Voice lines

1 year, 6 months ago
569 2

Just some voice line drabble for Illias! He makes me happy so I thought I'd write some for him!

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Cavalry captain Illias at your service! If you ever need a helping hand just give me a call, I'll be happy to lend you my assistance!

About Illias : Cavalry captain

There's not much to say about it really, most of what I do is based around helping civilians rather than fighting demons or monsters on the battlefield...

About Illias : Hobbies

I really like cooking and baking more than fighting. I make things for other candy dinos all the time, so I'm best at making sweets!

About : Claw machine

Yeah, I got really good at them because Elli would admire certain plushies in the machines. Now whenever Elli sees a plushy they like I can get it for them!

About : Knighthood

I've wanted to be a knight since I was a hatchling, I would read about how they'd make people smile after helping them and I decided that I wanted to be the reason for that smile...

Chat : Bad jokes

I always try to laugh whenever someone tells me a joke, even if it's a really bad one because I don’t want someone to feel bad because no one laughed.

Chat : Friends

I used to be really shy around people, though I'm a lot braver now thanks to my friends. If you'd like I'd love to be friends with you too!

About : Hokum

Hokum is one of my first ever friends... They may seem impulsive or pushy but they're actually super sweet. They're actually part of the reason I gained enough confidence to talk to others in the first place...

About : Aster

Aster is really fun and bubbly! If you ever want to know anything about the stars in the night sky you should definitely talk to them, they can go on for hours and hours, they're really engaging too! We often have night time picnics and stargaze together, you should join us some time!

About : Elli 

Ah, they're a real sweet kid! Elli is actually a lot like how I used to be when I was younger... Might not talk much but you can usually tell what they're feeling at a glance, it's really cute honestly! I can't help but wanna cause em to smile more.

About : Tay

Tay is really cool! He was responsible for training me though he was strict. I look up to him a lot, he's kinda like the responsible version of Cali? Actually it's partly thanks to Tay that I started baking, so I could express my gratitude to him.

About : Cali 

Hm... How should I put it? My big brother is probably one of the least responsible people I know, I love him anyway though. Admittedly Cali did look after me when I was younger! But um, there was an incident where he beat up a bunch of kids who had made me cry when I was younger...

About : Steve

Oh Steve? Honestly he's very skilled at gaming, when we play he tends to carry me through everything actually. Truly an indispensable ally and a formidable opponent when it comes to E-sports!

What do you mean you thought he was a girl..?

About : Kody

A very fun individual to talk to! The worlds that Kody creates are truly a delightful thing to witness, he also happens to make for a pleasant heater during the winter... But don't tell him I said that, I don't want him to get the wrong idea.