Chromatic Tales-Kelzius

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
1 2335

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

A lost whelpling, adopted after fearing for his life, ends up in a new clutch, taken in by a kind broodmother. He only knew his love for his home, and flight, before tragedy struck, ending with him being separated and used against those he once cared for. The question is- is that once loyal and brave whelp still within the cunning Chromatic?

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Not-so-great reunions

The whelpling was afraid, what was going on? The sudden panic that overtook the flight within the grove was easily felt, The blue aspect's angered roar resounded through the forest as a large pale golden flash came from the direction of the Earth-warder, the whelp covered himself with his wings as the blue aspects spell finished, and the light slowly faded.

The young dragon, still hiding under his large wings hardly noticed the world change around him. At least until the cold wind parted them slightly, with a surprised chirp he stood up and quickly lost balance on the new, somewhat slippery terrain.

The whelp first shook off the annoying substance with a snort. Before realizing he was far from the safe grove he had hatched in. The whelp, now worried took to the air, in an attempt to locate his flight, by sight or by smell. However, from what he could tell, there was no one. What had happened? Was it that light from before?

The whelp was snapped out of his thoughts by a loud snarl, and a large charcoal-grey creature lunged at him from the ground, narrowly missing his wing. The whelp, startled, launched a fireball towards the beast, momentarily dazing it, the whelp twisted and spun a bit, staying out of reach as the creature ran away. The whelp was a dragon after all. To be feared by the wildlife was normal, at...least until the creature found more of its kind. As more howls and snarls sounded around him, the whelpling quickly started flying in the opposite direction. Hoping for a spot to hide or for the creatures to lose interest.

The large creatures continued their pursuit, and only became more aggressive as the chase continued, much to the whelps disappointment, he fled into a small crevice on a cliffside, out of reach of the large pack. Some attempted to scramble up the cliffside but gave up as night fell. Deciding to wait until the whelp moved, as while the crevice was safely out of reach, it had only one point to leave from, even the blue-creatures odd flames could not keep them at bay long enough.

It was only a matter of time.

At least the tundra wolves thought, until a larger, much more intimidating blue-creature landed nearby as if searching for something. The whelp peered out of the crevice curiously, this was a flight member. Not one he had been familiar with, however, one of the wolves took the chance it had to try and snatch the whelp, clawing its left leg, the whelp, startled and now sore from the wolves claws, hissed and threw a fireball at it, retreating back into the crevice. This caught the blue dragon's attention, and, before the wolf decided to make another attempt roared at the pack, sending them off with a series of frightened yelps and barks, as they retreated into the forest.

"You can come out's safe little one." the blue spoke, settling not far from the whelps hiding place. The whelpling carefully snuck out of the crevice, watching the larger dragon warily, before settling onto her talons after a moment's debate. While not familiar, this was the only flight member he'd seen.

"..I'll bring you to what members we have left. Maybe your brood got away as well." The dragon picked the whelp up carefully, heading towards the Nexus and hoping that more had survived the Demon Souls wrath.


Kelzius peered outside as a light snow fell, the sun finally beginning to peek out from behind the clouds. The storm had subsided by now. His tail flicked thoughtfully as a whelpling snuck up behind him, playfully biting it much like a cat would, "Gotcha!!" Kelzius snorted, turning towards the hatchling, "You do realize I'm bigger then you by now?" Carefully Kelzius shook the hatchling off his tail before lowering his head, "..Where are the others Arzigos?" Kelzius asked, not before he noticed the other two hatchlings drop down from above him playfully giggling as their older sibling reared up and let them roll off of his wings, "You all are too hyper...where are mom and dad?"

"Actually...also why we're here." Esmera admitted, grinning, "We just wanted to play first! Come on!" After that, She, Arzigos, and Alrygosa dashed back into the cavern, followed by Kelzius. 


"There you all are, we were wondering if you had gotten lost." Talen smiled at the hatchlings, "We found Kel!" Alrygosa exclaimed, playfully climbing onto her mother's talons, Kelzius chuckled, nudging the other two along with his wing, "More they planned an ambush. But yeah." Kelzius' tail flicked as he looked up to Talen, "Anyway. Why call us here? Just curious."

"I'm going to go hunting for a while. In the hatchlings and Felgos will go outside to forage for herbs. It gives you time to play as well after that storm." Felgos nodded, nuzzling Talen, "They'll be safe. Don't worry." He assured, gently taking Arzigos, "I know they will be. Be careful though."

"We will be! You be careful as well though." Talen nodded, Nuzzling her hatchlings before leaving the cavern and taking flight. 


The hatchlings were playing in the snow, tossing snow at each other and building structures, everything for the time being seemed calm, until Arygos landed nearby seeming concerned by something, "Felgos! You need to of Deathwing's scouts was seen close to the Nexus.." The blue dragon took notice of the hatchlings, seeming thoughtful, "Don't worry...Talen is going to return soon. I spoke with her on the way here." Felgos cast a distrustful glance at Arygos, but there was the concern that Deathwing would want to finish what he started...

"Lead me there then. Kelzius, make sure you and your siblings get back to the den. I don't mean to cut your time short..but.." Arygos snorted slightly, "You do realize Talen will be back shortly. They can handle a few minutes just fine."

Kelzius shook his head, "No...if that flight it's better we hide." Arzigos looked up from his snow structure curiously, "Isn't that another flight though? Why would they be scary?"

Arygos snorted in slight annoyance, looking at the small whelpling, "We simply do not get follow your brother. It seems Felgos will be stubborn otherwise.." Arzigos nodded, though now more confused than satisfied with an answer. Kelzius picked Esmera up, letting her ride on his head, "It's alright dad. The den isn't far."

Felgos sighed, but nodded, "...Alright..if you see Talen though. Let her know where you are." Arygos impatiently thumped his tail on the ground, interrupting Felgos "Time is of the essence Felgos. Let's go." Felgos nodded, following after Arygos when he took off. Alrygosa watched them leave before looking at Kelzius, "..What..was that about Kel?" She asked, following the dragon closely, "...If it's only a scout it will be chased off. It's nothing to worry about Alry." He gave her a reassuring nuzzle, before catching an odd scent, and covering the hatchlings with his wings, a sharp growl sounding, "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"What do you intend to do..little whelp? You may put them in danger if you're too foolish.." A drake revealed himself, the illusion spell he was using falling apart as soon as he moved away from the treeline. Kelzius only glared, keeping his siblings hidden, "I'm not letting them get hurt. Who are you?" The young dragon demanded, tail lashing in anger, "Such a commotion you're going to cause...hush now. You need rest." The dragon allowed dark-colored magic to swirl around the hatchlings before they collapsed into the snow because of the spell. Firemaw smirked..he was warned to leave most of them however...the stubborn one would be quite useful to his master. Picking the hatchlings up, he vanished back into the forest. Not to be heard from until the time was right.


Talen had arrived to an empty den, with neither the hatchlings nor Felgos nearby, their scents having faded. Worried, she took flight to scan the nearby area, noticing two familiar blue forms returning from the Nexus, but still no hatchlings..

She roared to catch their attention, Felgos landing nearby shortly later followed by Arygos, "Where are the hatchlings!?" Felgos' heart dropped, had none of them made it back? "I thought they were safe at the den. Arygos mentioned-" He was interrupted by Arygos' annoyed hiss, "I did say we needed to make sure they got home safe..who knows if the scouts found them first.." 

Talen glanced between them, but shook her head, "We need to find them. First and foremost." She urged, looking over Coldarra, "We'll split up. If you see any of them. Roar.." Felgos nodded in agreement, taking the route near the ledges where the hatchlings often tried to spot the spirit of the north, hoping they only got distracted by a game.

Arygos meanwhile waited for them to leave, before heading into a clearing and shifting into a human form, "You're lucky you left no traces Firemaw..we'll need to be more careful from now on." he muttered, as the drake placed the three hatchlings onto the ground with a huff, "It will be much simpler with one gone. I'm sure you'll find more in the future, however. One will not nearly be enough for my master."

" I don't want your scent to linger for too long'll raise suspicion." At that. Firemaw vanished through the use of a hearthstone. As Arygos turned to the hatchlings and shifted into his dragon form, Roaring.

Talen and Felgos landed nearby, and rushed over noticing the hatchlings in front of Arygos, "..Where's Kel..?" Talen asked, carefully picking up her three hatchlings and placing them on her back. Arygos sighed, seemingly disheartened, "Their spy took him I'm afraid...I only managed to get the little ones back before he left." He admitted. lowering his head, "I'm sorry..there was not more I could do." Felgos let out a low growl, gaze settling onto Talen, "We'll find him. I promise."

Talen nodded, before moving to head back to the den, "We..will need to warn the others...we can't risk losing another like this.."


"I do hope you aren't in a mood Z-71..I have a deal for you.." Vincet entered the arena-like room, this was among the last of the things to move over to his own lab. A useful tool left to long as it would behave that is. The dragon within just glared and let out a low hiss, attempting to ignore the visitor, "...You help me..and I'll gather information to fix your..issues. You were among the first weren't you?" 

"And if I don't help you?" Vincet shrugged, nonchalantly, "Let me let your own siblings get killed coming here, and by now you're not even a member of your flight. I doubt anyone would care to notice if you returned even now." Z-71's demeanor seemed to change right then, "And...if I help you..this will change?"

"Yes..likely for the better. That flight seems to have abandoned you anyway...they came here you know. Passed you by.." Vincet lied but who was alive, to tell the truth? Z-71 sighed, absentmindedly tapping at the ground with a talon, "...Fine. What is it you need me to do?" 

"A favor for a friend. Shouldn't take'll see what's become of your home as well.." The chromatic just huffed in annoyance, "I never agreed to help your friend.." He growled as Vincet shrugged and clipped an arcane band onto the dragon's wing, "I assure you..this was not my plan either. It may however prove to be of some use."

Z-71 flinched away from that band as it was clipped, "..Fine then.."


Soulgos nudged his mother lightly as the morning arrived. The Embrace was soon..they needed to prepare for it. Talen wearily nodded, "I'll meet you outside..don't worry." Soulgos nodded, nuzzling his mom slightly, "...It'll be alright." he assured, though it had seemed hallow given everything that had happened, he then turned, leaving the den after noticing an odd scent drift away from the forest. It likely was a Nexus scout..however, any of them coming close to here was unusual. Especially given the circumstances.

Z-71 watched from within the woods, not wasting any time to lunge out of the brush and tackle the large blue dragon to the ground with an angered snarl, Soulgos wasted no time in using his arcane breath, tossing the strange dragon off and into the snow.

"Who are you?!" Soulgos roared, before noticing the dragon had blue scales, uneven red patches along his wings and sides, Z-71 snarled, lunging forward again and biting the dragon's wing, shaking his head in an attempt to dislocate the joint. Talen then launched herself outside of the den, quickly dragging the newcomer away from Soulgos with a snarl, "You will not cause harm to him!" Her grip loosened when the dragon clawed her side, quickly moving away from the larger dragon with a snarl, Talen's gaze shifted to concern when she noticed the scar on his right leg, "..You can't be.."

Z-71 let out a hollow laugh, "Took you that long? You really did forgot then.." At that, the dragon shifted his gaze as purple flames began to spread over the horizon, he bought enough time by now. Kalecgos was likely dead, "I bought the time we warned. The hour of twilight is upon you." The dragon took his chance to leave, knowing that two dragons were too much of a threat to face.

Talen spread her wings in order to follow, but Soulgos shook his head, "..Mom..That isn't Kelzius, not now. We need to know what he was stalling for. Come on." Talen watched as the dragon faded from view, before turning to follow Soulgos, saddened that another hatchling had been lost.

Author's Notes

ahaha Kelzius.

Yeah I definitely will have more to explain, this is only the beginning of his story. This ends up changing quite a bit too lol.
He's a fun character.