
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
1 719

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

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River and Crow

Crow took a deep breath. The calm of the odd dreamscape was a welcome one. Things around this time were meant to be happy times, yet here he was sulking. Yes he could admit that to himself, but he'd never say it out loud. Shuffling his wings he continued to wander. He took in the pastel clouds and odd objects that stuck out in seemingly random intervals. It was odd, much like what was typical of anything the lindost had a hand in. It was always slightly mind boggling what the lindost could accomplish. It was rather hard for Crow to reconcile the fact that he was still around the train; it felt like an entirely different place. Though... knowing how the lindost operate that might not be far off.

He paused and trailed his claws across a bench. It felt sort of, isolating to be here. It was odd since he'd never really had issues with being alone before. Another deep breath; that felt better. He perked up to the sound of claws on the wooden boardwalk behind him. "Well, I can understand why you came up here." River remarked softly. "It's beautiful."

Crow hummed. "I suppose so." He turned to look out into the seemingly endless sea of clouds. "It certainly is something."

"So-" River started as she came up next to him; keeping a respectable distance. "-how are you doing?"

The haze of calm must be affecting his normal ability to hold his tongue. "I'm... well I've been better I suppose." He blinked lazily, he had no desire to see whatever expression was on the dragon's face.

"Mmmm well..." River trailed off for a moment. "I think it's ok to admit you're uh not okay." She shuffled her wings. There was silence between the two for a few moments. "Is there a reason why? You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable though."

Crow considered the question for a moment and then considered if he actually wanted to answer it. He knew, of course, why he was like this. Though he wasn't sure he was ready to share that with River yet. He decided on telling part of the truth. "Simply... memories." He stated with no intention of giving anymore context.

He felt River's gaze on him for a moment until she seemingly gave up. "I see." More silence, it felt slightly uncomfortable to Crow. River was typically filling the silence between them with some sort of chatter, so the silence was unusual. "I do hope-" She finally spoke up again. "-that someday you'll trust me enough to tell me. But know that I'm willing to wait til I earn that." She chuckled. "At this point I'm pretty sure you're aware you're not getting rid of me."

Crow snorted. "Yes, you are... very persistent. To say the least. I'm afraid I'm stuck with you." The next resulting silence felt more comfortable. "Thank you though." He added quietly after a while. Honestly he wasn't even sure she had heard him. Though based on the resulting shuffle of wings and intake of breath he supposed she had.

He was pretty sure he would regret these words later. Sure the dragon knew that he... valued her friendship, but he wasn't one to outright admit it. He mentally prepared himself for the teasing that would come later, but for now he could push the impending dread down. Now was just for existing in the moment; a peaceful calm overtaking the two odd friends. The sun and moons of ptitheros seemingly being the only other witnesses to the unusually emotional moment between them.

"Well... maybe we should head back in?" River suggested, though Crow could tell she wasn't fully into the suggestion.

"Perhaps after a little bit longer. It should be safe to remain for now. This place isn't meant to be dangerous as far as I'm aware." Crow replied, very clearly giving River an out to stay.

River sighed, though it seemed like a relieved sigh. "Yeah, let's stay here for a bit longer then. It's... nice."

"And I suppose after this..." Crow started and River perked up. "Dinner shall be on me. It is, the least I can do."

Crow finally looked at River to see a massive smile on her muzzle. "I'll hold you to that."