Zoran's Lore

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
2 2192

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Hello, This is Zoran's Lore I am not a good writer myself and rarely ever write Lore, this is something that has been on my head for quite some time about him. Of course this still on his beta stage and there are a lot of stuff i may change in the future. For now enjoy! (Also I am not English native so my English may not be perfect)

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Chapter 2 - Poke and Berries

He managed to enter a town and talk to some people but these where really confused and by seeing a talking Zoroark specially a Short haired one... and colored too. 

Some still confused treat him pretty well and replied kindly to his questions.

Zoran thinking on his head was questioning many things and what to do first 

"I think i need a map... or something to guide me through this town... Can I stay in this town??

Zoran found a small bench and decided to stay there and observe around a little. He felt pretty nervous by the people glazing at him while their walked. There was some people that point at him, he was not able to know what they were saying but he felt really out of place.

After that he walked around the place looking at stuff around. There were things that really called his attention like some berries he as never seen before, he asked about the name and if he could take a bite but was denied only got the names.

The sir replied 

"Oh, You can have one but you have to pay first, do you have any poke on you?" the sir crossed his arms waiting for the Zoroark's reply. 

Zoran got a bit nervous 

"No... I don't have poke-" Zoran in his head said "Damn that was important!! I have to get the poke first to get things!"

Zoran now had to find a way to get money first of all! He wasn't sure how so he said 

"-How do I get poke?" to the sir. 

The Sir replied "hmm..." while rising an eyebrow 

"I can buy some berries you got. Do you got any?

Zoran said "No..." in a worried tone. 

"Well... you are a Pokémon after all, you can go to the forest and get some or ask your trainer to buy you a berry"

Zoran got a bit worried about the word trainer and left right away. He thought about a trainer, what if he get's captured!? He couldn't be able to do what he wants to do now. 

Right now he had to go to the forest and collect some berries... In the forest there's a lot of another Pokémon and trainers too. This felt more like a quest. He has to be really careful to not be found by trainers who really wants to capture him, If he could use his Illusions perfectly he could easily get some by other Pokémons.

Zoran while he was thinking about all this was walking unconsciously towards the forest near by. He got a bit surprised because he arrived so fast

He proceded to walk around looking at bushes and some trees, after a while he only found a small Oran berry 

"woah look at you... you are so small! I don't think you'll work to get poke

Still he put it in his bag and murmured a bit tired 

"I should get more ber-"

He heard something hit the tree he was in front of. A pokeball fell to the ground. 

Zoran heart went crazy, he needed to move quick! He pick up the ball ran to the bushes and saved the ball in his bag too. And started to ran has fast has he could. After climbing a tree he calm down a little. Looked down to see if the trainer was around. 


He turn to one side to see that there was a Pidove looking at him pretty confused.

"..." Zoran felt really uncomfortable 

"He he Sorry there's a trainer around and they almost catch me

The Pidove got surprised 

"You lucky then... you can stay a bit, no worries, but make to turn into a Pidove to not call the attention k?

Zoran in a charismatic tone 

"Of course I can... sure... no worries" and then stayed quiet with a small sweat in his forehead.

"Come on! Turn into something! You'll call the trainer attention" said the Pidove.

Zoran didn't reply and was really uncomfortable. He looked arround and climbed higher to the top of the tree.

"They won't find me up here" thought Zoran. The tree wasn't so high but it was enough to see the top of the other trees. Luckily he saw a tree with some berries a bit far from where he was.

The Pidove started to appear in Zoran's view as this lil Pidove walked up of the tree. 

"Here it feels more secure..." looking at Zoran. 

"Yeah... I see some berries over there" while pointing with his face. 

"Hey I am sorr- wait-what berries?" Pidove looked arround immediately after hearing what Zoran said. 

There was a tree with blue berries popping out. The Pidove stare at it and it seemed like it was going to say something but couldn't remember wha was it.

"Let's go get it" and stared to walk to it through the branches. It looked silly.

"Wait but there's a trainer arround... What if they are close to it, picking them too!"

The Pidove froze for a moment and turn only the head to look at Zoran.

"There's a trainer??"

"Yeah? That's why I am up here, waiting for them to go away"

"Aaa then turn into Pidove then!"

Zoran is really confused by this Pidove, it's like it totally forgotten what just happened. Or it was another Pidove?? No no. Their scent was the same from the first one so it has to be the same one. 

Does this Pidove as um... Zoran couldn't remember the name but he was still afraid if the trainer was close. The Pidove turned around and keep walking silly through the branches and walking from tree to tree. It was easy for them because they were a lot more lighter than him.

 Zoran was getting frustrated, he didn't want to wait anymore and was afraid the Pidove could be caught too.

Zoran got an idea, he wanted to make this fun, he followed the Pidove from behind and when he felt that it was a moment he jumped to the Pidove and caught it, falling down the trees both panicked. Zoran tried to put his feet down to make sure both of them have a firm landing. And so they did!

"..." the Pidove turned to Zoran "The hell was that!? You wanna kill me?! You wanna die!?" The Pidove moved their wings and beak to try to get off Zoran arms.

"Look- Ay!- Pidove! This is dangerous!! We just do this fast and get over it! Alright!?" Zoran was fighting with the Pidove as he talked, it was annoying.

"... you sure?" Say Pidove as Zoran walked to the tree with the berries "yeah I am sure, we just gotta pick many of them and take them to a safe place. I got a bag" he pointed at it.

As he started to take them to his bag he says "if we ate them here we can be in danger because of the trainer"

"Trainer?! Alright I'll help you"

Both of them took a good amount of berries, Pidove can't carry any of them so Zoran is taking them all. 

Both of them start running. Apparently Pidove knew a good place, it was a small cave, it wasn't too deep and worked pretty much like a tend. They were tired and relaxed a little bit.

"Why do you walk like that?" The Pidove asked, Zoran knew what they were referring to it was a uncomfortable question but he pretended that it wasn't.

"Like whot?" Zoran smiled and rested on his back with his arm in his head.

"Like a human! In your two feet! You are a Zoroark you meant to run in all four!!" This Pidove really liked to move their wings as they talked.

"Oh well... because hehe I like to!" This wasn't the real cause but he was trying to annoy Pidove. 

"-oh you- give me a proper answer you-" Zoran shuts Pidove gently by pressing their beak with one hand and laugh at this.

"Hahahaha!! What are you gonna do now little Pidove~" Zoran puts a berry on the Pidove beak and one on his mouth.

"...I just don't wanna answer that..." says Zoran in a more serious tone. And takes the berry out of Pidove beak "...sorry about that" Both eat the berries in silence and Zoran leave some to sell them.

Pidove realized that getting late, Pidove sleep really early so they started to get prepared to sleep besides Zoran. 

"Eh? What you doing?" Zoran just looks at the Pidove "is time to sleep... you know?"

Zoran just look at the Pidove "Well... I am gotta go, I don't wanna sleep here and I gotta go sell these berries..." he jump off the small cave. The Pidove was a little sad but felt that it was alright, they just keep sleeping.

Zoran went his way to the town, first he hided through the trees until he saw a path. Then he followed arriving fast in the town. It was getting dark and he had to find the sir and sell the berries.

The place was pretty in these hours, but this was not the moment to appreciate the moment as he was running late. Zoran ran as fast as he could. And arrived in the place were the sir was selling the berries.

Just in time as the sir was starting to pack all his products. Zoran was happy but worried that the sir wouldn't accept the berries despite the moment.

Zoran got closer to the sir but out of his view, with his bag in hand "I am back, got berries"

The sir turns in surprise, Zoran voice caught him by surprise "Hay! You scared me! ... you actually got them?!" The sir takes Zoran's bag and smell the berries inside, and give a stare to Zoran "These better be real and not some Illusion!"

Zoran was a little annoyed by this "No no no that is not a Illusion, I went all the way to the forest and retrieve them, if you are not secure please taste them" Taking one of the berries and offering them to the sir.

The sir looked at Zoran and give a bite to the berry, the sir eyes closed in concentration, making sure the flavor is correct. 

Zoran was really nervous about that. The sir rises one eyebrow and looks back down at Zoran and smiles. "These berries are pretty good, I believe they are real!"

The sir reach out to their pocket and takes some poke to pay the Zoroark. As Zoran eyea shines of happiness. 

Author's Notes

He he still have to finish this but is really late