
1 year, 6 months ago

The backstory of Fogmask/star

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As a day turned to night twilight layed over the clan. A cry from the medicine den, it was a queen named windflight she was giving birth two three healthy kits. Fogkit the first born to the queen was mewing and eating soon after birth so was his sister Silverkit, and last his brother Jaykit. The father Rabbitshadow watching happily from the entrance of the den then joined Windflight in the nest to watch over there kits. Days after there eyes opened there mother took Jaykit out of the nursery he need some time alone with her. Leaving fogkit and Silverkit with Fishtail another queen in the den. Later that day Jaykit went missing from camp Fogkit didn't understand what was happening why was the kits not aloud to play anymore and was forced to stay inside with two warrior watching the den.

Why was his mother and father crying.Jaykit was never found, the grief passed in the camp for the lost kit as the moons pasted. Silverkit slipped out of camp one night, she was found by the dawn patrol in a fox trap lucky to be alive but her leg messed up badly from the trap making her front leg unusable. Fogkit and silverkit fought when she returned to the nursery. Fogkit didn't understand why she would be so stupid after what happened to Jaykit how could she go and make herself so useless to the clan. He refused to sleep close to her and sleeped on the opposite side of his mother away from her. Moons pasted and they both became apprentices, fogpaw did understand why the leader didn't send silverpaw the the elders she could not hunt well and her mess ups was making it hard for the other apprentices and himself to train.

One day a text happened for the group of apprentices to hunt as much pray and return to the training hollow with said pray. His sister followed him and made him help her bit in doing so he did catch much himself. Snowfall his mentor didn't take kindly to this and punished the apprentices harshly when away from the group. Leaving fogpaw swore for awhile, his mother snapped at him when he tried to blame Silverpaw saying he was just lazy and needed to work harder. Silverpaw didn't speak up to let them know he help her in the text. Fogpaw grew to hate his sister after that and one day made a plan.He asked her to go hunting together and lead her to the stream to fish and when her back was to him watching the water her jumped pushing her under the water holding her there till the last bubble popped. He pulled her to the great river down stream from where he drowned her and the yowled for help acting as if she fell in and her leg made her not able to fight the water, making it looked she drown. It worked and the clan layed her down under a willow tree buy the fake grave of there brother Jaykit.

One day fogpaw at 10 moon he slipped out of camp to enjoy time alone after a hard day of training with snowfall. He wondered till lost crossing the two legs bridge and meeting two toms. He stopped in his place to meet face to face with Jaykit now named Prince a kitty pet, and a tom white as snow with folded ears like his own named King. They talked to find out more about what happened to Jaykit. He was gave to King who was there real father, their mother had a relationship with the tom moon ago ending up in them. Fogpaw was horrified and backed away from them, he had kitty pet blood this can't be right.

He ran from the two toms and ended up in ashclans territory and found by the dawn patrol and lead back to the border saying he got lost when wondering the border. He apologized to the warrior for being on there side. Ashclan for gave him and told the apprentice to no be found again of they would repost him to his leader next time. He returned to camp and meet face to face with the leader reporting his mother code breaking. This led to chaos in the camp, his step brother, Treekit staying disowning his parents. As Windflight would not apologize for what she did. Rabbitshadow took up for her and left the clan by her to not be seen again. After that fogpaw was soon made warrior getting his warrior name Fogmask and ended mentored Treepaw his step brother after his first mentor died. He was proud to see Treepaw become Treefall a full warrior of the clan.

He was full of pride and stood proudly with his clan but soon the world change he was made deputy after the falling of the last on the leader soon was found to have mate in a different clan. The clan be outraged made him step down and ran hum from the clans. Making Fogmask step up into leadership from the shadows of the leader before him. He was now Fogstar, mate to Fallenfeather, proud father of Shallowkit and Hailkit. His most proudest name was "The destroyer of Ice". He is set on making his clan strong and powerful again.