You Ever Had a Smoothie?

1 year, 5 months ago

Short scene I've been planning for over a week, didn't get to use it so wrote it down ^^

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The streets of New York were busy as ever, maybe moreso thanks to the Christmas holiday. It was Christmas Eve after all, so people were busy busy busy. Mikey jumped between buildings with Ghost close to him, the two enjoying the time away, even if it was to get medical supplies for their idiot mom and Mikey's idiot boyfriend.

They had gathered all they could carry in secrecy- of course paying for it- and were currently headed back together. Mikey suddenly paused though- as an orange crack formed in the air just ahead. The crack split further, and further, before suddenly splitting into a swirling golden-orange portal.

" .. Mikey? "

Ghost mumbled quietly. Mikey only shook his head- this.. wasn't his.

Suddenly, a pinkish blob of flesh and tentacles was thrown. Through- screeching in surprise as it hit the rooftop and slid into snow. A kraang? Here? Now? Alive?! Mikey put himself defensively in front of Ghost, but before the alien could even notice them- a large turtle stepped out of the portal- launching at the kraang.

The turtle was a little bigger than Raph, wore blue, and had a robotic arm that look like Raph's arm... Mikey felt his heart drop. This was Leonardo- the future Leo from Dylan and Casey's timeline. 

Leonardo fought the kraang with surprising speed and accuracy, despite looking half blind with one eye scarred over with a recent- but still older- gash over it. The kraang fought back just as hard, screeching angrily but getting pushed closer and closer to a large vent on the ceiling. A huge fan, with sharp metal blades, an overhang over it to keep rain and snow out.

As Leonardo got the alien pinned to the overhang, he grinned slyly.

" Say- you ever had a smooth Kraangy? "

The alien stopped struggling, confused. But Leonardo continued.

" You take some fruits, vegetables, and some ice, and you do this! "

He shoved the kraang through the overhang- shoving it directly into the fan with his robotic arm. It screeched, screaming and writhing as it tried to get free, but Leonardo pushed it down further and further til it had been turned into nothing but goop. He backed off, out of breath, and took a pouch full of salt off of his belt- dumping it onto the remains of the beast for good measure.

He turned around, freezing when he made eye contact with Mikey.

" ... Angelo? "

Was all he could mumble. Mikey stammered a bit, starting to smile. They talked, and a few others exited the portal.

With no hesitations, he called Leo up, demanding a portal home. Leo complied, expecting his brother to just he done with the cold. Mikey and Ghost entered.. only to have Leonardo, and a few others follow- three turtles and one visible turtle/human hybrid...

[End scene]

Author's Notes

Who knows, maybe I'll be able to use it someday lmao