Ferry of the Damned(Wip)

1 year, 29 days ago
1 year, 29 days ago
4 810

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 29 days ago

Explicit Violence

Miscellaneous stories and adventures from Charon’s life

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Author's Notes

This was the first rough draft of his character and background 

Rough overview

Overseer of burials and rituals of Pantala at at place like the Hall of The Dead in Skyrim. Mazes of catacomb stretching on for miles under the “temple”
Believes it is important to honor their ancestors, offers assistance for any who would allow or like help taking care of  deceased. From any to almost all forms of burial. As well as offering protection from those refuse to rest peacefully. It is often unwise to go into the catacombs alone, otherwise one would find themselves in unwanted company from the living dead.

Through out their early life they lost many family members to (diseases, health or congenital issues, etc). Leaving only them and their older brother and sister of their family to remain. Other than distant family that cared not for what had happened. Their older siblings turned their backs on Charon for some reason or another, leaving them alone haunted by their family. His parents last wish being that he would follow in their footsteps, take part in the family tradition of being caretakers of the dead. More importantly they would constantly remind him the meaning of his name, that ClearSight foresaw/meant/wanted him to do this.

They haunted his dreams turning then into nightmares, waking days turned to the only freedom from the terrors. Telling him horrible things, that he was a failure, disgrace, weak, ect. In desperation to be free of them they joined  an apprenticeship at the hall of the dead. Under the overseer at the time, it took years to learn the tools of the trade. So long that one of their colleagues took over, as Charon was still struggling their way to the finish of their apprenticeship. 

A year later they completed their apprenticeship and could go onto preform rites and  ceremonies.  months after that their colleague and overseer was found murdered in the hall of the dead… soon more followed

Later going to take on the responsibility of all of the hall of the dead as most left after the murders in the temple. Only Charon and a few remained, viewed as outcasts and freaks. Yet they continued to do what they had set out to do, and in that time they had learned much. They had gone from being disgusted and afraid, to having  honor and reverence in what they do.

Many years had passed, rumors of attacks on travelers and such at night had grown. One night a large mob formed at the outer reaches of the temple grounds. They attacked the temple burning/toppling it to the ground. During the raid a few were killed in the crumbling temple, either burnt, crushed, or murdered. Charon and a few others manage to escape and continue to live in exile from the rest of Pantala. Many hid  out of fear, shame, or sorrow. And some live among those who now look down on them in  disgust and loathing.