
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Series of quick fics related to anything in the Donnie West universe, everything here is canon unless stated otherwise. Content warning some for violence, mentions of abuse and so other triggering content

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Conversation between a killer and a woman

Room as dark as the night, a little sun ray making its way through what's left of a window and smoke so heavy that could fill the room. The ambience was tense, one bad move could make it seem like anything was ready to come out and kill you. 

The killer however, was sitting on the wooden table placed on the side of the living room. It was bad looking, the kind to be found in a public school bad. Visible scratching marks and staints decorated it. 

White noise was the main source in the house but today it was interrupted by a ring, a phone ring. It continued it's melody for almost a minute before getting picked up by the killers long fingers. He did not answer, he never did, who was he to guess when he's done no such thing to deserve a contact of his own. 

"Am I speaking to Donnie?" A woman's voice echoed through the room, it was almost raspy, smoker type of vocals that were quickly identified by the killer. 

"Donnie West, I want to speak to Donnie West, is he here?" She grew impatient, such short temper. 

"Yes, yes I'm here" slow and neutral, no rush to get to the point yet a sense of uninterested could be caught

"Sigh, Donnie, I need to talk to you" 

"I assumed thas why you called, you never really were to talk about other's day" 

"This is serious"

"Am I not being serious?"

"It's about your father" 

The killer took in a inhale and left the smoke to explore its way through the room with a slow exhale. 

Because of the lack of awnser the woman decided to go on, not bothered to ask if he was still there 

"I'm sure you remember he had...problems"

"I remember a lot of stuff from him, be specific" no care on sounding rude

"The whole you know- business" she hesitated to awnser and her voice was more low, almost like making sure nobody was around to hear 

"Wouldn't be able to tell you, most I remember is being left to rot in a room, I saw him how many times exactly? Hmm maybe one night or so every week until what? a completely absence father?" 

He leaned back and took another inhale

"Listen to me Donnie, he didn't mean evil at that time he was just trying to get the money-"

"-Well he had very poor ways of showing gratitude for that family"

She got closer to the phone and started pacing around, the footsteps could be heard from across the house, it was annoying. 

"Donnie West I am your mother don't you think I had it tough during those times too? I had to put up with your father, you, all that pressure"

"You think I came to your life to ruin you? I just wanted to have my life like anyone else, like you too. All you do is blame the rest but never have you once looked at yourself and thought about how your actions affect those around you. And don't tell me I didn't try to help because thas all I could think about every night but I TRIED to convince myself it was just like anyone's else life, that we weren't any different" a pause, then a heavy speed up breathing. "I was just a kid" the killer put his cigarette down against the table to shut it off, his hands were shaky. 

The cigarette broke from the amount pressure. 

The following silence felt like an eternity for both. He took the chance to take back his old posture as his body calmed down from the adrenaline. 

"Your father died in prison last night" 

"I don't care"

"I know" a ring. 

As the killer sat the phone down he started at the table in awe while his cold hands ran through his hair, a sigh, then a sob.