The return Home

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 2730

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

Malik is back from rescuing his son

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Chapter 1

~~Cass~~ He was hyper aware of the blood that caked him as he waded through the thick guppy waters of the swamp. From his jaws dangled a tired and exhausted young cub whom he had been carrying all the while they were travelling back home. Malik once he heard that his son had been missing made a straight curve to the city, fearing that his son might have been captured. The journey took him 3 days to complete and he eventually had found his son among the captured felines in the all too familiar cages. Of course he was able to escape, but not without getting a large wooden and metal door slammed into his face on the way out. The bleeding had stopped now, but he was exhausted and needed some rest. 

"Are we home yet?", spoke a soft voice to him as he finally reached dry land and an all too familiar sight. He looked down at his son, Utadari, the source of the question. He nodded slightly "Yes, we are almost there", he spoke back. He couldn't wait to see Kamaria again and give her the security of knowing that her son is back home. 

The Trunk of the Great Oak that noted Shadow Empires main camp was visible to him and once he pushed through the brambles and thicket of the wall, he tripped into the camping sight. He managed to just shortly catch a glimpse of Kamaria and set Uta down, before he collapsed on the ground and passed out shortly after, but not before hearing the concerned cries of his son and the sound of paws running his way.

He woke up again in the Healers den, woozy and uncertain of how he got here, but his worries were washed away as he caught the scent of a certain Cheetah near him...


Kamaria was tired and drained. It had been many days since the last time she had seen her son and love, Malik. After the gathering she couldn’t sleep at night in fear of loosing her cubs to such a maniac. Only napping when the cubs did during the day. Their daughter Adea seemed to notice, suggesting more day time naps, but it still wasn’t enough. Kamaria had been praying to the moon, begging that both would return to her safely. 

Kamaria was watching the cubs play, drained and barely able to focus. When an ever so slight breeze brought a scent that sent her fully alert. She paused, intently smelling the air, hoping that it wasn’t just her tired mind playing tricks on her. Adea came up to her mother noticing her behaviour. “W-what i-is it m-moth-ther?” Kamaria looked to her sweet little cub, sure the scent was true. “I believe they have returned” her voice barely hiding her excitement and joy. 

They turned to see Malik start coming in, putting Utadari on the ground. As they got up to greet them, Malik collapsed. Causing them to rush even quicker, but with worry rather then the joy they had originally had. 

As Kamaria reached them, she told Adea, “Go get the healer! Daddy needs help!” And as soon as she saw Adea leave running for help, she turned back to Malik. Noticing the caked, dried blood on his face, she cringed. “I’m so sorry love…” And with that, an adrenaline boost gave her the energy and fight she needed to grab Malik, a larger feline, and drag him to the healer's den. Other cats had offered to help when she got closer, but she refused, too stubborn and trapped in her own thoughts and very worried for Malik. She found love and knew what it was like to be in love, he wouldn’t be taken away from her yet, right?

Right outside the healer den, Adea rejoined her, little eyes filled with worry, followed by the healer, guiding her where to bring him. 

Not long after she had laid him down, the healer stepped back to get the needed herbs, and she watched intently on Malik. She noticed him starting to come to, and watched with hopeful eyes. “Malik..?”


When Malik collapsed, Uta was yelling at him "Daddy!! Wake up!!", he yelled at him. Just then his Momma came running over alongside Adea. Utadari tried to blink away his tears and went with Adea to collect the Healer. "Adea, do you think daddy will be okay?", he asked her, pressing closely into her pelt as he began to shake. Tears fell from his eyes as he thought back. This was all his fault, Dad got hurt and left his mama and siblings to go fetch him just because he didn't listen. He will always listen from now on!!

Malik opened his eyes and looked up at Kamaria, a smile grew on his lips as he tried to lift his head and get up, but he was too tired and exhausted to move. "Hey there, Moonshine..", a chuckle came from him. "I am back...I promised you. didn't I? I would bring our son back..." Just as the healer was returning with the herbs that he needed, his vision began to blur once more and he passed out again.

Utadari slowly wobbled up to his mama, tears running down his cheeks "I'm so sorry mama! This is all my fault. I shouldn't have left papa's side. I didn't listen!""


Adea turned to her brother and looked back to where they were running. “O-of Cour-se! D-daddy is m-much str-strong-g-ger tha-an th-that-t! H-he’ll b-be fine!” She tried to reassure her brother. She noticed him pressing against, shaking, and crying. “It-it’s n-not y-your-ur f-faul-ault!” She understood why he was hurting, but now wasn’t the time, they had to help their dad first. 

Kamaria choked out with a smile as she saw Malik smile at her. Seeing him try to get up, she reached for him. “Oh Honey! Don’t get up, you need to rest my love.” She said with worry and love swirling in her purple and gold eyes. 

She gave the lightest chuckle, “Hi there Sunshine.” Warmth and love radiating off her as she said it. With a small smile, “You are. And yes, yes you did…” stepping back as the healer arrived, giving them room to work. And whispering to Malik, “You did good…” 

Turning her attention to her children, hearing her poor son cry and cry out. Pulling him into a tight embrace. “Hussshhh, husshh now my little one. This is not your fault. We love you dearly and you didn’t know. It’ll be alright my loves, what matters is you are safe and home. Daddy will wake up, and he’ll heal and get better thank you our wonderful healers. He’ll be okay, and soon enough, we’ll all be together in our den. Dad just needs some time to heal and recoup from such a long journey, as you’ll need to as well.” She would reassure Utaridi, and a little to Adea. Holding her babies close.


Uta sniffled and buried his face into his mothers fur, taking in her scent. He had missed it so much! he never will stray from her side again. His eyes wandered over to Adea, looking at her with puffy red eyes from crying so hard. "Adea...I'm sorry that I made you worry. I won't leave your side. I will be a good brother..."

Malik didn't know how long he had been out cold for. When he finally came around, he found himself with most of his energy back, his face was still stinging but it was feeling much better than before. He blinked a bit and shook his head and looked beside him where Kamaria, Adea, and Utadari lay by his side. Smiling, he gave Kamaria a quick lick over her head, and pulled her closer to him as he laid his head back down. "Kamaria...wake long have I been out?", he asked curiously, his mouth was dry, so he probably hadn't had a drink in a while, and Uta looked a lot more healthier than when he had rescued him. 


Kamaria accepted all the cuddles she could get with her cub. And with the apologies came more tears. Adea had missed her brother and father so much, and hearing those words, she just couldn’t stop herself. She started crying, “It-t-it’s o-o-ok-kay… j-j-jus-st-t do-o-n-n’t d-do th-tha-at a-ag-ain…” 

Hearing her daughter she pulled her into the warm embrace as well. Holding them tight, promising to herself that she wouldn’t let them go, and this wouldn’t happen again. Not too long after all the water works, and the healer finished, the family cuddled and fell asleep beside Malik. 

Kamaria drowsily opened her eyes, she hadn’t gotten any sleep in a while, and despite it not being a long rest, she still felt more rested than the past sleeps. She felt herself being pulled in, and hearing the comforting voice of her love. “Hmmmm…” She took a moment, looking out of the healer's den, it seemed that the sun had set, and the full moon had risen. “Looks like only a few hours, love.” She turned to look at him and where his eyes went. She began to stand up, “let me get you some water. It’s been a long trip and the healer said you’d need a little more to regain what you lost.” She paused and looked at the sleeping cubs, whispering. “After all the tears ran their course, Adea and I helped clean him up. And the rest seems to be helping everyone.” She smiled at Malik. Quickly grabbing some water and bringing it back before he could think about protesting. Bringing it in front of him, “here. You need to rest. You got quite the nasty scar, and it’ll take time to fully heal. The healer said you really pushed yourself getting home, and was surprised you made it to camp before collapsing and that you hadn’t sooner.”


Looking at his paws, the tiger frowned. They hurt to move, but he threw the pain out of his mind and gratefully accepted the water that was given to him. He honestly didn't realize how parched he was from the trip. During that entire 6 day trip he barely did anything to take care of himself, only the minimum to keep going. "I guess my body just wouldn't give up until my mind knew that Uta would be safe at home and I saw you again, my love"

He bumped his head up to Kamaria's with a soft chuff. Touching his paw to his face, he felt the leaves and herbs that have been placed on his face to help his injuries' heal "I do not know the thing that swung into my face, and it certainly wasn't alive, but it packed quite a punch." Chuckling under his breath, he looked over his shoulder and outside. "You know...this night reminds me so much like the night it all even more beautiful time than the day I met you...Kamaria"


Kamaria lightly smiled at Malik, pressing her head against his for a moment. “You did good, and I’m so grateful that you *both* came home safe and sound…” she drifted off. Wanting but not wanting to say it at the same time. And ever so lightly whispering as it slipped, “I don’t know what I’d do without you…” 

As he went to touch his face, she went to reach and tell him not to, but paused and put her paw back down. She sheepishly chuckled, having an idea as to what he was talking about that hit him in the face. Looking outside, she listened and enjoyed the peaceful night. Nodding her head along, blushing slightly, remembering that this night was kinda similar to the night that would give them their cubs. But as he continued, her blush only grew, thinking back to the details of the night. How even though she hadn’t been completely in her right mind and that filters were down, he had thought her more beautiful than. She had no idea what to say, blushing madly and being reminded of how mutual their love truly was. “I… I guess it was… though both of those days will always shine in my mind… Malik”


Malik laughed out loud as he watched Kamaria turn as red as he was "I guess that night works too in a way. You surely are just as beautiful as the moon that night. Yet, even more beautiful than even then" placing his paw on her cheek and giving a lick he laid back down. "Where are our other little stars? Might they be asleep somewhere else?"


Kamaria couldn’t help but let the blush stay, and a sweet smile creeped onto her lips. Her worry fading, and only thoughts of ‘gosh, I love everything about Malik’. She felt so safe with him, and just loved being around him, feeling his touch. She gently licked his left cheek, avoiding the herbs  on his face. She looked around for a moment, knowing she could smell them. Sitting up, and standing on her hind legs for a moment, peaking around and behind Malik. “Originally Mattias was watching them play with me, since his cubs are getting older now. I thought they’d be staying with him, but it appears they joined us while we were all asleep. As the other four of our stars seem to be cuddled together behind you, just barely out of sight. It seems we all missed you, and Uta.” She lightly purred at the end, happy the family was together and whole again.


Looking behind him, trying to move as little as possible and not wake them. Smiling he laid his head back down and got comfortable again, the nests in the healers den were so comfortable, but he missed the den he and Kamaria shared which was just outside the main camp in a close satellite camp, the missed the roots of the Cypress trees that surrounded them and gave him comfort. "What a good sport he is, watching over them. I must thank him once I get better"


Kamaria smiled seeing as Malik tried to cautiously lay back down without disturbing their cubs. She began shortly after positioning herself back down to cuddle with Malik without disturbing the two cubs in the front with her. Semi curling up and lightly pulling the cubs closer, knowing as long as she was gentle enough they would sleep right through it. She took a deep breath, tiredness coming to her once more. “Yes. Especially after the chaos of today. He’s been very understanding and sympathetic to the whole situation. I feel bad that I just left them with him, but I had feared your safety, and knew you needed immediate healer attention…” She drifted off, looking outside.


The tiger, although he was still weak, managed to get up on shaky legs and lay down, encircling Kamaria with his large frame. "Sleep now my sweet. You are tired", he said, laying his head down on her shoulder and laying his tail around her and the cubs. As he watched his beloved doze off looking outside, he remembered the time that his own father laid around him, giving him warmth and a certain song he sung. A relic of his fathers homeland and past that Malik had remembered well. He dug down deep into his memory and started to sing the song himself. 


Kamaria looked up at her partner as he stood, worried at how his legs shook. She purred lightly at his comment. “You need sleep as well my dear.” She purred out. She loved so much being back with her partner and in his embrace. As she began dozing off, feeling safe and comforted by his embrace, she heard him singing a song. It was lovely and he had an amazing singing voice. Maybe one day, she would share the songs that her mother sang to her. Lightly purring, fully in love, she drifted off to a peaceful sleep, feeling whole with the love of her life by her side once more.