
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
2 1596

Entry 2
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

Vincent is a teenager with divorced parents. Son of a deadbeat absent father and a mother who fosters other children.

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2. Farewell, I have gone elsewhere

Dear Ms and Mr. Beaufoy,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Vincent Aubine, I am the first born son of Sacha Aubine. I write to inform you that my mother is not who you were led to believe she might be. Sacha Aubine is not a poor single mother who forsters abandoned children. She is an entitled leech.

You might remember her mentioning a young man named Damian Favre, you might remember her mentioning that he grew up to become “hard to deal with”, he went “out of control” and left the foster mother who funded his college studies. I will tell you the truth. Damian Favre is not an ungrateful man, alongside his studies he worked as a carpenter and he contributed to the household budget. He helped patch up the house and as you know the only room in my home which looks presentable is the living room and the boy’s room, which he fixed and repainted with his own two hands. When he found out my mother was in debt, he wished to help her out. Sacha owed money to Damien, a large sum of money he needed to finish his studies, the money he never saw again and which led him to abandon his studies. He left for good, without ever receiving his money back… considering we do not know where he is, Sacha thinks she will never have to pay him back again so she does not even try to save up money for his potential return.

As her son I was perfectly aware of this, I did everything to shield her and find excuses to justify her bad habits. I went against my own grandmother, Sacha’s mother, who got a loan from the bank in order to repay everyone Sacha owed money to. Now, both my grandmother and mother are in debt, grandmother is paying out her loan to the bank, my mother to… god knows whom. I regret every second I spent defending my mother, I regret every bridge I had to burn for her image.

You might wonder what compelled me to share this information with you? Well, your daughter Nadia is the only child in my household who mattered to my mother. Nadia was her pride and joy, a little ray of sunshine that loved her unconditionally regardless of how moody and cranky she was most of the time. I find it hard to believe that my mother got attached to this child specifically, when she “fostered” many other toddlers. She did not, I have. So has Damian, Venice and our many babysitters. The three of us were the older teens who had to take up parenting roles at age fifteen each. Sacha only loved Nadia for being a clueless toddler who cannot challenge her, a cute smiley baby who has no idea how her life might be ruined if she stays in Sacha’s care. When you came to our city to meet Nadia for the first time, Sacha conspired against you, she tried to manipulate two-year-old Nadia into calling her “mommy”, she hoped and prayed that Nadia would reject you so she could stay with Sacha. The best thing that happened to Nadia was to be adopted by the two of you, to be in a loving and stable family that will not jeopardize her future. Sacha brings ruin to everyone around her, she is a pathological liar who only knows how to shape other people’s vision of her. When you decided to stay in touch with Sacha, I begged my mother to let go. I begged her to pick up the pace and stop fostering children she cannot take care of, to stop hoarding human slaves. When she fell into another debt because she wanted to buy gold for Nadia’s baptism, that is when I knew I had to tell you. That money to buy gold for that little girl came from who knows where.

I have tried to convince her once again “After the baptism you shall never talk to that family again” and then yesterday I found out you invited her over to your country AGAIN.  I begged her to decline, however her only argument was “Their therapist advised them to make sure Nadia stays in touch with me, they do not wish to traumatize a two year old. She might be confused and scared so it is better that I stay in her life.

I sincerely recommend you show this letter to your therapist,

Vincent Aubine.