The Ocean Wept Today

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago


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Chapter 1

The ocean wept today. Tidal waves large enough to swallow ships whole crash down mercilessly against anything in its path. Violent winds howl a painful cry, ear piercing and strong enough to make one stagger on their feet. Rainfall hails down like bullets, the endless sobs from a being that would never rest peacefully. Every sailor must be wary on days like these, for she is making herself known today.

Those that dared to tread the sea shouldn’t claim the waters as their own. Unlike the land, the sea cannot be tamed. While humanity could feel the water against their skin, she would always slip between their fingers. The uncaring nature of the sea was to be accepted, as it was a privilege to be able to explore these unknowable depths. It’s only fitting that a guest in someone’s home acts politely to the host.

And yet, there were always those that acted out of place.

She stands before the waves thrashing around her form. Her expression is stoic, though, if one could stand before her, one would be able to see the subtle shiver of her body. As if she was freezing into ice, but it is only her heart that holds this bitter cold rage. However, gently, oh so gently, she held someone in her arms. Even with the chaos forming around her, she could only stare at the lifeless women she found sinking into the ocean’s depths.

It was too late for this human. By the time she found the body sinking underwater, she knew it was too late. The ocean had taken another soul, though she knew it wasn’t this woman’s fault. It wasn’t the woman’s ignorance that killed her, it was the ignorance of those around her. The paranoid minds of sailors unable to traverse the ocean with respect. They always said a woman brings bad luck on a ship… 

She felt herself seething at the thought. Her once stoic nature was swept up by the currents thrashing around her. A sad part of her wondered what this woman was like alive. Could this woman have been a stowaway? It must have been a risky situation to board that accursed ship. Her expression dropped knowing that she could never ask this woman her story. This body, cold yet serene, belongs to the sea now. However, that lingering feeling. This woman’s last emotion– vengeance. It coursed through her. She was determined to fulfil this final wish.

But first, she looked down at the woman with a gentle, saddened expression. She kneeled closer to the water’s surface and the ocean stilled beneath her gaze. Shielded within the walls of the elements, she laid the woman down against the water. With a silent promise that she would fulfill the woman’s last wishes, she let go. She watched her slowly sink beneath the ocean’s depths. The body, unaffected by the furious tides, was eventually lost within the endless ocean. The world’s largest graveyard could claim another body… but it wouldn’t be the only one.

In the distance, fighting against the ungodly elements, was a ship. The ship this woman once found solace in was desperately trying to make it back to land. She could see it as clear as day within the storm. Why, she could practically hear the men onboard begging for mercy. They cursed the cruel mistress that could’ve plagued them so. They would curse everything around them, yet would never look at each other. 

They must have heard the woman plead for her life like this. Her eyes narrowed at the thought.

Slowly, she began to approach them. Careful footsteps capable of parting the tides; an unstoppable omen for the lone ship stuck within the storm. The men onboard couldn’t see her figure approaching, but her presence was undeniable. They were met with a truth far colder than the storm around them. This was all their fault.

Before this, the day was beautiful. The waves were gentle, the sun was radiant… all was well. Now, as the cold wave of vengeance spreads through the sea like the plague, it would be hard to remember the warmth the ocean could give. The sea is a benevolent force, uncaring of who or what succumbs to its power. Though, under her rule, the sea bends itself into a righteous rule. Within the long list of graves… there are some that truly belong there. And she can take pleasure in knowing that none of the land dwellers will ever find the bodies.