Scrambled Eggs

1 year, 6 months ago

Mild Violence

A silly little Among Us story about my Among Us OCs. Benedict and Eggi thought it was going to be a normal day of doing tasks, but then Cool Blue discovers a body and Cappin calls for an emergancy meeting...and announces that there might be an imposter in the ship.

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Author's Notes

Finally done with this story!! it took me weeks to write it, quite happy with it being finished now. :]

I had to take some liberties with some things from the game, and I had to do some research on the whole tasks things cus I am still not super familiar with the game itself.

oh and don't worry, Benedict and buds will make it out of this okay, I plan on writing a second chapter of this when I have the time, but first I would like to finish my Partly Cloudy story first. hope that's okay!

Benedict was walking down one of the many hallways in The Cometchaser, a large ship not unlike The Skeld, to preform his daily tasks. toddling behind him was his adopted son Eggi, briefly tripping before getting back up to catch up to his papa.

"Ah Eggi, nothing like a nice day of hanging out with the crew and doing some tasks!" Benedict said happily as they walked down the hall, ready for his tasks. he then noticed Sprout, a fellow crewmate, leaning against the hallway's wall with his arms folded.

"Oh heya Sprout! how ya doing?" Benedict said as he waved to him, which caught the crewmate's attention. "Oh heya Ben, hows the kid? he didn't bite any fingers today did he?" he said casually as he turned to Benedict, as Eggi peeked from behind him.

"Ah no, don't worry, I'm teaching my boy not to do that anymore." Benedict replied cheerfully as he pets his son on the head.

"That's great, hey, can you fix some wires for me." Sprout said as he pointed down the hall with his thumb. "Well, sure but...isn't that your job?" Benedict asked, sounding a bit confused.

"Yeah, but uh, I think you're better suited for the job." Sprout said, clearly just trying to get out of work. "Oh! well if that's the case, then sure I can do your task!" Benedict replied obliviously, the kept on walking down the hall with Eggi trailing behind.

"Heh, I love tricking gullible crewmates to do my job." Sprout said smugly, then pulled out a joint to smoke from behind him. before he could light it, he noticed another crewmate walking down the hallway.

Spout turned to this crewmate, ready to dump his second task on them. "Hey buddy, do you mind if you clean out the garbage for me-" He began, but before he could finish his sentence, the unknown crewmate suddenly grabbed Sprout's sprout and lifted him up, making him drop his joint.

"O-Okay, on second t-thought, maybe we can do this t-task together! y-ya'know as a team!" Sprout said nervously, seeing his reflection on this strange crewmate's visor.

This crewmate didn't seem to care about doing any task, and slowly pulled out a knife from behind them. the sight of this made Sprout's heart sink from fear.

"Ooooh shit." Sprout said, his voice trembling, realizing exactly what this strange crewmate's intentions where.


[Meanwhile, at the Electrical room]

Benedict was focusing very hard on the rewiring for the distributor as Eggi sat by and watched, so much that he didn't notice Cool Blue walk in.

"Yo, wassup Ben?" Cool said, but Benedict didn't respond. Cool Blue walked over to Benedict, and then tapped him on the shoulder, startling him enough for the egg on his head to briefly fly off his head.

"EEP!" he exclaimed.  "D-Don't scare me like that Cool! you know this is some highly dangerous and serious work that I am doing." Benedict said firmly as Cool Blue just stared blankly at him. 

"Now, what did you come here for?" Benedict asked Cool Blue. "I just wanna chat bro, ya'know shoot the breeze." Cool replied. "Oh, alright, well are you?" Benedict said awkwardly as he fixed his egg hat.

"Doin' good, I just saw a body in down the hall." Cool Blue said calmly.

"Ah that's coo-WAIT WHAT!?" Benedict said in shock. he then ran past Cool and down the hallway, holding Eggi so he didn't have to run behind him. when he got to the headless body, he recognized it immediately.

"Oh my lord, it's Sprout! I just talked to him earlier!" Benedict said, horrified. then Cool Blue walked in, holding a coconut drink. "We gotta report it!" Benedict said as he turned to Cool.

"Alright, sounds good to me." Cool said calmly, then somehow took a sip of his drink.

Benedict, Eggi and Cool Blue ran over to Cappin, the self proclaimed "captain" of The Cometchaser. he was about to somehow take a sip of his coffee in his room/office before Benedict and Cool burst in.

"CAPPIN! me and Cool have discovered a body in the main hall!" Benedict said, sounding very panicked.

"A BODY!? dammit! that's the second time this week!" Cappin said as he slammed his cup down his desk, hard enough to smash it. "THIS CALLS FOR AN EMERGENCY MEETING!" he announced proudly, something that Benedict and Cool Blue recoil a bit, before dramatically pressing the button.

[Cut to the Cafeteria]

The crewmates, which consisted of Benedict [with Eggi], Cool Blue, Gloomy, Big Red, Omelet, Chedder and Bitey, were all gathered around the table, with Cappin sitting at the very end with a stern look on his visor.

"Gentlemen, I have called you all here to tell you the grim news..." He said, sounding very serious. "A body was reported today by our good friends Benedict and Cool Blue. which means, there is an imposter among us..." He finished as his visor shined, then Omelet giggled a bit at a certain word being used.

Cappin then turned to Benedict. "Now, recount how you found Sprout's body." He said.

"Um...well actually Cool Blue found the body first, I'll let him explain." Benedict said as he gestured towards Cool. "I was just walkin down the hall and preparing to do my tasks till I tripped over Spout's headless body, it was so grody." 

Cool said. "I know I had to report the body to someone so I just went over to Benny bro here." Cool finished as he put his hand on Benedict's head, much to his slight confusion.

"Interesting..." Cappin said as he rubbed his nonexistent chin. "...are you sure that doesn't mean YOU'RE THE IMPOSTOR?!" Cappin said as he pointed at Cool Blue, who was unphased.

Big Red decided to speak up. "Seriously? you can't just accuse him of being the impostor right off the bat!" He said in annoyance.

"B-Big Red is right! we g-gotta go over the evidence first, then decide who is the impostor or not!" Said Gloomy nervously. "W-we don't wanna eject anyone outta this s-ship all willy nilly, like last time..."

"I agree with Big Red and Gloomy, we should think things out." Benedict said as he was petting Eggi, who was sitting on his lap.

Cappin sighed, as if disappointed. "Alright...we'll try to gather more evidence about this impostor THEN do the ejecting." He said as he went back to his seat.

"Now, Benedict, what where you doing when you discovered the body?" Cappin asked.

"Well, I was walking down the hall with my son, ready for my tasks, and then I saw Sprout in the hallway..." Benedict began. "He asked me to do his task of rewiring some wires for him and so I did." He finished.

"Hmm...I see..." Cappin said as he rubbed his nonexistent chin again. 

"Wait a sec, he made you do his tasks again? that lazy piece of-" Big Red said angrily, before stopping when Omelet put her hand on his shoulder.

Then Cool Blue spoke up. "Ya'know, before I found Sprout's body, I saw Bitey walkin down the hall."  this made every crewmate fall silent and turn to look at Cool.

The crewmates then all turned to Bitey, who was calmly sitting at the other end of the table, with a gleam on his visor.

"Bitey, what where you doing the time before Sprout's body was reported?" Cappin asked. Bitey was quiet for a bit, then spoke up. "Oh...I was just tending to my garden...pulling out some weeds, you know?" he said calmly.

Benedict was suspicious. " what where you doing in the hallway?"

"Well, I needed to put the weeds somewhere, correct?" Bitey replied. "...would you like to see one of my plants?" He added.

"Oh, sure! a nice little plant would add some much needed greenery to this table!" Cappin replied in a chipper tone.

Bitey then pulled out a little potted plant and set it on the table, which the crewmates admired. "Um? hello? we're trying to figure out who's the impostor here?" Big Red said, waving his hand to get their attention back to the topic.

"Oh right! of course, now...who is the impostor..." Cappin said. all the crewmates went back to trying to figure out this impostor, but Benedict and Eggi were still staring at the potted plant, something about it seemed suspicious...

Then Chedder decided to weight in on this meeting. "Ya'know fellas, maybe Cappin was right about Cool Blue bein' the impostor, his story about trippin over Sprout's body sounded like a ricotta nonsense!" He said.

"It does sound a bit contrived now that I think about it..." Omelet said as she rubbed her nonexistent chin and looked at Cool Blue, who was back to somehow sipping his coconut drink from earlier.

The crewmates started to discuss this, until Big Red then noticed that Benedict was still looking at the potted plant. "Hey Ben, what are you looking at?" He asked.

"I don't know why, but something about that plant seems a bit off to me..." Benedict said, while Eggi jumped off his lap. "Did you notice how it looks *just* like the plant on Sprout's head?" He finished as he pointed to the plant.

" that I'm looking at it, you're right." Big Red said as he took a closer look at the plant, then noticed Eggi has hopped right on the table and walked up to the plant. "Wha-? Hey Ben! get your son off of the table!" He said, irritated.

"Oh, come off the table Eggi, you know how the others get when you're walking all over it." Benedict said as he gestured his arms for Eggi to come over, but Eggi wasn't listening.

The little impostor looked at the potted plant for a minute, then decided to kick it over. this action made the pot spill out some soil...and revealed that the plant had a patch of Sprout's flesh on it.

The sight of this made Benedict and Big Red stare in horror at the sight. " god..." Benedict began, then whipped around to point at Bitey. "It's HIM! he's the one that killed Sprout!" He shouted, alerting the other crewmates.

"Hey! don't randomly accuse crewmates of being impostors! that's my thing!" Cappin said, turning to Benedict and sounding a bit annoyed. "No! look! this is Sprout's plant! it's got his skin on it!" Benedict said as he held up Sprout's plant, making every other crewmate collectively gasp in shock.

"Oh my lord! that's so fucked up!" Omelet exclaimed. "I know, I can't believe Bitey would do something this gruesome!" Gloomy said in agreement. "Yeah that, but also the fact that Sprout's plant is actually a part of his head, I always thought it was a hat like the rest of us..." Omelet said in response.

Gloomy was confused for a bit, until a large spike stabbed right through his head, killing him instantly. Omelet could only watch in horror as Bitey devoured Gloomy's decapitated head with his now exposed mouth.

"Holy shit, everyone scatter!" Cappin ordered, and the crewmates all ran off in different directions. this frustrated Bitey, but then he smiled as he decided to crawl into the vents of the ship.

"W-where'd he go!?" Benedict asked, holding Eggi close to him. "It appears he's escaped into the vents! we must capture this his vile impostor!" Cappin shouted as the others tried to frantically leave the cafeteria.

"H-How?" Benedict said, as he held Eggi close. "He's an imposter! we don't a chance against that!" He added.

"I know we'll find a way my dear friend!" Cappin said confidently.

Just then the lights in the ship suddenly turned off, leaving everyone to stumble in the dark.

"Aw crap..." Benedict muttered, this was not a good day.