
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

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A Dark Ritual

Tallow candles, a cup of salt, a handful of sulphur from the mine, an intricately drawn chalk circle and the blood of a freshly slaughtered lamb. The unorthodox ingredients Mildred gathered to summon a solution to her dire situation.

The candles snuffed, the salt grains and powdered sulphur scattered outwards with a blast of hot, malodorous fumes. The dark ritual had been a success.
Before her, loomed a monstrous creature from the depths of pits of the nine hells themselves.

Mildred stammered out her plea. The devil offered Mildred a deal, but what did she have to trade? Mildred faltered- what would be the price to pay? Mildred owned almost nothing.
The devil pointed at her belly- not yet swollen, but she knew what they were implying.

“You want my babe?” Mildred subconsciously raised a protective hand over her womb.
The devil grinned as they nodded. A pure, untainted soul. The highest of prizes for the hell-bound.
Mildred blanched. In her naivety, she hadn’t even considered the option of offering this.

“No, no! Surely there’s something else I can give…I beg ye! They’re innocent in this!”
The devil growled in discontent.
“Take my soul instead, o-or I’ll get ye something else ye want, somehow, please, I’ll do anything!

The devil sighed; it seemed no deal would be made this day. What else does a devil desire except for souls? But wait. A terrible idea appeared in the fiend’s twisted mind.
Oh, but the misery. Suffering so deliciously bittersweet…the devil gave a sigh of rapture. This would do nicely.

“Your soul is acceptable…but far less valuable. If you wish to pay with that, I must demand something more in recompense.” The creature’s eyes glittered maliciously.

Mildred trembled but nodded firmly. “What do ye ask of me?”

The devil leaned towards her.

The maternal love that you bear for this child.

Mildred’s forehead creased with confusion and concern.
“My…love? What does that mean?”

“It means that the child will be unharmed, but you will no longer feel a bond to them.” the devil explained nonchalantly. “You’ll be far better off without such pesky emotions, trust me.” The forked tongue flickered as it chuckled darkly.

Mildred stared down at her belly.

“…And they won’t be harmed?”

The devil nodded imperiously. “His soul will be unsullied, and he will be able-bodied…what more could you possibly ask for?” The devil rumbled.

He?” Mildred murmured to herself.

The devil grew impatient. “So what will it be?” it hissed.

Mildred stood silently for a few more heartbeats.

“Yes.” She whispered.