Beginnings [Delta]

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
1 1023

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Mild Violence

Delta's Story Begins

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Chapter 1

The beginning was simple. Delta was happier. Delta had her sister. It all changed though. No matter how hard she cried, the universe wouldn't bend to change the past. She cried and cried, calling out her sister's name, holding a limp body close to her. Eventually Delta had stopped crying. Her face was emotionless and blank. She took her sister body and wandered aimlessly. That was until she fell into a strange pit, and it all changed.

Delta never spoke of her past. She never stuck around long enough for anyone to even get close enough to her to hear that story. The full story at least. If anyone asked her why she did what she did, she'd always reply with something along the lines of. "Because of someone who was very close to me." If pressed any more than that, she'd say nothing. Sometimes she'd mutter things about her sister, but when asked she leaves the area instantly.

Delta went about, two swords in her hands as she fought through any enemy to save the innocent. Slaying monsters and beasts that were sometimes more than twice her size. Her attitude is cold, unwavering, she never drops her guard and trusts nobody. Glaring at anyone who dares to attempt and be her 'friend'. 

Delta is called many names… Dual Wielding Battle Maiden, Defender of Neon, Tempo, Feverant Tempo, The Two Blades… very rarely would someone know her actual name, it's not often she says it. When people ask though, she tells them.

Night after night and day after day, she fights creatures or those who wish to harm, in order to defend the innocent, weak, and helpless. Hardly saying any words. Nodding shortly to accept thanks.

When asked why she would help when so many would just stand by she'd only say "That's what I do." 

She refuses payment of any kind and simply moves on with her life. Her duty.

Today was like no other for Delta, patrolling and looking for any sort of trouble she could solve. Sticking to the shadows and hard to see spots to watch the area she was in. That's when she saw it, a strange creature attacking innocents. She stood up and rushed forward from her spot of hiding within the trees and instantly attacked the monster with her two swords, splashes of Neon blue and Neon pink following their paths as she attacked bravely, no hesitation, no lingering. 

Delta jumped up high, looming over the beast as she dove down to strike with both of her swords, stabbing right through the creature, to which it dissipated once killed. She picked up he two swords from the ground and turned her head to the person she just saved, who stared in awe and amazement. 

Mezime blinked looking on at Delta. "Woah.. that was amazing!" She moved forward to Delta and stood on her two back paws. "Who are you? How did you do that?" Mezime asked, her dreamy eyes focused on existence for once.

Delta blinked, and looked down at her swords, which she moved to put both on her back in an X shape. "I'm Delta." They said, flicking their tail to the side. "Practice… I've practiced a lot." She explained, turning on her heel and walking in one direction, to which Mezime only followed.

"Delta? That's an interesting name. I'm Mezime." She smiled as she followed beside Delta, looking interested in the blue and pink Patterned Eevee. "Say what brings you out here?"

Delta hums in response, used to random strangers following her for a bit when she saves them, she never answers many questions, nor does she look at the person. Delta thinks for a moment about Mezime's question. "To help people like you." 

Mezime nods, fiddling with the strange Winged key on the necklace around their neck. "So how long have you been doing it for?" Mezime smiled softly as they continued to walk beside Delta, noticing how they seemed to be observing anything and everything around, looking for a threat perhaps.

Delta was silent before answering again. "Years, I think." They climbed up a tree a slight bit to the strongest branch in reach and looked around with their new leverage before dropping down. "I lost track."

Mezime tilted her head softly and then an idea popped into her head. "Why don't you come over? I can give you some food and-" Mezime was cut off by Delta suddenly turning to face her, a glare sharp in their eyes.

"No. I need no thanks from you." Delta took an intimidating step forward. "Go home." Delta's ears pinned back, a dangerous look in their eyes. "I don't need your pity either. I don't need your companionship. You don't need to stick around. Go. Home."

Mezime blinked, smile dropping, a worried look coming to their face as they took a small step back. "I…" Mezime couldn't find the words to speak, especially under Delta's sharp piercing gaze. Mezime could only stand there, searching those eyes for anything else. Yet.. found nothing. Mezime took a few more steps back, eyes shifting to the ground, before she turned around and ran off back home.

There Delta stood alone. Wild blowing through her hair as she stood there, watching Mezime run back home. It had hurt the first few times they turned someone away, but now it was nearly second nature. Not getting attached was the best way to not get hurt. So remove the access to the weakness entirely. Delta's eyes felt heavy as she turned around, continuing on the path. She knew she had to set camp soon.

They looked for a good spot and began to set up their tent. After it was done they moved inside to sleep. A small toy was now held in their paws. Their stoic face fell to one of sadness, tears forming in their eyes, small ones dropping and rolling across their fur. The small blue toy was then brought close to their chest as they curled up. "Lily… I wish you were here to help me still… I wish I wasn't so weak before… come back…"