
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 699

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

Two figures stand on a deserted, wind-swept parking lot in a badlands

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Chapter 1

Two figures stand on a deserted, wind-swept parking lot in a badlands

One is a fox, in his mid to late twenties, the other is a furred dragon

The fox is on his knees, tied to a tree by his arms. The dragon holds a revolver

The dragon speaks first

“My name is Osiris. Do you know why I brought you here?”

*The fox keeps a nervous silence*

Osiris sighs

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way”

*The fox is increasingly nervous*

“Very well”

Osiris loads a single round into the cylinder of his revolver

“Let’s play a game shall we?”

“I ask you a question, and if I don't like the answer.”

*Osiris gestures with his revolver*

“Where is she, where is Boss?”

*The fox’s lip tightens, steeling himself*

“Ok then”

*Osiris spins the cylinder and pulls back the hammer with a practiced hand*

*Osiris levels the cannon at The fox’s eyes*

*The fox’s heart beats faster and faster*


“Lucky bastard”

With the realization that Osiris isn’t bluffing, The fox begins to panic

“I-I-I can’t tell you! You know what they’d do to me if I did?”

“I don’t know… and I don’t care”

*another pull of the hammer*

“Please. Don’t.”

“You know exactly what’ll make me stop.”

“I can’t tell you!”


The fox's eyes begin to water

“If you kill me, then you’ll never get the information you want”

“That’s not true, I can always go back for another goon who might be a bit more willing to comply. You’re the third one actually.”

*Osiris spins the cylinder and cocks the hammer*

“Are you willing to comply?”

*The fox begins to cry*

“Please don’t d-do this”


“Three for three now are we? Luck will only last you so long.”

“B-boss has m-my kids, if I tell you, she’ll… she’ll… ”

*The foxs voice trails off*

“You’re not gonna convince me to let you go without telling me what I want. Where. Is. Boss?”

“J-Just Please. I’m begging you. Don’t.”

*Osiris sighs*

“You can stop this, real easy.”

“I CANT! Boss will kill my children!”

“She won’t have a use for them if you’re dead anyway. Let’s try this again”

*Osiris turns to face away from The fox and holsters his cannon*

“Last chance buddy”

*The fox begins to pray*


*Osiris whips around at lightning speed, right hand grasping his revolver, left hand hovering above the hammer. Time slows to a crawl. Beads of sweat on The fox's face freezes in place, the wind drops to stillness. The fox can do nothing but stare down the .44 inch maws of death. 






*The fox falls to the ground in shock, gasping for breath. He looks all over his body. No blood.*

“I’m alive” “I’m alive”

“Looks like you are, and I trust you understand what five empty chambers tells you about the sixth”


“No pleases, only information”

“I can’t”

*Osiris pulls back the hammer*

“May you find peace wherever you wash up“

“OK WAIT! Fine! Fine! I’ll tell you! Boss is in New South Delta. In the abandoned Splicemart warehouse. She’s staying until Thursday. That’s all I know.”

“See? That wasn’t too hard was it?”

*The fox vomits*

“You won’t need to worry about Boss or any goons in New South Delta, but if she does have anyone going after your kids, I trust you’ll need this.”

*Osiris tosses a knife to the fox’s feet*

*The fox scoops up the knife and immediately begins rubbing the blade against his bindings*


*The fox looks up*

*Osiris opens the cylinder of his revolver and removes the single cartridge. He contemplates the small brass piece before flicking it away*

*the cartridge strikes The fox in the forehead, then bounces off a rock with a light clink before rolling to his feet*

…It was empty

*Osiris leaves to mount his magnetcycle before pausing to turn back to The fox*

“Nos vemos, my friend”

*The fox faints*