Community Quest (Nova)

Leo Show More
1 year, 5 months ago

Draw your Eevee writing out their/your new years revolution! (Additionally, you can tell us what you plan to improve/do!) +4 Nova REP redeemed

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356 words

The calendar announced that soon a new year would start, and Leo remembered this habits people had to write out their new year’s resolutions. Goals and stuff they could improve during the following year. Sitting on a red fluffy beanbag he had gotten for Christmas, he started to wonder what he could improve this next year. He came up with multiple ideas. Jumping on the wooden floor swiftly, he grab a piece of paper and a couple colored crayons and laid on the ground. Grabbing the orange crayon, he started saying out loud what he was writing:

- For this new year, I’d like to make new friends! You can never have too many friends, he said, laughing.

Next to the word “friends” he drew a couple of thunderbolts, hearts, and rainbows. Although he wanted a neat list, he couldn’t resist doodling on the sides with various colors.

- Hmm… I think I’d like to try new food! Especially spicy ones. Maybe I’ll turn into a flareon that way? He wondered.

After sketching an annoyed looking flareon, Leo rolled on his back. Thoughts were running wild in his head. He lifted his paws and stared at them for a second. They hadn’t achieved a lot this year. Cooking was one of his favorite activities, and yet he didn’t manage to come up with any new recipes, only master some of his teacher’s recipes. At least they could cook meat without making it burn now! But it wasn’t enough. They loved tasting their teacher’s meal as well as other pokemons’ recipes, but none of the meal he had tried yet were spicy enough for him. He wasn’t sure why, but he had always loved spicy and hot food and couldn’t ever satisfy this appetite.

- What if I was cooking the best hot and spicy meal ever? I would impress everyone!

He rolled on the side again and started drawing. A dark grey cooking pot with giant red flames appeared on the white paper, below the flareon. Leo took another paper and decided to continue drawing, giving up on the list of new year resolutions for now.