1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
1 760

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

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Cenvi looked at Serah with big eyes as the question she was dreading was asked... "What did I do before Solaria? Are you sure you want to know the answer?" Cenvi asked, unsure whether to spill their life story out to the bubbly kiamara. When Sereh nodded back, Cenvi started her tale.

"Before Solaria.. my homeworld was called Esiozan, the land of Dreams. It was exactly what it was called, there were many species who lived in harmony, canines, felines, avians, kiamaras. You name it, they were there. Something was happening to our world that happened aeons before, at the dawn of the planet. Xeogrulas, otherwise known as The he'll forest, was home to thousands and thousands of blood thirsty demons. The first ones pushed them back through the gate of hell with great might that the demons couldn't break out and devour our lands. In turn, the hero's had to sacrifice their lives to save ours. The barrier was made out of strong blood magic, the strongest of all magics but the most deadliest. No one dabbled in it, or any magic since mages died out a few thousand years later in the Great Magic War, where magic users were obliterated."

Cenvi sighed, "if they had let some live, we'd have known the spell to fix the blood barrier but alas, no one knew the incantations. When the demons broke free, we were hardly ready. Except for my family who were strong believers of the first ones, my parents, siblings, even our friends trained in heavy combat and dangerous weapons to be ready for this day. When the barrier broke, a loud bang rang in the skies and what used to be blue skies became dull and grey. We all thought a storm was coming.... but we weren't prepared for the type of storm. Many didn't believe in the first ones, I was lucky that my parents knew otherwise I wouldn't have survived the second onslaught. Demons raided and cities burned to the ground, the military weren't prepared for the attack. They didn't even purify the weapons. We had to teach others to purify the weapons with salt and holy water, bestowed to us by the first ones."

"I was swiftly enlisted in the army against the demons, in my first battle I lost a dear friend of mine....." Cenvi became lost in thought........

"Cenvi! Where are you?" A canine shouted for the kiamaras aid. "I'm over here!" A kiamara was slashing through hordes of demons to get the wounded canine. "There's too many of them, we must fall back."  

"If we fall back, the demons will claim the village and raze it to the ground." Cenvi warned the canine, who appears to be the general. "There's too many of them." He blew the whistle to signal for the others to fall back. The villagers were still evacuating, and alas when the fighting force withdrew the demons slaughtered most of the villagers who didn't escape in time, even some of the military were devoured by demons as they turned their backs and ran. Cenvi refused to turn back, she knew that she had to do something and keep fighting while her comrades and friends escaped. Carter, the general, was her life time friend who grew up in a military family. They trained alongside each other, Carter never believed in the first ones. Not until the demons attacked. 

"Cenvi! Fall back! That's an order, Now!" Carter barked viciously at the battling kiamara. Cenvi slowly worked her way back towards the general, slashing through demons and before she knew it, the general was lost under a horde of demons. She tried fighting her way through them, but alas she couldn't find him. She cried and fell back, allowing the demons to take the village.

She snapped out of her flashback.

"I lost friends, family, you name it. After my first battle I declared that I was going to leave on my own. The military still didn't believe in the first ones and magic but I did. I knew some mages must've survived the war on magic, they just had to. I searched everywhere, clearing out dens of demons as I went along. I thought I found something, but it ended up to be a rift that took me here to Solaria. I miss my homeworld, I have to save them but I've come to terms that there's no way back. I now travel Solaria, enjoying my time and healing through past trauma. The calamity scares me, but whatever happens, I'm ready."