[WFTW RP] The Flea Dance

1 year, 5 months ago

Roolis Scorpion and Venom play a game of moss ball with the moss their father, Bloodrot, brings to the nursery. Though soon the moss ball itself is forgotten as they invent a new..."rule", to the game, and Venom dubs it "The Flea Dance".

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Scorpion belongs to TheElvenJedi, me

Venom belongs to allergekko

Word Counts

Scorpion: 1325 words

Venom: 674 words

[Lan-Hraeth Warren: Sector 5 : The Nursery]

[RP start date: 06/01/22 (dd/mm/yy) ; RP end date: 21/03/22 (dd/mm/yy)]


Scorpion | Genderfae (She/They/Ve) | Rooli |

Scorpion's half-lopped ears perked up curiously as Bloodrot rolled one of the moss balls Buckthorn had brought towards her and gave her permission to go play. Giggling excitedly, she grabs it between her teeth and tottered back towards her brothers and sister on unsteady legs. Melody and Aria appear to be curled up asleep, further evidenced as Asp, their mother, cracks one eye open and shushes Scorpion gently. The kit does her best to quiet her giggles, and gains another pep in her step despite the way their chest sounds wheezy by the time they come to a stop beside their brother, dropping the moss ball on his nose playfully. They then gasp out with shaky breaths, though don't seem to be paying their difficulty to breathe any mind, already focused on the games they could play with Venom as they kept poking him with their paw, trying to get his attention.

"V...Veeeeeeeee, Vee-Vee, wayk upppp!!" they squeaked excitedly. "Papa got mmm-moooh-se bawls for uhs ta pway wid!" Scorpion announced, their face scrunching up as they struggled to pronounce the word "moss" properly. "C'monnn, wid me! Is more fun!"


Venom | Buck | Rooli |

Venom was startled awake by a paw that kept on poking and poking, no matter how many times he tried to swat it off. Who dared to… oh! Scorpion! "Wuh?" he said, still half asleep, trying to understand what Scorpion was saying. He yawned, and stretched, and swiped his face like Mother sometimes did (although he had no idea how to do that properly, so instead he was mostly just slapping his nose, but he felt very grown up) before finally realizing Scorpion had said “moss.”

"Moss balls!" he squealed and jumped to his paws. Where was his moss ball? He saw Scorpion, and Mother and Father, and Aria and Melody, and rocks, and leaves, and grass, and a feather, and the floor, and the walls, and an ant… (wow, a real ant, in Venom’s home!) But no moss balls! Confused, Venom sat back down, but instead of hitting the floor his tail end hit something soft and round. "I found it!" he called out to nobody in particular. "I'm sitting on the moss ball!"


Scorpion | Genderfae (She/They/Ve) | Rooli |

"Eep!" the tiny kit flinched a little in surprise at Venom suddenly springing to his paws, surprising her. She quickly gathered herself, and Scorpion was soon erupting into a fit of giggles at her brother’s antics, he seemed so distracted (as usual) by looking at everything else that he didn’t realise his sibling had pushed one of the moss balls towards him already and she raised a paw to point at it. “Nuh, nuh! Vee-Vee, is dere! Nuh!” Scorpion kept trying to direct him towards the moss, but apparently to little effect, that is, until Venom plopped himself directly onto it. “Dere, you gowt it! You’s siwwy!” Scorpion grinned at her brother, her tail wiggling rapidly in excitement as she leapt to her paws and bounced a few paces across the nursery, then dropped into a half-crouch, still giggling as she encouraged her brother to come play with her. “C’mon, c’monc’mon, gib it!” Scorpion squeaked, wanting him to bat the moss ball across to her. "I catch!"


Venom | Buck | Rooli |

Venom giggled. Scorpion was right, he was silly! The giggling erupted into a full blown laughter, and Venom almost forgot about the moss ball again until Scorpion called him. ”Oooh, yesyesyes!” he said, hopping up to his paws again. It took him a few tries to get the moss ball situated properly in front of him, but soon he was ready to play. ”Ready? Aaaaand WAHAA!” he shouted, batting the moss ball with all his might – except, he missed by a whisker, at least. The swing of his paw was so powerful he almost toppled over, but he recovered just in time. "Oopsie!" He tried again, with a little less force and a little more accuracy, and was able to hit the ball. Venom giggled again as he watched the ball bounce away. What if he was as round as a moss ball, and other rabbits batted him around like one? Wouldn’t that be fun!


Scorpion | Genderfae (She/They/Ve) | Rooli |

Scorpion was more than ready, of course, the other kit practically vibrating in place with barely contained excitement. “Yaaa, am ready! Am ready c’monnn!” she yelled back, trailing off into some weird hybrid noise that sounded as if it were halfway between another cackling giggle, and a whine. “V, giv it!!” she complained, very nearly about to hop back over there and insist he take her place and catch first so she could show him how he was supposed to play properly, when her brother swiped at the moss ball, missed, and faceplanted gloriously. "V!!" Scorpion squealed in alarm, whipping her head around, she almost yelled for mama in case Venom had gotten hurt, but thankfully her brother soon gathered himself again and this time managed to smack the moss towards Scorpion.

Wiggling her bottom, the other kit propelled herself forward into the spot where the moss ball bounced, then came to a stop, and slammed both paws down onto the squishy green ball, giggling triumphantly. “Eeee! I goddit, I goddit Vee-Vee! Did ya see, I goddit!” Scorpion bragged for a moment longer, then finally let go of the moss ball, crouching really low to the ground at first, she peered intently at the moss ball, then glanced up at Venom as if measuring the distance she would have to throw it in order for her brother to catch it.

"Ya ready??" Scorpion called to her brother, to make sure he was ready for it, she knew he got distracted sometimes. She decided it would be sporting if she at least gave Venom a countdown, that would give him some time to snap back into it and prepare right? “Imma frow it in fwee, too, wonne!” and as Scorpion got to the last number, she swatted the moss ball with all her might, and hoped it would be powerful enough to send it back to her brother. Pwease leddit go far ‘nuff, pwease!


Venom | Buck | Rooli |

”Yay!! Go, Scorps!” Venom did a little victory dance like Father would do sometimes, except his was a little less graceful. Halfway through his dance he had forgotten why he was celebrating in the first place, but he kept dancing for the fun of it. He stopped only when he heard Scorpion’s voice.

”Wha? Oh! Yes, ready!” What was he ready for? The ball! Scorpion would throw it for him, right? Venom stared at the ball intensely as Scorpion counted down, so intensely in fact that he jumped a little when the ball was suddenly thrown towards him. Venom squealed and protected his head with his paws, but no need – the moss ball stopped comfortably just before it would’ve poked him. "You did it, Scorps!" he giggled. Time for another victory dance! This time Venom hopped over to Scorpion to try and get her to join in. ”Let’s dance, Scorps!”


Scorpion | Genderfae (She/They/Ve) | Rooli |

"Oh nuu, V!" his littermate squealed as she spotted him flinching, assuming that this time she had overdone it and given her poor brother a high-speed ball of moss to the face for his troubles. "I'm sorry-" Scorpion quickly began to apologise, just like mama and papa always said the siblings should do, but thankfully it seemed such an apology wasn't necessary because Venom wasn't acting as if he'd been hurt. In fact, the young buck quickly came hopping over to her.

Dance? Moss ball didn't usually involve dancing...Scorpion's ears quivered for a moment as the thought about it for a moment, then shrugged to themself and reared up onto her back paws, bopping Venom on the cheek with her front paws like she had seen Bloodrot or Ivory do a few times while they showed the kits how to dance. "Okayyy! Les dance!"


Venom | Buck | Rooli |

Venom giggled as Scorpion poked him. ”Hehehee! That tickles!” He started dancing – or what he thought of as dancing. Venom waved his paws around in every possible direction while jumping up and down like he had a fire under his tail. After a few moments of furious shuffling around he ended his dance number in a glorious jazz paws pose.

”Du, du duu, du du du duuu! Your turn!” he said, a bit out of breath.


Scorpion | Genderfae (She/They/Ve) | Rooli |

Scorpion squeaked softly in confusion at first as she watched her brother dance, a little unsure that what he was doing could even be called that, actually. They tried not to giggle, they didn’t want to be mean to Venom after all, but they couldn’t help but laugh. “I 'unno if tha’s dancin’.” Scorpion pointed out, “S’not how papa an’ Ivory do it! Ya looks like ya got fleas bitin’ ya!” they giggled teasingly. Nonetheless, Scorpion did thump her feet as if she were cheering or clapping when Venom finished his little routine, then encouraged her to join in.

"Okie okie, uhhh..." he half-lop hummed thoughtfully, her face scrunching up as she tried to remember what she had seen Bloodrot and Ivory did when they “danced”, and tried to emulate it as best she could, though of course being just a kit at the moment, Scorpion wasn’t nearly as graceful and her flopping around and kicking her feet up was far worse than Venom’s attempts had been. Nonetheless it was fun, even if they found themself a bit out of breath as they finally landed, quite awkwardly, on her side, puffing as she tried to get her breath back. “Uff! H-Howcome’s...y-you is...not...puffin’ like me…?” Scorpion asked Venom, quite confused.


Venom | Buck | Rooli |

”I did? Well, it’s a new kind of dance then! The flea dance!” Venom giggled. He was glad to make his sister laugh, even if he had thought his dancing had been quite graceful. Maybe Scorpion just didn’t understand art. Or maybe he truly was silly!

Venom cheered as Scorpion finished her own dance number. ”Wow, Scorps! You looked just like Father and Mr. Ivory! …you okay?” Scorpion seemed to be very tired. Well, they had danced rather vigorously. ”Maybe I just didn’t dance hard enough!” Venom said, very sure of himself. He started shuffling around again, flailing his paws even harder than before. He had to dance hard to become as tired as Scorpion!


Scorpion | Genderfae | Rooli |

“The flea dance”, well, that sounded cool! But then, she shouldn’t have been surprised, Venom always came up with the best ideas for names. Scorpion’s ears perked up at her brother’s question, and despite all the huffing and puffing, did flash him a reassuring smile. “Y-Yuh huh! M’okay, jus’ outta bweath. A lil.” e explained. Everyone got tired didn’t they? Maybe she had been a little too excitable with her dancing. Yeah, that was probably it.

Even the mere thought that she might be as good at dancing as Bloodrot and Ivory were seemed to perk Scorpion right up, and now that they seemed to have recovered for the most part, they leapt to their paws again and began bounding in slightly less exuberant (didn’t want to get tired again huh!) circles around Venom as he tried to dance enough to tire himself out too. “Go Vee-Vee go! You got dis!” they cheered him on.

Ve was a little too tired to do more than stamp their feet or occasionally raise ver paws and wave them around feebly again as if waving them in the air to an imaginary tune - probably one of the lullabies Mama or Papa liked to sing to Scorpion and ver siblings - they were listening to in their head. But they continued to cheer ver brother on until, after a good long while the young buck caught his foot on the now-forgotten moss ball, slipping and falling to the floor. Scorpion lunged across to try and grab her brother, but ended up being dragged down with him and the two roolis collapsed in a giggling heap on the nursery floor, where their mother found them fast asleep when she came to look for them at dinner time.