, but she has a good heart. She couldn't standby and do absolutely nothing. 

She thought of ways to approach them but ultimately decided against it. Perhaps she should ask Lyn what to do? Nah, there's no point dragging Lyn into this chaos. 

It wasn't until the older kiamara overheard the snickering maras that Zephyr had the courage to speak up about the situation. "HEY! Leave them alone!" She shouted, her booming voice attracted the surrounding kiamaras attention as it seemed like the whole village was staring at them. 

The snickering kiamaras, face hot with embarrassment, slunk away. That solved one problem, Zephyr must bring order to this chaos. She noticed the older kiamara packing her plushies away, when Zephyr ran up to her. "Please wait, I have some that I can trade you. I have to go home first and retrieve them." She kindly told the older Mara. The older Mara smiled and thanked Zephyr for her kindness and courage before Zephyr raced to her home on top of a hill. 

She quickly grabbed some plushies, and a spare cake that she had baked earlier. She loved using the ingredients from her partner's garden and she always bake more to give away.

The smile on the older maras face when she arrived, made Zephyrs day. She was glad she could make a Mara's day a bit better.