Feather trial

1 year, 5 months ago

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All my life, I've been waiting for this day. It's the day of my feather trial and there's no way better than to go exploring in the depths of Bootleg Bay. This is my first time going out on my own, oh and it is very frightening. I always had my friends and family by my side, but now I'm all alone. I'll be fine though, and I'll come back with treasure to show them all that I am mighty and fearless. Of course, that's a facade. I don't want them to know that I'm afraid. 

We're here or rather I'm here. It's time to travel up the steep crevice to get to the cavern up above. Tiny rocks sprinkled down on me from above. When I get back home, I'll be Aurora, the best treasure hunter in Solaria. 

The cavern looks scary with its pointy teeth waiting to swallow me whole. I'm not afraid, I'll be fine. There's an eerie glow coming from within, I'm going to follow it. It leads me around twisting tunnels, at one time it felt like I was going up, and then back down again. The level of terrain changes through my journey. I think I found something! A bottle cap... that's it? That's what this strange light led me to. A bottle cap. I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

I picked up the bottle cap, and when I turned to walk away, I was smacked right in the face with a feather. It just appeared out of nowhere. Well, I get to show off my new Feathers, that's the greatest treasure of all.