Pursuit of power

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 352

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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Zephyr was having a chill day at home until the mess in the pantry started to get on her nerves. She lived in a big house with her partner, Lynara and their four kids. The youngest pair still lived at home while the older two had already moved out. The house hasn't been cleaner since, not implying that they were messy. It does get fairly messy quickly when six maras live in the same house but Zephyr would always make sure that she and the kids clean up after themselves. 

The chaos that her family brings sometimes, she smiled at the thought. As chaotic as it seems, she loved them all so very much. Zephyr had a brilliant idea to bring more order to the house, even though they were down two members.

She was going to reorganise the book shelf, she did want to build up her organisational skills and this was the perfect way to do it. There were plenty of books all scattered and placed carelessly. 

She sorted through genres first, and then sub genres. She wiped the dust of an old book labelled, 'History of Solaria.' "This must be before the calamity, yup. Who would've known." She laughed to herself. 

She continued with her sorting, one book stood out to her, it was shiny and was made out of stone. "Oh, this better be old." Zephyr had an interest in old objects, especially books. 

It was heavy to lift but she managed. She expected the whole book to be made out of stone but it was just the cover and the back. The rest was made out of sturdy paper, presumably by a tree from the cerulean forest due to the colour. It was dated a very long time ago, much older than the dusty book she found earlier. It was dated 200 years ago and was about the family line of the 'Roseshines. 

She couldn't wait to read the book to learn more about her partner and kids heritage. 

She finished sorting and placed the books back, in order from genre. She loved order more than chaos.