Tribal Lion Encounter

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
4 5581

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Part of a trade series with CrazyBaby!

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Tribal Lion Encounter

A lone nomadic lion wanders into tribal territory where he comes across a lion chieftain. What will happen?

Tribal Lion Encounter

Dan's mane billows in the wind while he treks alone along a winding trailway. Being a nomadic lion, the big cat himself is a loner, just wandering about. He is the only figure present in the area for now.

Usually, Dan would have nothing to worry about with being all alone, but since he is in the middle of nowhere, and in an area he hardly recognizes, the golden furred lion has reason to be alert; storms, marauders, wild animals, anything that can pose a danger are some of the reasons to keep alert.

Parting his mane, the lion continues on his journey, hoping to find at least some sort of civilization he can stop in. But a sudden roar in the distance makes him pause, wary. He mutters, "Crap, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse…"

Having nowhere to turn for shelter, Dan checks his surroundings before reluctantly making his way forward, aiming to listen out for anything else. After a considerable distance of walking, he happens to notice a few trees up ahead, along with the faint sound of running water. He must be closing in on some sort of civilization.

Dan stops upon hearing another roar, this time from the trees. At first, he grows worried until he notices a lone brown lion emerging from the treeline. And to Dan's right up ahead is a flowing watering hole. His first impulse was to run to the water, but with a lone tribal lion emerging from the treeline, he couldn't be more careful.

Dan stays still, not wanting to bother the other lion or become a target but after a sudden glance by the brown lion, Dan already knows he's caught. At first, Dan is about ready to run when he sees the brown lion appearing to charge at him, when instead the feline is just jogging to meet him.

Parting his mane again, Dan anxiously anticipates a confrontation when the brown lion speaks first, "What are you doing here? This is River territory!"

Slowly and reluctantly, Dan watches the brown lion before him. Yet from seeing his body language and facial expression, the golden lion finally relaxes and begins to plainly speak, "My name is Dan. I'm looking for a place to settle down in. Forgive me if I'm trespassing but I am searching for some sort of civilization; I've been a lone nomad for the past couple of weeks."

"Ah, so you've come across our land to settle down?" The brown lion presumed. A slow head nod comes from the golden lion when he gazes around anxiously and leans forward to whisper, "I was going to come to drink some water but since I'm close to civilization, why not?"

This makes the brown lion smirk in understanding, beginning to pick up on Dan's intentions. "I see. So you're looking to settle down, correct?"

"If I may join your tribe, then sure." Dan resolves in return. Then he lightly clears his throat, stepping forward once more and asking, "What do they call you, by any chance?" 

"Benito." Dan gives the brown lion a curious face, to which he explains further in introducing himself, "I am Benito Benagua; I am a warrior of the River tribe."

Hearing this makes Dan perk up, "Warrior, eh? What's it like? Is it fun?"

With a grin of his own, Benito raises his right arm and curls it into a hard flex, flexing his biceps before lowering it. The brown lion goes on to elaborate, "Being a warrior may look fun, but it's not all it's cracked up to be, really. You have to remember you're fighting to the death to protect your land and your people. It takes a lot of physical and mental training to become a warrior."

"I see." Dan gives an amused smirk while placing his hands on his hips, but when a curious glance off to the side changes his expression to being thoughtful, he wonders, "Is your leader available? I would like to jo– is that him??"

Dan's train of thought is cut short when he sees a white lion emerge from the treeline; surely, this must be the leader! If not, then he's probably another warrior lion of the tribal pride.

After pointing out the white lion to Benito, just one glance is enough for the brown lion to confirm Dan's suspicions. And to add to this, Benito waves the white lion over while calling out, "Juan, come over here!!! There's someone that wants to meet you!!!"

Once the white lion comes to meet them, he immediately assumes, "Passing by or just exploring?"

"I am actually interested in joining this tribe of yours? Where can I find the leader?" Dan himself spoke, explaining the reason why he is here. What he doesn't realize is that the person he is looking for is right in front of him. That is, until the white lion opens his arms up in introduction.

"Well, you're staring at him! I am Juan Tivola and I am the chieftain of the River tribe! Welcome to River territory!" Juan hugs Dan in a brief embrace before withdrawing, leaving Dan floored by surprise.

"That's you?!" Dan breathed out in surprise, "You're the leader?? Well count me in then!" Dan began laughing, holding his head.

Juan and Benito both look at each other and back at the laughing golden lion, whose laughter begins to eventually subside. Dan then resolves, "Take me in; I'll do my best!"

Juan raises an eyebrow in suspicion as to say, 'Are you sure?' and turns his attention to Benito and then to Dan. Between the two, Juan resolves, "Why don't we all take a quick break? Afterwards we can get back to our day. Benito, once you're done, you resume your patrol. And…"

"Dan is my name." The gold lion hasn't introduced himself, yet he allows Juan to keep going for the sake of conversation.

"...Dan, you say? Well then, you come with me afterwards." The white lion continues further, "We'll assess how well your performance is."

"I'm up for it and ready!" Dan gives the two lions a ready smile, indicating his eagerness to begin and learn from them. 

Author's Notes

Dan the Lion belongs to CrazyBaby; Benito Benagua and Juan Tivola belong to me!