The Scars Left Behind

1 year, 9 months ago

Vinyll discovers Ermine's scars

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It isn't often that Vinyll catches Ermine without that imposing cape. It boxed out his form and left only his glare, which made up for his smaller stature to make him more intimidating. It isn't often that Vinyll catches Ermine without his cape, but it happens.

Ermine, being mutant, was often a little more susceptible to the cold weather of Derse, so the cape doubled as a carry-on blanket. During the dim seasons, though, when it was a little warmer out, Ermine would occasionally take the cape off. Vinyll would get to see the more defined form hidden underneath- Ermine liked to wear rather form-fitting clothes, so Vinyll wouldn't have to imagine much about how Ermine appeared past that.

There was a time though, that Vinyll had visited the guard's quarters, the reason being quickly forgotten when they found Ermine getting into his armor. Thankfully, he was decent enough- he had his pants on and was currently slipping on his boots. That, of course, left his back bare to the prince, who's eyes widened as his ear fins raised with the violet color that quickly took over his face.

The soft jingle of the rings in Vinyll's hair as they shook their head is what alerted Ermine to their presence, his ears turning to the sound before his head followed. He didn't seem embarrassed by his body, which Vinyll supposed was a good thing. It'd be rather sad to see someone look the way The Arsonist did only to find that they hated themselves. But, of course, against Ermine's dark skin was contrasted with a slew of lavender scars, peppered all over his torso. Vinyll imagined his legs likely weren't much better, considering his arms weren't either.

Ermine had turned back to his boots when Vinyll hadn't said anything, though there was a light lavender dusting the ends of his ears now. The staring was getting to him a little, but Vinyll's thinkpan was elsewhere. They approached their knight, alone in the changing room, and reached out to gently run the ends of their fingers along one of the long slashes across Ermine's back, "How..-?"

"Too many to remember how for each one, sorry, Your Highness, there'll be no stories this time around," Ermine spoke gently, the upturn of his lip telling Vinyll the question didn't offend him.

They sat on the bench beside him now, peering over the scars that continued onto the knight's chest and stomach. Ermine sat straight, once his boots were on, letting Vinyll look him over obediently. He almost felt like a piece of meat, or a machine being judged for its dents. Speaking out of turn wasn't normal for Ermine, but he felt the sudden need to justify himself, "I can still protect you. Each mark is an attempt on my life that failed, and I'll let myself turn purple with scars before I let anything hurt you, my prince."

Vinyll could feel a warmth blossom on their cheeks as their eyes landed on Ermine's, which were staring right back at them. His look was sincere, pleading, something in his eyes begged Vinyll for something he wasn't even sure he understood. But the prince shook his head and offered Ermine a gentle smile, bringing a hand up to Ermine's arm, "I won't be replacing you simply because you've survived. I trust you."

Ermine visibly relaxed a little, his ears flicking as he held back from smiling, but it still reached his eyes, and that was enough for Vinyll.