Every Story Must Come to an End

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Have you ever felt so small it seemed like you weren’t even there? Trampled, undermined, and ignored by the world around you? This novel is about a collection of all of these things and more. Dealing with suicidal thoughts is one of the hardest battles you can go through, but it’s okay to not be okay. This novel is an expression of suicidal thoughts.

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Chapter One; December 20th.

  December 20th, 11:40 p.m.

  Have you ever felt like a nobody? Like no one knew you even existed?

I have, for almost every day of my life. My name is Aspen, I guess you could call this thing a diary, but I doubt anyone would bother looking for the secrets inside like they do for all the other ones. I‘ve never been one of those gifted kids who got into college with a full ride through it, I’ve never been special when it comes to my own personal hobbies or skills.

I’m just some dorky kid working a shitty job for eight bucks and hour. Where do I work you ask? A computer tech company. It’s the only place that would take me. I can’t handle the stress of fast food like other teens my age, I can’t stick up for myself no matter how hard I try. Pretty pathetic, right? I just sound ridiculous writing this but this book is the only ‘friend’ I’ve got left.  

this book is probably going to be messy and sloppily written, I have to rush places for my job, for me, for my two cats. I realized I’m a very scatter-brained person. But anyways, back to my little pity party… This is the first diary I’ve written in since I was about… five? My dad took it away because he thought it was, ‘too girly’ which doesn’t make much sense to me but oh well. 

My job at the Tech place (I can’t seem to recall the name) can be stressful at times. My boss, Linda, really loves making my life hell! She notices little things about me, my clothes, how my work is coming along. It can get annoying sometimes. She gives me much more work than the other employees for god knows why then tries flirting with me in the next ten minutes! I seriously don’t get her- She‘s one of the oddest people I’ve met, and not in a good way. I wish I could catch a break at work or at home but I can’t most of the time. I’m stressed out of my mind nowadays. The board is setting up these ‘Technology Festival’ and paired me and Linda as partners to figure out the kinks. It’s made my life even more stressful and miserable. It probably sounds like I’m throwing a hissy fit because I don’t like this girl very much. Well, I should call it a night, I’ll write more in the morning.

She called me in the dead of night to yell at me about a decision I made for the festival. It was about crackers, god damn crackers. She undermines me as much as my parents did. Im not heard at work or at home. I’m a nobody. I just want to sleep, if she calls again I’m ignoring her.