[RP] Found Family

1 year, 5 months ago

CONTENT WARNINGS: Alcohol consumption

After Blythe gets hammered and left alone by her "friends", the staff of the Fuchsia Dragon tend to her and make sure she's alright.

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  • Socks — 12/21/2022 10:48 PM

    Bri gathered Blythe from the park, finding the small kitzen on the swings. Taking them to the club, he beckoned Lennox and Akira over to the smaller kitzen, looking around for Masashi as he knew he'd be worried. "Can you give them a coffee, or water, or something?" He asked, trying to sober them up. "I'll talk to Masashi about helping too. Maybe he has something in that sleeve of his to speed up the process." "Not drunk," Blythe said, plopping their head on the counter of the bar.
  • Benepotentia — 12/21/2022 10:58 PM

    Akira whipped out their phone and tapped the screen a few times. "Done. Boss ought to be on his way shortly." They said, voice a bit muffled by the mask they wore. The pale kitzen turned to fish around behind the bar. "I was saving this for my break, but..." They pulled a glass bottle out from under the counter with a large Kitzbucks logo emblazoned across it. Akira passed it over, looking slightly regretful. "Here. Espresso. That oughta do it."
  • Socks — 12/21/2022 11:03 PM

    "I'm sorry," Blythe whined, taking the expresso and holding it gingerly. Opening the lid, they sipped it, ears lowered.  "I'll pay you back," Bri said, surprising the smaller kitzen. Why was he being so nice? He's always mean! He actually cared about them? "I didn't mean to, my friend gave me one drink and it all went bad," They whined, feeling bad about burdening the establishment. Sniffling, they looked at the counter, then felt a hand on their shoulder. "It's alright," Lennox said soothingly, moving to pat their head and look at Akria. "I'm sure she'll be able to replace that drink. You're not a bad kit, Blythe."
  • Benepotentia — 12/21/2022 11:07 PM

    "Shit happens." Akira shrugged, turning to return to their dishes. Masashi came sweeping downstairs a moment later, bubbles of slime bobbing after him as though pulled along by a magnetic field. "Ah, there you are." He sighed with relief. Masashi placed his hand under Blythe's chin and tilted their head up to look at him. "How do you feel, sweetheart? Did anyone give you trouble?"
  • Socks — 12/21/2022 11:11 PM

    Blythe's bottom lip wobbled and they shook their head 'no' to someone giving them trouble before hugging onto Masashi. This was....normal behavior for them. "Bri's gonna be mad.." "No, I'm gonna be worried The taller male said, appearing behind the club owner. "Why did one glass of alcohol get you drunk? What was it?" "Something new from this club. I just wanted to try it..." "Masashi," Lennox cut in. "I think your new drink is too strong. I think that's what they drank."
  • Benepotentia — 12/21/2022 11:16 PM

    "Shit." Masashi's expression fell. "Oh, poor thing, come here." He let Blythe hold onto him and he slipped his arms around her, petting her hair. "I'll make some adjustments. I'd hate for someone to end up in some shit because..." He trailed off, then shook his head. "It's okay, sweetie. We're going to take care of you."

December 22, 2022

  • Socks — 12/22/2022 10:12 AM

    Blythe nuzzled Masashi, tails flicking happily at the attention he was giving them. Bri, who was still watching with his arms crossed, walked over and poked Masashi's shoulder. "Is there an antidote? Like, for my poison? Or doss it need to work out of the person's system? I've never dealt with this type of poison so...." He trailed off, too, looking at the tiny inebriated kitzen. "Can we take her to my changing room so she can rest?"
  • Benepotentia — 12/22/2022 10:36 AM

    "There's an antidote." Masashi replied, running his fingers through Blythe's hair. "I made one in case someone reacted badly. Alcohol poisoning, you know? It's upstairs in my apartment."
  • Socks — 12/22/2022 10:41 AM

    "Here, I got her, you go get the antidote," Gently taking Blythe from Masashi's arms, he watched as Blythe reached out for Masashi, chuckling. "She wants you, so hurry up with that antidote," The kitzen joked, his eyes soft for once as he pet some hair from Blythe's face. She scrunched her nose, blepping.
  • Benepotentia — 12/22/2022 10:44 AM

    Masashi stood upright and gingerly pulled Hanako, who was coiled around his neck, from his shoulders. "Here, she'll keep you company." He said, gently placing his beloved dragon on Blythe's shoulder. Immediately, the real fuchsia dragon slithered around to Blythe's other shoulder to drape herself comfortably. Masashi, meanwhile, disappeared upstairs.
  • Socks — 12/22/2022 10:48 AM

    Blythe cooed, petting the little dragon. She adored Hanako, turning to nuzzle the dragon. Bri felt comfortable enough to let Blythe sit up on her own. As he waited for the antidote, he watched as his little sibling cuddled the dragon. "You don't feel sick, right?" He worriedly murmured, and Blythe looked at him and giggled. "I'm fiinnneeee."
  • Benepotentia — 12/22/2022 10:55 AM

    Hanako seemed perfectly content. Her eyes were blank, her muscles relaxed, and tongue flicked lazily as she rested against Blythe's warm skin. No thoughts, head empty. Content, moisturized, in her lane. Masashi returned a few minutes later with a small bottle in his hand. He took a rocks glass from the bar, uncorking the bottle and pouring its contents into the glass. He turned, offering it to Blythe. "Here, honey. Drink this."
  • Socks — 12/22/2022 11:01 AM

    Blythe gently took it, sniffing it and making a face. It smelled gross to them. However, ever the obedient kitzen to Masashi, she downed it, making a face as she swallowed. "How long until it works?" Bri asked, watching his sibling move her hair out of her face - her third eye visible for once.
  • Benepotentia — 12/22/2022 11:56 AM

    "A few minutes. It needs to get into their system." Masashi said, taking a seat on the barstool next to her. "Thankfully I've mastered my element enough to make a fast-acting antidote."
  • Socks — 12/22/2022 12:01 PM

    Blythe looked comfortable as she looked at Masashi. Grinning, she gently pet the dragon on her shoulder, looking at the club owner. "Has she eaten? Can I feed her?" She paused, scrunching her nose. "What happened? Why am I... What happened?" "I think it's working..." Bri murmured, crossing his arms.
  • Benepotentia — 12/22/2022 12:04 PM

    "There she is." Masashi smiled softly. "How are you feeling, Blythe?"
  • Socks — 12/22/2022 12:08 PM

    "Confused, I was with my friends, they said they had a drink from your club, now I'm at the club? Not sure what happened honestly," Looking at the dragon, she perked up, "Hey, Hanako! No thoughts in that head of yours, right?" Petting the dragon, she purred softly. Content.

December 23, 2022

  • Benepotentia — 12/23/2022 1:56 AM

    Hanako flicked her tongue. Head definitely empty. Masashi frowned deeply. "They gave you a drink and just let you stay alone at the park?"
  • Socks — 12/23/2022 1:59 AM

    "Don't...remember really?" Blythe frowned, looking ashamed. "I shouldn't have actually drank it, you know? It was stupid of me to trust them. I was stu-" "Don't you finish that sentence," Bri snapped a little, frowning. "You trusted them. That's not a fault of yours. That's their problem. Let me find out who did this to you."
  • Benepotentia — 12/23/2022 2:00 AM

    Masashi's heart ached. "Don't blame yourself, Blythe." He reached over to place his hand on top of theirs. "Brielle is right-- you trusted a friend and they betrayed that trust. That's on them."
  • Socks — 12/23/2022 2:03 AM

    Bri winced a little when Masashi said his full name, expecting the club owner to snap at him. However, he warched as Blythe's bottom lip wobbled and his heart broke. "You guys are my friends, right? I don't need those guys, right?" She sounded absolutely devisated, and Bri felt small. He didn't know what to say or do to comfort her. "Of course. You'll always be here," He murmured, walking over to hug his sibling.
  • Benepotentia — 12/23/2022 2:06 AM

    “C’mere, you.” Masashi leaned in to give Blythe a hug, leaving room for Brielle too. His heart wrenched; he knew exactly what it was like to have his trust betrayed like that. Far too many times in his (relatively) short life. “We’re here for you, sweetie.” He said softly, stroking their hair.
  • Socks — 12/23/2022 2:09 AM

    Blythe gave a weak noise and started to cry into the arms of the two men, her voice breaking. "Please don't leave me," She wailed into the embrace, and Bri shushed her. "I know what will cheer you up," He said softly, pulling out his phone from his pocket and holding it out her to. "Put in everyone's phone numbers into your phone. They're all there. You can text or call us anytime."
  • Benepotentia — 12/23/2022 2:14 AM

    From the bar, Akira looked on from the corner of their eye. Their expression was neutral as it often was, but their eyes softened a little bit as they watched the exchange. They turned, setting a glass on the counter. Pulling a bottle of sparkling liquid from under the counter, they poured it into the glass and slid it down towards the cuddle puddle. “Here.” They offered, having never been too good at emotionally intimate moments. “…. I should clarify. It’s carbonated juice.”
  • Socks — 12/23/2022 2:17 AM

    Blythe smiled at Akira, laughing softly at her gesture, taking one of the glasses and sipping it. Her ears perked, and she grinned - making Bri feel better. Thanks, Akira. "Thank you," She said in a tiny voice, "It taste like cranberries. My favorite!"
  • Benepotentia — 12/23/2022 2:26 AM

    Akira gave a thumbs up and turned back to the dishes, their short puff tails flicking from side to side awkwardly. When Masashi let go of Blythe again, he sat back and leaned against the bar counter. “Give yourself a bit of time to rest, okay?” He said earnestly. “And let me know if you feel sick. The antidote ought to work, but I have a second dose upstairs if you need it.”
  • Socks — 12/23/2022 2:34 AM

    Nodding, Blythe pulled out her cellphone, beginning to put everyone's number in it. Slowly, each one rang off a rhythmical tune. Shef texted everyone. "Okay, Masashi, thank you for taking care of me... You too, Bri," Bri then blinked in confusion, dropping his arms. "I love you, we all do, I know that, you don't need to thank us."
  • Benepotentia — 12/23/2022 3:10 AM

    Akira's phone went off in their back pocket as the text came through. The sound was loud and obnoxious in the (unusually) quiet club. Akira startled visibly, dropping their rag and fumbling to turn their volume down. "Fucking. Closing hours. Gods. Fuck." They mumbled.
  • Socks — 12/23/2022 3:14 AM

    Everyone, and by everyone they mean anyone in a general vicinity turned and looked at Akira. Blythe, ever the guilty one, slowly sipped her sparkling cranberry juice, her eyes focused on the ground. They felt bad for causing everyone to look at the normally quiet kitzen, their eyes locked on their shoes.  "Sorry," They squeaked.

December 25, 2022

  • Benepotentia — 12/25/2022 9:34 PM

    “All good.” Akira replied, seemingly flustered but otherwise unbothered. Once they got their phone volume down, they flashed a clawed thumbs-up.
  • Socks — 12/25/2022 10:14 PM

    Bri put his hand on Blythe's head, who looked up at him and then at the dragon on her shoulder. "I wonder what dragons think... her eyes look so empty." Smiling a little, she sipped the juice, before looking at Masashi. "Can people with mind powers talk to her?"
  • Benepotentia — 12/25/2022 10:19 PM

    Masashi paused and tilted his head. The heart-shaped orbs of slime spun and twirled in the spot they were suspended. “I’ve never tried.” He admitted. “The element is so rare, and the kitzen who possess it don’t often make it known.”
  • Socks — 12/25/2022 10:30 PM

    "What if I could find one?" Blythe asked, her eyes expressive, a small grin on her face. "I'm sure there's more mind elements than what we think!" She seemed excited, despite the fact it was a fruitless endeavor in everyone else's gaze. She hummed lowly, looking thoughtful. "There's got to be a way they can give themselves away, right?"
  • Chiba MasashiBOT — 12/25/2022 10:32 PM

    “I couldn’t say.” Masashi said uncertainly. “Taboo elementals have gotten adept at hiding their traits.”
  • Benepotentia — 12/25/2022 10:33 PM

    Didnt mean to use the bot but
  • Socks — 12/25/2022 10:37 PM

    "Hmm.... A mind element does what exactly?" She asked, taking little notes as her mission was put on hold for the time being.
  • Benepotentia — 12/25/2022 10:44 PM

    Masashi propped his chin up on his hand, leaning his elbow on the bar. “Well, telepathy, for one thing.” “Mindfuck powers.” Akira interjected. Masashi hesitated. “I mean, that isn’t wrong.” He conceded. “They can read people’s thoughts and emotions, and when they grow in power they can go as far as inflicting mental illnesses on people. It’s all mental manipulation.” His mouth formed a tight line. “It’s a scary one, honestly. But I’m sure there are some who make good use of it.”
  • Socks — 12/25/2022 11:01 PM

    "Oh, I see why they hide it. But... wouldn't it be good to have someone in the club with that power?" Okay, she was thinking more serious than the dragon apparently. "Someone who can be like an emotional bouncer so physical violence from Lennox or even you isn't necessary."
  • Benepotentia — 12/25/2022 11:03 PM

    “If they can read surface thoughts, wouldn’t that be really overwhemling?” Akira speculated absently. “Unless they have fine control over it, I guess.”
  • Socks — 12/25/2022 11:07 PM

    "They probably know how to control it if they live with it, like Brielle and I with our poisonous, uh, glitter? Powder? Whatever you want to call it," Blythe chirped, her eyes glancing over at Akira. "It's all about willpower, and I guess tail amount? I'm sure if they're born with it, they can control it enough." "You're a little too optimistic," Bri muttered, making Blythe stick their tongue out at him.
  • Benepotentia — 12/25/2022 11:09 PM

    “You never know.” Akira replied. “There’s this pyro kitzen at my university, yeah? He lights shit up when he sneezes.” They snickered. “He burned up his test right in front of him. Saddest shit you’ve ever seen.”
  • Socks — 12/25/2022 11:13 PM

    "Okay, I take back what I said about being born with it and being able to control it -- how was he able to ... Never mind." Snickering, Blythe knew she wouldn't give up on her plan, but she would have to be sneaky about it. Bri was staring at them, eyes narrowed, as he crossed his arms. "Don't do anything stupid, okay Blythe?" He asked, watching her like he knew she was plotting something.
  • Benepotentia — 12/25/2022 11:16 PM

    Masashi glanced between the sibling. “As long as you keep yourself safe, sweetie.” He shrugged. “I’d be curious about the benefits of having a Mind kitzen around, I try not to discriminate.” But there was a faint wariness.