♠ First Meeting

1 year, 9 months ago

Their first meeting: Silke's POV.

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Author's Notes

This is old writing which may be outdated and inaccurate, however, I still wanted to keep records of it up somewhere for ease of access. My writing is not impressive here.

The streets were drenched, large puddles forming in the road ditches. Neon lights were reflected, creating a mirage on the roads and sidewalks. The night was fresh, the time barely reaching the sixth hour. Even so, the sky was a deep azure with faint cerulean airbrushed into the crevices of the universe. The stars were faint, yet still flickered, even while faltering.

The petite bat walked with a quick yet discreet pace; maneuvering around puddles by balancing on street curbs. His grasp on his messenger bag was firm as he headed towards his place of work; the morgue.

He strode around a corner, and came into contact with a firm wall - instantly bouncing back to try and catch his bearings. A strong arm wrapped around his lithe back. Dark eyes met sharp crimson.

“Excuse me. I wasn’t paying my awareness due.” A rough, bitter, chocolate-covered voice mused its way to the small bat’s ears; easily setting a small spark off somewhere hidden in his ribcage.

“A-ah… no need to worry, I was in a rush.” Silke murmured, his soft voice barely carrying over the sound of a car passing by; the stranger in front of him twitched his ear in response.

The canid in-front of him towered over himself easily, putting his own small stature into clear perspective. The stranger was of dark fur with gentle strokes of brown, giving the famous pattern of a Doberman; yet his fur and build stated otherwise. His attire was formal, as if he had just come from a meeting - which was most likely the scenario. Calculating crimson eyes pierced the small bat’s very being, as if his secrets were to be unravelled - one by one.

They shared their gaze for a few moments before the firm arm behind him finally retracted; and with further observation, appeared to be made of metallic plates. A prosthetic, thought he. His stare raked down the other, collecting and storing away potential information, even for this stranger on the street.

They said nothing, yet a mutual feeling was shared - curiosity and caution. A familiar feeling flushed its way into Silke’s body; the same feeling he’d always get when seeing a predator. Warm arousal and scathing bloodlust. His heart fluttered absently at the sight of the stranger’s posture - relaxed yet hostile.

Silke was the first to step aside, after giving a curt nod to the other; one which was returned. They moved past each-other, dark meeting crimson once more; but not last.


The sound of the key jostling the lock echoed through the bare apartment; making way to the door gently swinging open. The pale bat stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind them, locking the gateway once more.

He walked through the small inlet, directly into the small yet accustomed kitchen - the pristine white counters of marble were cold to the touch, and very few things were placed upon them. Cooking knives and other utensils hung from magnet boards; everything perfectly placed.

“I’m home,” he called softly, knowing even if his voice didn’t carry with strength, his roommate would know he was there.

Carefully placing his bag on a stool in-front of the kitchen island, Silke made his way to the fridge to fish out a small bowl of fruit he had prepared that morning - a mixture of pineapple, raspberries, and mango. He silently grabbed a small spoon before walking back to the island.

With startling energy, a white blur wrapped it’s arms around Silke, causing him to stiffen.

“Hello, Kryo,” he hummed, continuing to nibble on his decided dinner; or early breakfast, considering the time.

“Silky! I missed you! You came home late today, I was worried about you!” The rat dragged the sounds of the ‘y’ and ‘e’ in the latter sentence.

He made a soft noise in acknowledgment, ears twitching gently. Kryo unwound himself from the small bat, stepping away to give a clear view of himself - pale fur dotted with freckles and spots, sporting only a pair of thigh-highs and his classic oversized hoodie. Silke watched him, unfazed by his roommate’s appearance; he had given up on feeling abashed a long time ago.

“How was work? Ya’ fuck any dead bodies this time around? By the way, take a fucking shower. I can smell the rot on you,” The rodent swore, grinning at him. Dark eye bags silently betrayed his enthusiasm. Silke mused silently, before deciding to appease his friend’s curiosity.

“It was fine. I ran into someone on the way home though,”

A dark brow rose at him, painting an expression of conceit on his face. His smile grew a little brighter, and his posture a little more swayed.

“Really? That’s fuckin’ awesome. You two gonna date yet?” He poked his tongue out teasingly.

Silke rolled his eyes and finished his bowl easily, clearing it away and putting it in the dishwasher to be cleaned in the morning. “I literally ran into them in the street. I don’t even know his name.” He murmured, the clink of dishes causing his left ear to bend back.

“Yeah, Yeah, whatever. Go take a fucking bath, bitch! I’ve got video games to hit up.” With that said, the rat ran back to his room, the sound of the door shutting quietly making way to Silke’s ears; he sighed, used to this behavior.

Grabbing his satchel once more, he headed to his room to deposit said satchel, before heading to the bath.


One clean and fluffy bat later, Silke headed back into his room, ignoring the sounds of Kryo yapping from his room. He slipped a cozy, dark pullover onto his frail body, glad it wasn’t restraining - it was one of his few oversized pairs. He adjusted his black-out blinds in quick motions and headed back to his bed, gently dropping onto the sheets.

Laying down, Silke was soon enamored by his thoughts; mulling over the day. His claws idly gripped the blanket he lay upon as he recollected the fresh memories of the corpse he had dissected earlier; it was a quick and easy job, considering the body had been mostly eviscerated and beyond ruin by the time it came to the forensic offices.

All the same, the sight of vitality brought a loving lust to his veins; thrumming like an ancient beast.

Laying for what seemed like hours, the sounds of his friend a distant while away faded into nothing - it seemed his roommate had finally decided to catch up on sleep; something Silke should consider doing as well.