Enter Charles....

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
1 575

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Mild Violence

Little dnd stories of my character from before he joined the campaign and after. Stories told through Charles eyes

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The beginning

It's a dark wintery night in a forest near shore tire village possibly near Christmas when suddenly the night's peaceful silence is interrupted by the sudden sound of shouting and rushing feet.

It's him again...He’s running as fast as he possibly could seeing as he’s being chased down by the authorities as it  was.

*huff huff* now you might be wondering, who exactly is it that is being chased? Why don't I let them story tell you.

“HALT YOU CANNOT KEEP RUNNING ANYMORE IT’S OVER” an anger filled Shepherd officer shouts after the running figure trying to keep up with them. “CHARLES PLEASE THIS IS ENOUGH! YOU’RE GONNA GET HURT STOP ALREADY” yelled out a more smaller officer who seem more scared for the man rather then angered by him. 

Charles….Charles Ethel Florence a once beloved actor of the arts turned wanted criminal.  you might be wondering what it was that caused all of this commotion? Well that’s a story for another day cause as it seem Charles has come to a sudden stop at a small hill in the middle of the forest. he must get down from there soon before they catch up to him, he makes his way down the hill…. well not easily but he does. “MOTHERFU-mmm” Charles shouts as he tumbles down the hillside losing his beloved necklace and collides with a tree along the bottom of the hill. He tries his best to stand  but he can't as it seems the fall has hindered him unable.

“CHARLES!..CHARLES WHERE ARE YOU!” a distant voice shouts causing Charles to painfully move his body around to hide behind the tree he had collided with and in the process causing way too much racket alerting those above him.

“Fuck fuck fuck.” Charles whisper shouts as the sound of running footsteps starts to approach closer than before “give it up Charles you're done for” a voice tauntingly says from somewhere behind the tree.. Charles shuts his eye and covers his ears” no no no this can't be happening not now” he starts to shake as sudden tears fall down his face and it feels as tho someone is right behind the tree ready to grab him and send him away back to that nightmare of a place with “him”…..but everything just stops. No barking police dogs, no running feet, no cold wind blowing at him, and hell even the pain had suddenly stopped. it was almost as if Charles has been transported somewhere new…and well technically speaking that's not wrong. 

As sudden as the change was Charles stops shaking as he can now hear the faintest sound of people talking(definitely not someone he has ever heard before) Charles removes his hand from his face and right as he was, there was someone talking but he can't make out what it is they are saying as they are too far and completely muffled. at that moment he realizes a sudden difference…what he saw in front of him was straight out of a storybook. In front of Charles stood a group of people he has never seen before. 

There were two tieflings (one tall one and a small one) a human, and what appeared to be a bugbear wearing his necklace. “What the fuck?” and as Charles says that the bugbear turns towards his voice making eye contact but not at the same time...

Author's Notes

These are just gonna be shorts of the campaign in in since it's ending very soon and thought I should share their adventures.