Quests for Starters

1 year, 5 months ago

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Quests for Starters
Location-start: Akta


Leading to: 

Old World

As the group embark on their journey after a good rest or fresh up, they head west to the old part of Fabula. While still in Rokka, there are many small locations one can go to before leaving the safer region of the Place. Up north is the Pier of Veltin and where an NPC first seeks for active help.
Its half an hour from Akta and has a very calm and well pointed road for directions.
A Shipment gone missing
Where the group hear one of the sailors scold the other for not watching over one of the boxed that were delivered. He has a timelimit as the customer who had it ordered, is waiting. While the one sailor is stalling for time, the other asks the group for help while he watches the boxes he has. They find bloodtrails leading to the small forest on the left side. (the pathway up can be taken too but there is a better trail in the woods. The mountain Arfield is there. 

Characters/Npcs to encounter here:

The bloodtrails and soon chattering and sounds can be heard as a group of Kobolds had snagged the delivery and are in the process of opening the box.
One would find them in the nearby cave entry as they try to hide the tracks. The one bleeding had tried to open the box immedietly, the group can either talk to them to give them the items within or fight.
Delivery is a variation of cheese and wines.

While the group brings the delivery back (or how much they obtained) getting a reputation by the one guarding. (He can be asked for favors in future)

If the group takes the path of Veltin/Pier, seeing a lady rather annoyed, tapping her foot and holding a scroll. It seem´s she is waiting for someone.
Upon approach one can talk to her. She will say how she is waiting on her list to be brought as she had sent a Haregon deliverer named Kermik Wafflesnout and in now fear of beeing scammed. And if the group could help her.
A seeking Deliverer
The group get´s the list of things from the lady and sends them into Arfield mountain and it´s woods. While the main road is easy to follow, the ingredients the lady wants are more to the north of the mountain and woods of Arfield.
One trail could lead to a wounded Haregon guy who got ambushed by a Bugbear roaming the forest named "Bugsbe" who is not fond of others "entering his territory" and will attack the group. He tends to steal that from others and won´t let the Haregon leave. With the group fighting this Busgbear, one can either grab the Harengon and dash to safety or try to fight him.

After this encounter, the woman will thank the group for bringing the ingredients on her list, handing a reward and the saved Harengon is in depth and will make the first few delivieries for free for the group. (deliveries, letters etc)


One can also decide to see what is up with the small mountaincave entrance (its on the right side of the way up to the mountain of Arfield at the thicker trees.) that is guarded by a Goblin (named Norren) and a Dwarf (named Hogris) who say it´s their mountain.
Quest triggered:
-The deep Howl
-Treasures or Devastation
-Burrow Beyond

In the "Deep Howl" questthe group could listen to the dup argue and if approaching get scuffed away. The duo have a pretty strong combo (for starters its not recommend to fight them)  instead one can try with list or other. Wait for one of them to go on a break and try to enter the cave or other methods
One would always hear a "deep howl" from the cave every now and then and see the duo argue who goes down this time.
The tunnelsystem below is a fun way to interact and following the path with lit torches brings one to a huge door. Leading inside to a homelike area. And a huge direwolf who is partly blind tied to the stonewall. One can befriend and free this poor guy and he will be supportive by ones side. As it can sniff out various treasures

"Treasures or Devastation"
is the mention of their treasure below that they find. Upon following the trail on the ground that has a more "golden" mark, leading to an old land mine. A mini cart adventure, picking the right one brings to a close end and a shovel in the ground. When trying to dig further, the group will nudge against a golden liquid that is flowing out. One can try to stop the hole from overflowing or not touch the shovel (the mention of this danger is from the duo above when listening in on their conversation) One can also decide to open the hidden contraptment door where the whole loot of the duo is. Jackpot. 

Burrow Beyond
Following the third tunnel will lead the group directly through Arfield mountain and land on the outside close to Frisbourne. Takes 4 hrs instead of 7 hrs as one can use minecarts to travel with.

However the group decide, there are different outcomes and secrets within.

Only avoid the timecycle as the two take turns to either feed the direwolf who seeks treasure for them in the mountain inside or shovel on for their loot. 


Pinoli, if one chooses to go before adventuring, can bring man quests and encounters. From Billboard to seekings, gearing up and more. (here also lies the training grounds, nearby the old burnt village and orphanage as well.

Pinolis questgivers are a quick to handle bunch. From tradings to captures. It´s a place to earn a quick

Across of Peltak is Pinoli (about 15 minutes by foot)
As this is close to the many ways one can go, this is the place where  Adventurerers get the "good ol" Equiptment for travelling, merchants who will buy your things, trade or sell.
It´s a very busy lil city and more robustser and lots of things to see than a calmer place like Peltak.
Usually a big Tavern can be found here across the Guildhall.
One can join groups, guilds and such. Seek for jobs and a quick cash or two. Things like hunting slimemonsters for their gooey substance to be traded or a tusk or two to be earned.
Near Pinoli is the Training ground as well as main Infocenter.
One can train, use magic or weapons, fight against others to see if the newest weapon or armor works, have a try in techniques or see if one can find a fitting group to travel with.
The Infocenter gives the first and last tipps before heading into the vast world of Old Fabula.
Nearby are animals as well as transportation to amounts of handling or trade as well as sell.
2 Bridges lead to different areas through the mountains South of Pinoli as well as directly through the wallborder of Rokka.
The Bridges lead to the Land of Gahul. One brings one up North as the other brings to South.
One can always try to climb the mountain. As it´s the 2nd highest of the world (almost as high as the wall) From which one has an excellent view over the lands. Do be wary as it is quite dangerous.
There are borderguards at the bridges and exit and will ask your desitination.

Leaving the area, means you are now in the "wild" world.

Deciding on moving along, the group can either take the path from Veltin through Arfield mountain or between the main road of Peltak and Pinoli  (leading direct to Frisbourne)
Both ways take 7 hours to get there (with the exception that Arfield has the mountain/Woods and dangers of creatures and a lovely lake in the middle for rests if one needs.

Encounter on the paths possible:
-The lost Ring
With a lady looking around and calling for a mans name, this Halfling lady is known as Nahil is seemingly seeking something. Dressed in fine robes, looking  up as she asks the group for help. She seems to have misplaced her ring and it is somewhere here around as well as the husband who went missing to seemingly find it.
Upon investigating, the group would find clues of the husband in a small tavern, drinking. He is a Half Orc by the name of Rumfry and drunk.
Upon trying to talk, one would find out he lost the ring in a card game from the table across and is now too ashamed to return to his future bride.
The group can try and win the ring back and play the card game with Arko, the Ratvolk who eageryl wants to play.
One can try to persuade or other ways to retrieve the ring (and the lost money in the process) and help this poor couple.
Upon winning against Arko, he will have the group in mind (for a much later encounter)

-A nose around
The group stumble upon a big Boar (around hiphigh) who had the farmer on the leash in the back and was storming. After catching the big fella, helping the farmer and talking, one would discover that his pet Boar loves to travel and he can´t seem to contain the "lil guy". The Boar is named "Armadeus Rillo"
As the group talks, the Boar suddenly breaks free and the chase is on. The farmer Orc Fantaki promises a high reward if they help get his precius pet back.
So on it goes. Into a wood full of giant spiders, (where valuable Spiderthread can be obtained), through a training  field where Hobgoblins are practicing slingshots with a huge contraption (the Boar sits in one and gets thrown far off (survives this) and the term "Flying Pigs" is stated, then through a small lil wedding where the Boar lands on the cake, and later then into a hidden glade guarded by an ogre, and ultimately into a small citypart of Herath where the Boar had uncovered the secret entrance to the local thieve's guild of "Thiver".
All in all a very chasing situation and when brought back, the group get´s a big reward.

-The shrunken Shrine
Wandering the path along the way, there is a small lil shrine on the side of the woods. The players can approach it and see someone cussing around and wanting his item back.
Discovering that the shrine holds more than one thinks. The old man is discussing not to himself but with a fairy who warns him not to continue.
The group get tangled in when approaching and get shrunken down to the size of a hand. In order to become big again, they need to find the fairy´s home. Which is a days walk in small form. A glowing mushroom path leads the way.. Encountering animals one can fight or befriend.

The daily Con
A conartist under the name of Eugene Fithlesticks (disguises, tricks and such) to go into his various roles and get lil coins and such out of bypassers
The Group will at start find him on the path between Rokka and Frisbourne and try his luck. (He will be a reoccuring npc, that the group later on befriends and has infos for them when befriended)

Another reoccuring NPc is Margo, a curious wandering Npc who wishes to learn more about others (Species, likes, dislikes etc) and will often ask for various things upon encountering.


Upon reaching the next place (Frisbourne) there are various quests to do inside as well
-see the info on Frisbourne for most quests here, some will be added later on

Depending what the group want´s to do next, there are ways to travel along. Either
to Brimwall in the north (From Frisbourne to Brimwall it´s a 3 days travel)
to City Herath in the South (from Frisbourne it takes 3 days)

Upon taking the way to Brimwall, there is an encounter between. Near Brimwoll (2 to 3 hours) is a lovely hidden farm near the left side of the mountain. Where the quest
Quest: 2 Kobolds, 1 Pie
A sweet elder lady by the name of Gueneviere is cussing after a Kobold who had taken a few of her fresh baked, very delicious pies.
The womans hair is in a lovely long braided brown hair, short ears that appear to have been cut off and she is a Halfling.
She has been complaining that there are two kobolds that have been stealing from her inbetween and always took half of what she made. She doesnt have the energy to finish the chores and get all done by tonight.
Farmhelper duties!
She has
2 cows, 4 sheep, 7 chickens and a Hen, a donkey along a Horse and a small lil crop farm and one side with fruits and veggies.
Animal handling is part.
The group can help her with the chores (inside and outside the house) as these two Kobolds have made quite a mess. The Barn has seen better days and upon talking one finds out that she had lost her husband 2 months ago and that these Kobolds have appeared since 2 weeks. She never saw others only these two with their slight blue and reddish colors.
Helping clean the house, household and gatherings, she rewards them with food. A portion each of her famous Pies. While eating, it is late and she offers the stay in the upper area of her big house. The 2 Rooms are used as guest rooms and group can talk here.
At night there is a rukkus as the Kobolds once again have snuck in to steal but the group defends.
In the morning, one see´s the donkey is out and the most doors open. Gathering all together, one can either stay and help her again or move on.
The next task with helping her has come. One half can travel with her to  Brimwall where she sells her goods and the other remain back to find and maybe talk with the Kobolds.

Those staying back
-Encounter a way to trap the Kobolds, manage to talk and find out why they are stealing. Offering a way that they can "Earn" their food by doing chores, rewarding with Pie or other things. A type of trade

Those travelling with
-A haggle with one of the buyers who has tricked his weighing item so that he doesn´t have to pay more for the goods (Eggs for example) the group can find out by insight check as he is clearly tricking. Revealing his intent, will bring him to a ragefit as he has to pay the right amount for the goods. Stating "The King will hear of this" as he wanders off. One will discover that she has a very skilled way with talking to soothn the situation as people and all around enjoy her baked pies so much that they have become famous.

When returning, the two groups talk and the lady has a word with the Kobolds who later on have decided to help her. In exchange, she let´s them live with her.
Upon thanking the group, giving them her secret recipie, some pies and travelgoodies, they always have a place to stay whenever they want.


Upon taking  the path to City Herath, on their way from Frisbourne, (or from Brimwall depending their route) the group will hear in a very small village after 3 hours of a new Quest

Quest: A Monsters Bash
Word had gotten of loud sounds, items missing (like party stuff from balloons, chairs, table from the big hall and much more) as the village ask the passing by for help to locate a monster who was stealing food and more from the locals. Destroying things on its way. As the group follow the trail and encounter the cave, entering it, stumbling into a prepped room (badly done together) by the monste himself! he has birthday but noone wanted to celebrate and noone could speak his language (maybe someone can?) and making this a party encounter the monsters birthday party in the deeper cave/Dungeon. Let them sing happy birthday. Have ice cream. Show him how it´s done and explain to the village what is going on. Maybe they all can celebrate with him??
In end the monster thanks for the party, group awaken next morning and get some gifts in return as they make their way.


When leaving Brimwall to Argontin  (in the North)
one would meet an ol westerny type as a nearby sheriff, who doesn´t seem to have enough guards, are hunting after a group of bandits and it said to be nearby of an old tall building near the outskirts. Asking the Group to watch for any suspicious activity. This side quest will require stealth and subtlety,  observing the building from afar, and regularly reporting back to the Sheriff. Alternatively, they might just infiltrate the facility and discover the truth themselves.
Inside are the bandits but it turns out they wwere stealing candy from the City of Brimwall and plan to sell in Argontin to a higher price. Keeping most of the sweet loot for themselves.


Between Brimwall and Tintark

The lost puppy
A woman is wandering around and calling her beloved pet as she was seeing the group, asking for help. Turns out her beloved lil puppy is a pretty big Hellhound by the name of "Lassy Larsson" and is only trustworthy of the Lady herself. She asks not to kill the pet but to retrieve him safely to her.


The Metall Were
A small village is beeing plagued by Lycantropie in a span of 2 weeks (were residents are turned into were robots, by fullmoon metallical shine) It is the fault of an Alchemist (who used to live in the new World)  who wants his robotfriend to be more.. fleshy..or rather into his talking best buddy, and dumping his failed experiments into the river.

A dragons treasure
News spreads that a dragon was slain while away from his cave, a search for its unguarded hoard is underway. As the group follow the trails given by heaaring and seeing the scales, it is more clear that the treasure is not looted with gold or more but rather opening it contains a picturebook. Confused as they look, a voice bellows "Those are drawings of my son" the voice of the dragon as it comes closer "They are treasure to me.." and finding out the dragon spread the rumor so that others would leave them alone as she cuddles her dragonkid.

A fascinating pet
A shop/traveling merchant sells pets/familiars that are actually polymorphed people. Named Daria Davini. The group obtain one for a very well price and as the merchant is out of sight, seeing that their pet is behaving strange and trying to communicate. Finding out the trail and letting the pet lead them, seeing the Merchant in the woods as she is casting something. A small slate plate with magic words are written upon. As she speaks them, shushes one of the polymorphed ones and letting them be in their state. The group can encounter and free the captured ones and battle this lady.

Between two points
Still between the place, the group come by a big mountain that has two big areas. Lovely to see. One side is more on the natural, tree loving side, the other seemingly burnt and old.
It is a slight "one side against the other" if the group interact. One lands on the one side, as the others hear the story of the other side.
"BIntal and Benral" are the names of these really small lil villages on the mountains. And the fight had started as the water had stopped flowing. The one side giving the other the fault.
Group can investiagte and find ontop of the mountainpart a giant who had fallen asleep and is blocking the flow.

A hidden treasure

The owner of a failing inn near Mantfor, claims to have the entrance to a mysterious dungeon in his cellar hoping that the ruse will draw business from adventurers. As the group look into it, he hass lead many to a cave and to enchant them to pretend they had seen it.

Holy Item
The Group are hired to retrieve a statue one of the sculptures has made himself. Made of a very smooth material and magnetic. Upon finding the item, they land in a small lil tribe. The Item is on a podest and is being worshipped by a tribe of lizardmen who speak simple and basic but love their shiny new item that seemingly is bringing them good luck (magnetic and delivering things to them from the sky)-small delivery skyship that flies by once a week.


Leading to: 
New World

-New movings
A new seller had jsut moved into one of the buildings near the station and has alot of his furniture and goods on the street. He mutters around that the moving company hasn´t shown up or cancelld and is asking for help. Offering it as a quest in a way. Players can help clean the attic, ground floor, lil garden or basement and help move in the furniture. there are enbemies like "Dust Bunnies" that are sentient and make things dirty (can defeat) along with lil spidercrabs in the basement (holding a secret to an underground tunnel) along the attic with a secret item, a living flying carpet (players can decide to keep the items they find a secret or tell the shopkeep. Upon helping him, he waill reward them with an item each of his supplies as well as grant them discounts with every purchase. 

-the desired item
When leaving Akta, to the East of Fabula, one would see a teenager around his 17 years leering into the shop/store of the Engineering Point. Steaming Duo.
Asking then the group if they could get a specific item for them. He would hand them the money and one can enter and buy it.
But upon research, finding out that nothing is sold to minors and that these items are in practical use for registrated ones.

-Those huge rats
A grandmotherly, if slightly senile, NPC asks the players to rid her attic of rats. The rats are in fact a group of thieves trying to open a magical doorway left by the wizard that previously owned the home. And due to her bad sight, not seeing the images correctly. 

-The crazy drink
The  group stumble across a guy who is selling "super rare" potions and spells for a short time. Calling it "A chance in a lifetime" Each potion has different effects since this mad wizard has been selling potions that have poisonous/odd effects for fun.

-The last part
If the group is seeking answers to findings of Cheops or other information, they hear about a bard who knows all as he had travelled the world.
When they find him, he is a ghost and he will only help them if they give him peace by finishing his final song and singing/Playing his music. Upon making it, they get a piece of Cheops and the information they need after the ghostbard disappears.

-Wind of secrets
Players stumble upon an elder couple that seem in distress with their waggon. Helping them gives some information and a talk. Upon hearing where they are going, turns out the two elder work for a group that specify in stealings and looting unknown travellers in the canyons.

-Chaos in 4
watching over kids from a noble lady, finding out that why noone else wants to watch them, is due to their lil devilish nature. Tiefling Kids are hard and these 4 are no exception. Babysitting time but comes with a high reward (as well as a secret basement of defending). The location is a very big noble house in the more "luxurious" part of the land and where rare goodies can be obtained. One of the kids runs past the group, beeing chased by what seems an exhausted "babysitter". To where the group can interveine and get the "job" To watch over 4 Tiefling kids for a few days in order for the Lady of the House to take care of business. She is in charge of the Airships and delivieries and helping her, brings permanent access to flying these ships if one succeeds. 


Magical Ink delivery
Nayola Getting special ink for the tattoo artist in Akta from an octopus kind of one. Either obtain in the ocean area or way above the aquariun areas
reward is patreon tattoo they get and ability to summon animal. The Tattoo artist (same in Akta the Tiefling Gal) will not say what the reward is, other than a free tattoo. She will ask on what animal they prefer and will grant those who help deliver the ink their own magical tattoo. A patreon animal that can be called upon and reuinite with ink. Doesnt die. In a later case, another quest if wanted, she will ask for a co worker where the players go to Ocevillari (the Aquatic Land) and seek for a perfect Worker (one who has their own ink and artsy)
They will find one who is a skilled artist and loves to draw, dreaming of becoming a tattoo artist but doesnt know how. The gift upon bringing him to the Tiefling Tattoo Artist, is a magical tatooo on the body (where wished to be) and gain ability to open a portal to teleport to Akta at any time. She later grants this gift to other areas with each finished quest one does with her.
The quest for the octo Aquatic guy grants his teleport location.

Nayola quests:
Special Ink-Reward Patreon tattoo
A helping hand- Portal/teleport to Akta at any point tattoo

Octo quest:
For his quest, he forgot a few things at his home. And to get a special book there as well. So back  to OCevillari and to his old house to gain the items as well as the book in shop (cooking book)