Chromatic Tales-Yaven

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
1 1987

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Mild Violence

Initially sent as a spy for Onyxia, Ydelian ends up in Redridge, a quaint village, nearly useless for much other than supply routes and sewing doubt. one in this town seems to have ill intent or cruelty about them, Albeit, he's been tricking them awhile now through his own means. But- for the most part they seem to have come to respect the strange mage at the inn. Even if he does seem to have a rather strange hatred for the hyena-like gnolls.

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Troubles Rising

"Excuse me sir.." A young man had approached the merchant, orange gaze locking with his, "I lost my map...could I borrow yours for a moment?" Antonio nodded, quickly handing the stranger a map, "How did you end up losing yours if I may ask?"

"..A few gnolls raided my camp...they fled..however they took my supplies with them. Which happened to have my map." Antonio nodded, regarding the stranger curiously, "..Y'know. Gnolls here are known for worse, being from Hogger's pack. You should head to Lakeshire, you can't miss the bridge that leads to it." Antonio took the map when the stranger handed it to him, "Thank you then. I'll head there." 

"You may wish to place a warrant for those gnolls as well. I doubt you're the only traveler who has been attacked...what is your name by the way?"

"Call me Yaven." The young man waved as he walked away from the merchant, heading towards the location on the map.

"Strange traveler." Antonio shrugged as he made his way down the familiar road, noticing a scorched camp nearby, gnoll tracks leading away. And, on a nearby rock, what remained of a map, likely the traveling mage's spell had gone awry.


Yaven made his way down the path, noticing a large stone-built bridge. Humans were at least talented, even if dragons were far more powerful. Hopefully, those gnolls wouldn't attempt to blow his cover again, he had given them a good enough scare earlier. Revealing his true form momentarily, that merchant didn't seem to have noticed what happened, however. 

A guard stepped forward, eying the stranger warily, "What is your business here traveler?" He questioned, "...Supplies. And I intend to stay at the inn for a while.." the guard glared momentarily, before moving back into his position, "I cannot be too careful these days.." Yaven nodded, stepping passed the guard, "I can imagine, the king only returned recently after that dragon's attack after all. By the me Yaven."

The stranger entered the town, heading directly to the inn. After some rest, the plan would have to go into place to redirect the supplies to Blackrock Mountain.


Or, that had been the plan. Yaven found himself getting more and more attached to the small town and apparently was a useful ally for them to have on hand, with the guise of a mage, a rumor that spread likely because of that merchant, he was usually able to scare off the occasional gnoll attack or murlocs that got just a little too close, He'd taken up a job at the inn while he was there. Initially to lie about supply routes to the traders that would stop in town, and to gain trust. Eventually. Yaven had stopped informing the flight of his whereabouts and over time the trade routes returned to normal. And that's how it would remain for the next 5 years.


Everything had been relatively peaceful after the Lich Kings rumored defeat. Yaven placed a job on the message board while helping set the inn up for the day. Things were beginning to return to normal, of course, there were still the gnolls, murlocs and even ettin's that passed through, and rarely into, town. But that was nothing a new adventurer couldn't handle...probably.

Maybe he'd leave the ettin job out for now actually, that one might be a liability, nothing a quick forest fire couldn't chase out anyway.

"What is that..?!" A panicked voice from outside distracted him, as villagers began running towards their houses, Ydelian opened the inn to let a few of them in, catching a glimpse of a monstrous shadow flying over the horizon, the Aspect had awoken. Bent on destruction.

"Get into the cellar." Yaven warned, gaze turning towards the innkeeper and the few travelers and shopkeepers that had come in, "What if it comes down here then?!" Clyde asked, glaring towards the sky, "Or its friends?"

"Get going!" Yaven demanded, orange gaze locking with theirs, "It'll be fine so long as we aren't noticed." Brianna, the innkeeper quietly nodded, motioning for them to follow her into the cellar, Ydelian momentarily turned his attention towards the window, watching as a large fireball was launched towards the border between Searing Gorge and Redridge, before following the others.

For Redridge, the terror was gone in a matter of minutes, as Deathwing's rage was aimed elsewhere. But whatever peace Redridge had managed to obtain was long gone.


Yaven, for the time being in dragon form, snarled at the small camp of gnolls, wings outstretched, the hyena-like creatures yelped as they ran back into the mountains. They had been getting closer and closer these past few weeks. Snorting, Ydelian summoned lava underneath the campsite, destroying it so they had no reason to return. He turned to head home, before a familiar, and concerning scent hit him.

A wyrm revealed himself from within the brush, glaring, "They're a means to an end. But I'd prefer them to do their job." he hissed, watching the younger dragon with disdain, "How long were you planning to keep this act up? Our master has returned. I'd expect you to help further our plans.."

Ydelian glared, orange gaze on the wyrms, "I came here on the orders of a dead dragon, who lost to her own game. Nor is that aspect a master of mine."

Darkblaze's gaze narrowed, the insolence of this creature, "Pick which side you're on carefully, Ydelian."

"I refuse." The dragon's answer was final, Darkblaze snorted in annoyance, "...I suppose then, your mind has been made." The wyrm's gaze narrowed, "You'll live to regret that." The dragon then vanished through the use of a hearthstone with a red rune. Yaven sighed, shifting into his human form to head back to Lakeshire.


The dark caverns were dimly lit by the surrounding lava rivers throughout, leftover from Ragnaros' time within the mountain. A large wyrm made his way through the twisting corridors before coming upon a particularly eccentric half-dragon. Muttering on about whatever horrible nonsense that was performed in the lair-turned laboratory. Darkblaze let out a low growl, catching the attention of the strange creature.

"I hadn't expected a visitor..!" Maloriak exclaimed, before bowing before the wyrm, "..What would bring one of Deathwing's brood here? If I may ask.."

Darkblaze smirked watching the half-dragon, "An offer, I had heard of your recent failings with one of our whelps..." Darkblaze trailed off, as Maloriak eyed a vial of a strange potion, "Y-yes..Atramedes. Don't worry...Nefarian still found a use for him. He guards one of the chambers that leads to the main lair-" Maloriak quickly stopped talking when the wyrm raised a talon, "I'm not here for excuses, what happened to the whelp is no problem of mine." Darkblaze explained calmly, "The offer is simple...redeem your failure with a drake. It's a traitor to our flight anyway, Nefarian should not mind so long as it is successful." Maloriak quickly nodded, eager to take on the task, "Bring the drake here. I will have plenty prepared."


Yaven came down the stairs of the inn, still shaken from the events the night before. He hadn't slept well at all either..worried the strange wyrm would decide to destroy Lakeshire. was more concerning that nothing had happened after that exchange. Nothing..changed. No one seemed to act any differently, so no one knew the truth about his identity for the time being.

Brianna entered the inn, waving slightly to get her friend's attention, "You're up late." She remarked, Yaven shrugged slightly, "Sorry. Antonio managed to chat my ear off last night." He lied, but explaining the truth was no better right now, Brianna seemed to believe the answer anyway, " matter. The Grand Magus was looking for you."

"Him..? Aside from hiding in that tower day in and day out what exactly would I help him with?" Yaven questioned, Brianna just shrugged, "I wouldn't know. You're pretty much the only other mage that sticks around." Yaven nodded, his expression momentarily becoming worried before he shook off the concern. "Alright..I'll be back before the day is over."

He turned to leave the inn, that wyrm wouldn't stick around long. Even if Yaven lost there'd be questions as to how Doane would be able to defeat a dragon alone.

It was the middle of the morning, so Lakeshire was rather busy. Adventurers and traveling merchants chatting and planning the day, Yaven managed to get by them relatively unnoticed.

He carefully made his way to the forest over town, right now the ettins would not be much of a problem as they preferred hunting during the afternoon. But he still took care not to alert any of them that may have been monitoring the rarely-used pathways, eventually, he noticed the ancient ruins that loomed over eastern Redridge. Stonewatch tower over a cliffside. Here, however, he would not be noticed if he had shifted. As the tower was tucked behind cliffs and many leftover illusion spells from the prior occupant.

Darkblaze knew that's what the young drake would try. The Blackrock orcs he had stationed above the dragon knew it as well, well hidden by shadowgems and illusionary magic. Much like himself.

The moment the traitor had shifted had sealed his fate. Darkblaze carefully shifted the scrying orbs gaze, The time to strike is now, Gath'llzogg. The dragon telepathically warned the death knight, this orc had once before helped Nefarian's plans as well, and he eagerly took the chance to strike a blow at one of Lakeshire's best defenses, though they had been unaware of the true identity of their local "mage".

Yaven, now in dragon form readied his breath for the tower. One strike, that's all it would take, he reminded himself, as a large elementium net came down from the cliff above, winding the dragon momentarily and draining his magic. The lavabolt had struck the tower but it was not nearly as powerful as it needed to be. Yaven roared, flaring his wings in an attempt to shake the net off, only becoming more entangled due to both the craftsmanship, and the enchantments that had been placed. "This was much simpler than I had expected.." Magus Doane exited the tower, watching as the dragon struggled to regain footing, "What's this then? A way to prove that you're an ally?" Yaven growled, using a talon to throw one of the orcs away, Doane just shifted into the form of a wyrm, holding Yavens head down carefully, "No....your fate will be different then I initially intended.."

Gath'llzogg, followed by two dragonmaw, quickly placed a muzzle on the drake, preventing one of his more dangerous weapons from being used, the elementium preventing him from shifting back into human form to escape. The drake, now sufficiently subdued with the help of Darkblaze let out a low hiss, thrashing again to attempt to break the bonds containing him. "Take this to Maloriak." Darkblaze ordered, dropping a runestone in front of the dragonmaw, "And do tell him to curb this one's temper.." He summoned a dark, shadowlike spell to temporarily put the drake asleep during travel, to prevent any chance of him escaping.


Doane returned to the small town, to deliver the unfortunate news that the mage they had so well trusted, was in fact behind the recent gnoll and ettin attacks. And behind the Blackrock's return to Redridge.

His identity as Darkblaze remained hidden, though questions did arise as to why Doane never brought any proof of the dragons defeat, which was simply explained by the dragon running away. Avoiding the fate that would come to him now that they learned his identity, Yaven, or rather, Ydelian, was no better than the others of his kind, at least. So long as one had asked Doane, who happily would tell the tale to any who'd listen.

Author's Notes

I admit- I have more of his but it's yet unfinished. More unfortunate. He's one of my favorites. We'll have to fix that soon.