Memory [Fresh Discovery]

1 year, 6 months ago

New Beginnings prompt.

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Citrus wasn't the kind of child who enjoyed big birthday party. He loved nature and would have rather spent his birthday exploring the woods than staying inside his parents' home with other kids. He wasn't shy, but he didn't enjoy spending time with other kids. Sometimes they were mean to him, asking reluctantly why he kept playing with insects or mud, why he was so secretly about everything and anything. Citrus didn't know how to answer these questions and would often run away from the kids and the kindergarden, finding his way home through the greener part of the city. When he was actually hurt and sad, like today, he would go into the forest and stay there until he was convinced that everyone would have forgotten about him. How good it felt to forget about everyone else. Only think about himself.

The sun was peeking through the oak tree's leaves, warming the orange kat's back. Citrus knew he would have to go back home in a couple of hours and be scolded for running away like he did but for now all that mattered to him was the soft, warm touch of the sun on his furry back. A group of endohs were playing in the branches above him, disturbing the child's nap by making some leaves fall on him. Slightly irritated by the birds' behavior, Citrus looked up in hope to locate them. He soon gave up after hearing the endohs fly away. Through the holes between the leaves, his turquoise eyes noticed that the sky was turning gray.

- Is it supposed to rain today ? He asked himself.

He got up and started trotting toward a pine tree. His attempt at climbing the tree were unsuccessful, but he still managed to grab a pine cone. The brown bark was so closed that it looks like one of the ball the other kids play with at kindergarden. Citrus put down the pine cone and glanced at the sky.

- It is going to rain, and I am so far from home ! I need to hurry if I don't want to get wet.

His short limbs didn't allow him to run fast. Even if he did the best he could, Citrus didn't manage to leave the forest before the pouring rain surprised him. He hated being wet and cold. He could barely see where he was going, the rain was so heavy that it was creating a white veil in front of him. His thoughts were rushing through his head. Would his parents search for him? Did the other kids tell the teacher he had run away? Would anyone notice that he wasn't there anymore? Hidden under a small and thin evergreen tree, he began to sob. He was all alone. Not that I am not used to it, thought the small orange kat. Suddenly a thunderbolt ripped the sky open, illuminating the forest and the following thunderclap made the child even more afraid and desperate. During the couple of second where the forest was lightened up, Citrus saw the entrance of a cave a bit further ahead of him. Getting all the courage he had left, the orange child kat ran toward the dark cave.

The inside of the cave was dried and warm. It was smaller than what he had imagined. He shook himself, trying to get rid of all the water that had managed to get under his fur. A squeak resonated next to him. Surprised, Citrus jumped, his orange fur spiking up. A small blue sikeri, visibly drenched from the rain, was staring at the kat in a death stare.

- Who are you? And what are you doing here?

- I'm trying to stay dry! And I'm all wet now thanks to you!

- Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know there would be someone else here.

The blue sikeri snorted. He turned around to stop facing the kat and stared at the heavy rain falling in front of him. Citrus sat down, licking his fur to get warm. He couldn't stop glancing at the sikeri. It was the first time he met one! And it was talking! He was so excited. Maybe they could overcome the obstacle that was the storm together.

- What is your name?

- It's Royal. And you?

- I'm Citrus! How did you end up in this cave? He asked curiously.

The sikeri pouted.

- I was trying to follow my siblings, but I got lost in the forest, and before I could get out, it started raining. Now I'm sure my family left town without me.

- Why would they leave without you?

- They don't like me very much. I'm the odd one.

Citrus understood what Royal felt. He was also the odd one. The rain had started to get lighter and birds were singing again.

- I'm also odd, you know. I ran away from kindergarten because the other kids treats me badly. And no one seems to care! It's as if I didn't matter to anyone. My parents are probably waiting for me at home though...

- That sounds terrible, I'm sorry. But hey, it looks like the rain is clearing up! You should go back home, Citrus.

The kat got up and looked around. He didn't recognize this part of the forest at all because of the damage that the storm did. He got anxious. Royal felt it.

- I don't have anywhere to do, I can help you to get out of the forest if you want?

- I would love that! I'm not sure where we are. And... Maybe you could stay at my home? I'm sure I can get you in my bedroom in secret.

Royal got up and walked closer to Citrus. He was smiling, almost laughing at the idea of getting inside his friend's house incognito.

- Alright! Let's leave together then!