“Harmless” Fun

1 year, 5 months ago

This was a story made for the Ame’s World Halloween 2021 Event.

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Dennis snuck out of the lab early that morning, really early. He wanted to be out of the lab by the time Mond woke as to not cause suspicion. "This is it!" he thought,  "This is the year I'll finally be able to spook them!" Dennis had noticed Mond was afraid of white pupils for some reason; he'd first noticed this when watching zombie movies with the Mizushi a few days ago, though Mond had refused to tell him why.  This wasn't very unusual however, Mond seemed like a very private person so he just assumed they didn't want Dennis to make fun of them. Either way he picked up the contacts from a pop-up costume store and made his way to the costume isle, where he found a torn labcoat and a broken vial made of plastic. "Perfect! I'll stage it like an accident in the lab," he thought.

It was still pretty early when he got back, so he quickly set everything up. Just as he finished setting up, Mond entered into the kitchen area, seemingly grabbing herself a cup of coffee. They took a long sip before  turning to look at Dennis. At the sight of the contacts Mond frightened, throwing the scalding coffee on Dennis and bolting. Dennis yelped at the burning sensation, but he instantly ran after Mond. When he finally caught up to him, he'd curled up in a corner, breathing heavily. Dennis suddenly noticed....one of their pupils was glowing white... Dennis reaches out to comfort him but was bitten. Thats...odd... Mond isn't usually agressive, at least, to him... He stepped back, softly saying, "Mond, it was just a joke to spook you, it was just harmless fun..."

"It was ANYTHING BUT Harmless, Dennis!" They snarled at him. "Do you have ANY idea how traumatizing that was?!"

Dennis steps back, surprised by just how much Mond seemed to  care about this... he looks away and hesitates,  flinching as the Mizushi spoke
"Go. Go to your room." Dennis opened his mouth to ask which room he meant but is cut off by a quick "Yours. Go."

Dennis whined but went without a fight, curling up in the mostly bare room. "Guess it wasn't so harmless hm?" He whispered softly to himself. Dennis laid there for a long time before finally getting up and moving to find Mond. Finally, he found them curled up  on the couch with a cup of tea, shakily sipping it. Dennis moved to an off set cabinet, grabbing a blanket and medicine from it and gently wrapping Mond in the blanket. They startled at first, but accepted it after a moment.
"I'm so sorry..." Dennis said softly, sitting next to the small Mizushi.
"You had better be, you idiot," he huffed, though Dennis simply smiled as Mond slowly, "accidentally" leaned against him, falling asleep.