Snow Games

1 year, 9 months ago


It's R3M1's first ever winter, how will he take to the new weather?

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R3M1 had never seen snow before, he’d been created in the first half of the year when the days were still warm and bright. Temperature was irrelevant and he disliked the dark evenings of his first winter but snow was his new best friend, able to go on quiet walks or play for hours out in that soft white blanket. He’d catch snowflakes ever so delicately or draw funny patterns with his laser, lie down and make snow angels or try and find the biggest icicle he could. Making snow bunnies was great fun too, rolling around huge balls of the stuff until they felt right and stacking them carefully was only the first step to it. Then came finding little things to make the face: sticks, rocks, trinkets out of the lab no one would miss etc. Ears were the hard part but even when one broke on a figure he was proud; the robot had simply seen his creator’s image instead and taken it in stride, happy to say it was like Nihon now instead of seeing a mistake.

If you asked him what you could do in the midst of winter his list would have gone on forever, though sledding would most certainly be close to the top. The first time was when Molly had taken him out one day and surprised him with a set of cosy winter clothes, after all you’ve got to be prepared for a fun new experience. Needing it or not he adored the fuzzy hat and mittens, and beneath them lay a dinosaur coat, the absolute jackpot of the haul. R3M1 was so excited to get all dressed up he hardly noticed the pair of sleds the cheery scientist had also brought along, it was only when she mentioned finding a good hill that he put two and two together. The experience left him beaming, carefully filling away the memories of the exhilarating speed he had almost flown down the hill at, easily beating her out in a race. There was only one game out in the chill that would beat that day, a snowball fight.

There had been a fair few games at the labs and given the people working there it had gotten quite..competitive. When he managed to hit Bill directly in the face with an oversized ball Nihon’s laughter had surprised him, it wasn’t something heard often and he was overjoyed to hear it sound actually genuine, if only for a moment. It was just the mere chaotic energy of the ordeal and seeing all the people he cared about having fun that endeared him to it. He would always look forward to a match; in fact he was supposed to meet Terence and Molly for one the next day, fingers crossed he’d be able to sleep through the excitement.