Jackie Lemaire’s Log #1 - Stranded

1 year, 6 months ago

Jackie makes a quick log shortly after Ryley leaves planet 4546B

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[Voice Log starts]

[The sounds of something falling over as the audio recording device gets set down]

JACKIE: My Name is Jackie Lemaire and I am a Biologist working under the Alterra cooperation; I'm the second survivor of the Aurora crash on planet 4546B, and the only remaining one on planet.

[A pause is taken with the sounds of the recording device being readjusted]

JACKIE: Ryley Robinson has departed from the planet, and he has released multiple leviathan class specimens from their Containment, reasoning to his actions in that regard is unknown.

[A deep breath is taken]

JACKIE: Despite how it may seem, Ryley did not abandon me, he would never do that to me. Ryley believes I am dead and acted accordingly; for that I do not blame him.

I'm... not really sure why I am making this log. I have faked my own death, so I feel it does not matter, but it feels correct as a final “Goodbye”.

I will not be leaving as Ryley has, he has more to do and has more potential. I am staying. I will be exploring as much as I can. Ryley has changed something and I will find out the effects for him and for me.

I will miss Ryley and the few other friends I had but I cannot continue as I was, and this seems to be the best course of action.

So my final goodbye is...

[A pause]

JACKIE: Fuck you Alterra. I hope your cooperation falls, and all the people you've exploited make you suffer.

And Ryley, I'm so sorry.

[Voice log ends]

Author's Notes

Got Subnautica on the brain expect more of these